The strongest soldier

Chapter 1239 Test Attack

At three o'clock in the morning, in a high-end villa area in Kyoto, several people were hidden in the dark woods. They were watching the luxurious manor villa in front of them with vigilance. Bodyguards were patrolling the door of the villa as usual. The lights inside the villa were extinguished and it looked like They were all asleep. This group of people were all dressed in ninja uniforms. They were Luo Zheng, Lan Xue and Sarutobi Saru and his daughter. The four of them had been lurking here for about ten minutes.

According to the discussed plan, the attack was to be launched five minutes ago. The Mountain Eagle Squadron and Sarutobi Saru's men were lurking nearby on standby. Everyone was curious about why Luo Zheng didn't issue the final attack order, so they had to wait patiently. Luo Zheng was not I didn't want to, but I vaguely felt something was wrong, so I observed it for five more minutes.

During these five minutes, Luo Zheng vaguely felt that the front was not a villa, but more like a big conspiracy net, waiting for him to rush into it. To be on the safe side, Luo Zheng definitely changed his plan at the last minute, and looked at Sarutobi Saru with a deep expression. Before he could say anything, Sarutobi Saru said first, "What's wrong? What's the problem? How about my people go first?"

"Don't worry, I said I won't change or shrink back this time, but if I continue to need a slight adjustment, I feel something is wrong." Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

"What's wrong?" Lan Xue asked softly in surprise.

"I don't know, intuition." Luo Zheng said in a low voice. Lan Xue's face turned cold, and he secretly observed the surroundings vigilantly. Intuition on the battlefield is a very important thing, and must not be ignored or careless. Luo Zheng looked at Sarutobi Saru With one glance, he lowered his voice and said: "Get a car, rush to the villa, attract the enemy's ideas, and don't leave."

"Understood." The mountain eagle's voice sounded in the headset.

"Others, prepare the remote control aircraft and follow my orders." Luo Zheng continued.

"Yes!" Others said in lowered voices.

Sarutobi Zuo didn't understand what Luo Zheng was doing, but he knew that he had changed his plan and had no objection. As long as Luo Zheng took action, the rest was not a problem. He waited patiently. There was silence around him. No one was moving, not even the sound of insects, only the wind. The sound of the leaves turning is inaudible unless you pay close attention.

Luo Zheng stared at the manor in front of him. He always felt that something was wrong. He couldn't see the source of the danger. This feeling drove Luo Zheng crazy, but he had to control his emotions and keep a calm mind to direct the battle. Lan Xue felt that When Luo Zheng became nervous, he patted Luo Zheng on the shoulder to signal not to feel any psychological pressure.

Under the night, the manor and villa in front of him looked a bit weird, but Luo Zheng decided to take a chance. If there was a conspiracy, he would find it. After finally infiltrating it, it was impossible to return empty-handed. This would make Sarutobi Saru look down on him. , affecting further cooperation in the future, there are things that men do and things they don’t do.

Not long after, a small car parked near the greenway of the community suddenly started to ignite. Without turning on the lights, it slowly drove forward under the faint moonlight. The driver was Shandiao himself. Years of tacit understanding made Shandiao feel that Luo Zheng's worries and concerns were understood, and he knew his intention of driving there, so he decided to do it himself.

The car belonged to someone else. The skill of stealing a car was not difficult for the mountain eagle. The car drove slowly. When it was about a hundred meters away from the villa, the mountain eagle straightened the steering wheel and used a tree stick that had been prepared for it. Hold the gas pedal, I picked up the tree stick while lurking in the surrounding woods.

The accelerator was pushed to the limit, and the car speed suddenly increased a lot, and it rushed towards the manor and villa. The mountain eagle opened the car door and jumped out nimbly, rolled twice, and quickly hid in the woods. It was as nimble as a civet cat, but the car was fierce. Rush forward.

Luo Zheng stared straight ahead. When he saw that the car was about to hit the door of the villa, two people rushed out from behind the door. They were dressed as ninjas and rushed towards the car. However, the car was so fast that it hit the big iron gate hard. On the road, there was a clanging sound, which was particularly clear in the night, and the car stopped.

The two ninjas stepped forward to check vigilantly. At this time, Luo Zheng said coldly: "Remote control aircraft, attack!"

"Yes." Others agreed in a cold whisper.

The night sky suddenly seemed to have a chilly atmosphere. Seeing that no one was in the car, the two ninjas opened the car to check. One person even squatted down to check, worried that there was a bomb in the car. More people came out of the villa, and everyone came out. Not noticing the remote control helicopter flying across the night sky.

The remote-controlled helicopter was very small and flew so high that the sound was almost invisible from the ground. With the darkness shrouded in darkness, it could not be seen at all. However, at this moment, the searchlight in the manor villa turned on, illuminating the direction of the door. Luo Zheng was startled and suddenly saw Someone was lurking on the roof of the villa, shooting at the remote-controlled helicopter flying in the night sky. The gun was equipped with a silencer, and the sound was very soft, but the firelight of the bullets was clearly visible in the night.

"Has it been discovered? It's really a trap." Luo Zheng couldn't help but change his face when he saw this scene.

Lan Xue looked at the ninjas swarming out of the villa. There were no less than thirty people. There were no less than twenty gunmen on the roof of the villa who kept shooting remote-controlled aircraft. There were still no lights in the manor, obviously for fear of being seen. Looking at the internal situation, this was a trap that had been prepared for a long time. He couldn't help but look at Luo Zheng worriedly.

Sarutobi Saru also saw Mingtang, and looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, with a little more admiration. If Luo Zheng hadn't been vigilant and tested the attack with a small car, he would definitely not have triggered this trap. If he attacked rashly, he would be in trouble. He said sincerely: "Let's withdraw. I'm afraid we can't do it tonight."

"No, we can't move. I guess there are many enemies lying around, waiting for us to be exposed." Luo Zheng said coldly, his eyes filled with murderous intent, and suddenly shouted in a low voice: "Hide well for me, don't Exposed, remotely control the aircraft, detonate with a three-second delay, and prepare the second batch."

"Yes." Everyone shouted in a low voice, with a strong fighting spirit.

The first batch of remote-controlled aircraft that took off suddenly rushed towards the villa. The soldiers, who seemed to be resigned to death in the night, drew black shadows and buzzing sounds, and hit the villa hard. Some remote-controlled aircraft were blown up. , fell down, and also landed on the roof of the villa. In the blink of an eye, all the remote-controlled planes landed on the villa without making any noise. People around them gathered around curiously to check the situation.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Suddenly, countless explosions shook the entire night sky, attracting everyone's attention. The red light from the explosion fiercely swallowed up the surrounding lives. The scene was extremely tragic, and those screams of joy were heard. The scene of the body flying backwards was devastating.

Ninjas are good at assassination and are good at hiding, but they are not familiar with special operations with this kind of modern high-tech weapons and equipment, and they don't like it very much. Sarutobi Saru looked at this scene, his face was ugly, and he suddenly realized the power of the Koga ninjas. Unfortunately, in order to survive in hiding, the understanding of modern weapons is far from enough, and Iga ninjas are not bad at this. It seems that it is necessary to strengthen this negative training.

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