The strongest soldier

Chapter 1244 Contact Hook

"I need domestic help to divert the attention of the Japanese country." Luo Zheng looked at the ambassador and said seriously, while turning on the signal transmitter, putting on the invisible headset, and continued: "Blue Star, pay attention to the records and report them."

"Understood." Lan Xing's words rang in the headset.

"Our mission is to target Japanese pirates. You may not know this yet, so it doesn't hurt to tell you now." Luo Zheng's face gradually became serious, and he looked at the ambassador and continued: "So far, it has been completed fairly well, but I need to divert the country's attention and cover our next larger operation."

"Be specific." When the ambassador saw Luo Zheng doing this, he knew that what was being discussed next was a major matter. If he did it well, he would be considered a credit. If he didn't do it well, he would be considered a participant. Anyway, it would be up to the country to decide. It still worked, he couldn't help but look serious and said.

"Do you know about the Huke tribe?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Of course, the commotion last time was big enough and the whole world knew about it." The ambassador nodded.

"I will ask Hook to issue a statement of condemnation, condemning the Japanese pirates for massacring tribal people and attacking the Japanese country for no reason. In this way, the international community will pay attention to this matter again, and international peace lovers and Japanese peace lovers will come out to point at the country. I need to do something about this matter domestically, and it is best to unite other countries to launch a denouncement at the United Nations to completely attract the attention of the Japanese government and have no time to take into account domestic affairs." Luo Zheng explained seriously.

"This is not difficult, but the matter is very big and requires domestic decision-making. However, I will report the situation truthfully." The ambassador said seriously.

"I understand that you are the ambassador to Japan, and your opinions are very important to the decision-makers. What I want is speed, no delay, and it is best to see the results within two days." Luo Zheng explained that this kind of thing originally did not need to go through the ambassador at all. , but Luo Zheng was afraid of the inefficiency of domestic decision-making and hoped that the ambassador would give him a push.

"The international community's denunciation, coupled with the country's denunciation at the United Nations, can indeed attract the attention of the Japanese country, leaving no time for others. You can even ask the Japanese Prime Minister to go to the United Nations to give an explanation, but your evidence must be sufficient. Of course, I believe you There must be enough evidence," the ambassador reminded.

"These are not problems, please." Luo Zheng said gratefully.

After the two discussed some details, Luo Zheng and Lan Xue came to the guest house and met Guishou and others in a suite. Seeing that Luo Zheng and Lan Xue had returned safely, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and sat in a group, invisible. Lieutenant General Luo Zheng was at the center. Everyone looked at Luo Zheng excitedly and laughed. The recent series of dazzling moves made the Ishii family unable to fight back. Everyone passed by the hidden enemy who killed the Japanese. However, the scholar and Snow Leopard I am depressed and have nothing to do.

"Is everyone enjoying themselves?" Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Of course, that is!" Ghost Hand and Mountain Eagle agreed excitedly.

"I didn't catch anything, it's not fair." Snow Leopard said depressedly, looking aggrieved, and everyone smiled kindly.

"We're going to have a bigger show in a few days. Some of you are busy. Take a good rest these days and recharge your batteries. Just don't let it slip when the time comes." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"What's so big? We must participate this time." The scholar said first in surprise.

"I haven't even taken my turn yet, go ahead." Snow Leopard said dissatisfied.

"Okay, everyone, don't argue. We all have our share. This matter is so big that you can't imagine it. But give me a good rest these few days and stay here. You can't go anywhere." Luo Zheng became serious and warned.

"Yes." Everyone vaguely sensed the atmosphere of an approaching war, and they all agreed seriously, feeling curious in their hearts. However, Luo Zheng didn't say anything, so everyone couldn't ask more questions. This was a discipline, and everyone knew it.

After chatting for a while, Luo Zheng chose an empty room, closed the door and said, "Blue Star, record, connect to Hook, top-secret channel, cut off the call immediately if monitoring is discovered."

"Understood." Lan Xing's words rang in the headset.

After a while, a voice sounded in the headset: "I'm Hook, hello."

"Brother Hook, it's me." When Luo Zheng heard Hook's voice, he felt like a relative and said immediately.

"Old friend, I haven't heard from you for a long time. How are you?" Hook shouted excitedly.

"Fortunately, there is something I need to discuss with you." Luo Zheng agreed.

"Say, do we still need to communicate with each other? Just say whatever you want." Hook replied.

"I'm performing a mission in the Japanese country and need your help." Luo Zheng sorted out his thoughts and said seriously: "The last time the Eight-Nation Allied Forces fought, armed helicopters attacked your tribe, causing countless casualties. We videotaped it at the time. There is irrefutable evidence. Rushan, I need you to issue a statement of condemnation, stating that it was the Japanese who did it, what do you think?"

"No problem, it's a small matter." Hook said nonchalantly.

"This is no small matter, friend. This may bring new troubles to your tribe." Luo Zheng reminded.

"I know, by the way, don't you know? Since receiving weapons and material assistance from your country, the number of tribesmen has increased every day. It has more than doubled, and the armed force has also expanded three times. Now there are three Thousands of people are armed. If I want, I can increase it, but you said that soldiers are precious. I have been training strictly according to the training outline you provided for this month." Hook said excitedly.

"Congratulations." Luo Zheng was busy dealing with the Yue and Japanese countries. He really didn't know about this. He said sincerely that it is a good thing that the strength of old friends who have lived together through life and death has increased, but Luo Zheng does not want to deceive Hook. He continued: "Issuing a denunciation may bring you new troubles, and it can also increase your popularity and attract more people to take refuge in you. This is a double-edged sword. I need you to think carefully before making a reply."

"No need to think about it. It's no problem. Everything has pros and cons. You have to calculate it clearly before doing it. Nothing will catch up. You are right. Trouble is also a good thing. What I need most now is popularity. The higher the popularity, the more people I can rely on. The more, the faster the development. Tell me, how can I cooperate?" Hook said without hesitation.

"Okay, then I will give you a publicity." Luo Zheng said movedly: "My people will prepare the statement regarding the Japanese country. When the time comes, just read it accordingly. Don't worry about the rest. I will take care of it. You're welcome. I won’t say much more. If you have any difficulties, you can contact me. I will help you if I can."

"No problem, we are brothers. No nonsense. With our friendship, what does this mean? I owe everything to you for your help. My life is yours. I hope you don't treat me like an outsider. By the way, what kind of popularity do you plan to give me?" Hook asked curiously.

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