The strongest soldier

Chapter 1252 Using strength to exert pressure

Ten minutes later, someone came from the Metropolitan Police Department, the highest department of the Kyoto police. The top officer, the Police Director, led the team. Unlike the top police officers in other regions, Kyoto called the Police Director, not the head of the headquarters, a fat guy with big ears. , in his fifties, a very neat police uniform, his triangular eyes slightly closed, flashing with an unknown light, accompanied by a large number of policemen, menacing.

The ambassador to Japan arrived at the hotel almost at the same time as the police director. The ambassador ignored the police director's approach and walked in with a cold face. Behind him was the military attache to the embassy, ​​who also had a silent expression and wide-eyed anger. Looking at the crowd around him, he finally landed on the leader causing trouble.

The first policeman to arrive saw the Kyoto police chief arriving and hurried to report the situation. When he passed the ambassador, he greeted him politely. The ambassador looked at him calmly and hurriedly came to Luo Zheng. He landed on the person who was knocked unconscious by Luo Zheng, with a questioning look in his eyes. He was not sure whether this person was really fainted, so the ambassador cautiously did not speak.

Luo Zheng understood the ambassador's caution and believed in his own methods. With his skill, the other party could not wake up in a short time. He lowered his voice and said: "Ambassador, my goal is the Ishii family. I will use diplomacy to force the government to put political pressure on the Ishii family. , it’s better to move them.”

"Understood." The ambassador whispered knowingly, pointing to the unconscious man.

"Temporarily comatose, nothing serious. We were drinking tea, and they came up to check our IDs. If they didn't cooperate, they would beat them. That's probably what happened." Luo Zheng explained.

The ambassador secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the other party is okay, the rest of the matter will be easy to handle. If someone is killed, he will be more passive when it comes to making trouble. He said softly: "Leave it to me. Do you want to evacuate first?" Luo Zheng and Lan Xue's identity is special. After all, she is disguised. It would be bad if she is exposed.

Luo Zheng nodded knowingly. Seeing that Luo Zheng was doing things calmly and not acting impulsively, the ambassador secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said to the military attache: "You escort them out first and take my car. I will stay and negotiate with them. Don't say anything. "

"Understood," the military attache agreed, looking at Luo Zheng and Lan Xue.

Luo Zheng looked at Xinzi, who said nonchalantly: "I'll withdraw with you and leave in my own car. We'll meet here in three days. Is there any problem?"

"Okay." Luo Zheng agreed without hesitation, and everyone followed the military attaché outside.

The ambassador walked in front, looked at the police director with a bad expression and said: "Your Excellency, they threatened to search me, beat our staff innocently, and insulted my country. I will negotiate this matter with your Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Now, I The staff members were stimulated and need to go back first. These thugs won't stop them, right?" The ambassador was slapped with three hats when he came up, searched him, beat him and insulted the country. Anyway, there was no evidence. It was just a matter of words. It all depends on who can get the better of the other. , the first two are good points, but the latter is a fatal thing. Insulting the country means provoking.

Moreover, the ambassador deliberately defined the other party as a thug. The police director was found guilty without objecting on the spot. Even if he objected on the spot, it would be tantamount to defending the thugs. The ambassador could immediately extend it to the thugs who were ordered by the government to attack diplomatic staff. Then the matter would be even more complicated. Big.

The police chief could naturally hear the language trap, but he had no way to break it. He smiled bitterly. It was not worthwhile to set fire to the Ishii family who was in constant trouble, so he said: "I will deal with these thugs. I personally feel deeply about this matter." I express my regrets and promise to give you a reasonable explanation."

"Thank you very much." The ambassador said coldly. In the face of the dignity of the country, the ambassador would never show favoritism and would not give the other party any good looks. He acted in a business-like manner and gave the military attache a look. The military attaché motioned to Luo Zheng and others. Follow yourself outside.

"I'll arrange for someone to escort you back." The police director was worried that people from the society would cause trouble midway, so he said cautiously. Since he has chosen to stand against the Ishii family, let's be thorough and at least avoid any more accidents.

"It's best," the ambassador said coldly.

Everyone walked outside, and under the escort of three police cars arranged by the police director, everyone headed towards the embassy. As for the ambassador himself, he asked the police director to arrange a car and went straight to the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to protest. So This was also done to put pressure on the police chief. As for Nobuko, he quietly slipped away alone after leaving the house. No one paid attention to this outsider who had always kept a low profile and regarded him as an innocent citizen.

Back at the embassy, ​​Luo Zheng and Lan Xue quickly came to the room and summoned several major military officers for a meeting. After explaining the situation, they looked solemn and added: "Everyone, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will definitely put pressure on the Japanese government. , the Japanese government is forced to put pressure on the Ishii family due to various pressures. If anything happens to the Ishii family in the future, the support of the Japanese government will be reduced a lot. This will be beneficial to our next actions, and will undoubtedly give the angry Ishii family Adding fuel to the fire, but not enough.”

"What's next? Do you have a plan?" Guishou was keenly aware of Luo Zheng's thoughts and asked excitedly. Everyone else also looked at Luo Zheng. After resting for a few days, everyone was exhausted and wished they could do it right away. fighting.

"Chrysanthemum Club." Luo Zheng looked solemn and shouted coldly.

"Are you going to take action?" Guishou asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's time to take action. Next we are going to launch an attack on the Juhua Club. There will definitely be constant internal fighting between Sarutobi Saru, the Ishii family and the royal family. It will definitely not stop in the next three days. But have you paid attention? The Juhua Club It's still very quiet on the other side, I'm sure there is still a garrison there, and it's not small, no matter which side they belong to, they must be dragged in." Luo Zheng said coldly.

"Yes, our original mission was the Chrysanthemum Club, but we didn't expect that the ninja interior would be so complicated and the target would expand. However, the fundamental mission cannot be lost. Attacking the Chrysanthemum Club is necessary, but it requires a detailed plan." Lan Xue agreed, looking at Luo Zheng, with a questioning look in his eyes.

"The Chrysanthemum Club is underground, with troops stationed above and next to the prison. I have been thinking about it for a long time these days. It is definitely not possible to attack directly. I can sneak into the prison, find a passage to the Juhua Club, and launch a direct attack from the inside. As for the outside , just need a team to cover, I will leave this task to Sarutobi Saru." Luo Zheng suggested with a stern face.

"We have been inside the prison once. There is a sewer, but that road must be blocked." Lan Xue reminded.

"It will definitely be sealed, but with so many people living underground, drainage and ventilation are big problems. There must be channels, which we need to find. So, in the next three days, we will put on makeup and go out to investigate. Also, find the branch. Let’s see if they have any corresponding information.” Luo Zheng said, looking at Lan Xue.

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