The strongest soldier

Chapter 1237 President’s request

The continuous attacks made it difficult for the president to maintain his peaceful state of mind. He became really angry, and his whole body exuded a cold aura. He looked like a volcano about to erupt, and his skinny face turned red and shriveled. The skin was also inflated, and the whole person looked much younger. His slightly condensed eyes exuded the domineering aura of Ni Tianxia.

The angry president shocked the emperor and others. In the emperor's memory, he had not seen the president so angry for decades. After thinking about it, he was relieved. This is the palace, where the royal face is, and now there are people. As the president of the Chrysanthemum Club and the guardian of the royal family, the president was so angry that he wanted to kill someone. He glanced at the emperor and left in a hurry, exiting the underground air-raid shelter.

When he came to the ground, the president saw people running in fear, as well as the staff and guards who rushed to put out the fire. The ninjas were hiding in the dark, doing their duty and monitoring everything around them to prevent anyone from taking the opportunity to infiltrate and cause trouble. Although he was performing his duties in a chaotic manner, he was not at a loss. The president finally felt somewhat comforted.

The person in charge of the security guard hurried over, bowed respectfully and said, "President, we have called for support as per your instructions. I am not sure when it will arrive. I did not expect that the enemy's methods are so ruthless. Should we fight back?" "

"Do your duty." The president said with a face on his face, his eyes fixed on the ground that exploded after the gas pipeline exploded in front of him. Fierce fires continued to spew out from inside. Many people filled the inside with earth in an attempt to stop it. As the fire burned, the president said coldly: "Let them burn. Blocking it back will only cause explosions in other places. Contact the relevant departments immediately. Why haven't you cut off the gas supply now? Do you want to reduce the palace to nothing?" "

"I've already called, and the other party said they're off work, and the technicians are on their way." The person in charge of the security guard said with a smile.

"The efficiency of the Prime Minister's Office is getting lower and lower. It seems that many people have forgotten who gave them the power and the existence of the emperor. If we call again, tell them that if they don't cut off the gas within three minutes, I will Do you mind letting the ninja go up and ask why?" the president said coldly.

Ninjas do not interfere in politics, and are only responsible for guarding the palace. The only intervention is the intelligence agency, but it does not involve civil affairs, and there is no way to turn off the gas. The person in charge of the security knew the temper of the president, so he told the truth, his face changed drastically, and he hurried to fight Call, if the ninjas really go out, this country will be in chaos without anyone else fighting.

As soon as the head of the security guard left, the president made a few gestures in the air, and a man in a ninja uniform hurried over, stood respectfully three meters away from the president, bowed, and said with a respectful expression: "I am Captain on duty, Mr. President, please give instructions."

"Two things. First, immediately send an order to the headquarters to raise the level of alert. Second, order Ishiino to come over and tell him that I have something to ask him." The president said coldly.

"Yes!" The ninja who claimed to be the captain agreed respectfully, turned around and left.

The president did not leave, but stood quietly, looking at the raging fire, his face became more gloomy. Soon, the fire gradually became smaller and eventually extinguished. The people who put out the fire cheered, but the president's face became even more ugly. Yes, it’s a very simple thing. Now you need to use force to do it. Where is the imperial power? It seems that the imperial power must be regained.

Thinking of this, the president thought of a person, Sora Ishii, the head of the Ishii family, a powerful ninja, a senior counselor in the Prime Minister's Office, a close confidant of the Prime Minister, and even a spokesman for the Prime Minister, but no one dared to point it out. Dealing with this person and regaining the imperial power is a joke.

At this time, the head of the security guard hurried over and said in surprise: "Mr. President, reinforcements are already on the way. They are expected to arrive in ten minutes. Please give instructions."

"Go and collect the palace." The president waved his hand calmly and said.

The person in charge of the security knew his identity and was labeled as the Prime Minister's Office. He had no way to integrate into the life circle of masters with unfathomable strength. The prime minister and the imperial power had been arguing for nearly a hundred years with no result. The person in charge of the security knew that he could not offend him. Caught in the middle, I could only please both sides. After I resigned, I hurriedly left and went to the command.

At this time, Ishiino hurried over. Originally Ishiino had discovered the clue and was about to lead people to hunt him down. After receiving the order, he did not dare to delay and asked others to chase the clue. He hurried to the palace. On the way, Ishiino had already passed by. His own channel knew the news and was filled with anger towards the murderer Ye who caused the panic. When he saw the explosion scene and the blackened ground, Ishiino became even more angry. He rushed to the president to follow up and said angrily: " President, the murderer is too vicious, what can I do?"

"The murderer launched a brutal attack on the palace, which is unprecedented. This is a shame for our ninjas and a shame for this country. The murderer cannot stop making such a big move. There will definitely be follow-up actions, and the guards of the palace need to be strengthened." The president said coldly.

"Yes, what can I do?" When Ishiino heard this, he immediately understood what was going on. His face changed slightly, but he still pretended not to know and continued to speak respectfully while holding back his anger.

"If the murderer can attack the palace, he can attack the Juhua Club. Therefore, the guards of the Juhua Club cannot be mobilized. Now that the palace is weak, I need your manpower." The president said coldly.

"This?" Ishiino became embarrassed. It would definitely not work if he refused. However, if the manpower is here, what will happen to the case? If you fail to investigate the case and catch the murderer within the stipulated time, your status will be in jeopardy and your future will be in jeopardy.

"What, do you have any objections?" the president asked coldly, with a somewhat chilling air.

"Okay, I'll arrange for half of the manpower to come over to assist." Ishiino said. The men were from the Juhua Club and were not entirely private soldiers of the family. Ishiino had no choice but to disobey the order and continued with a bitter look on his face: "Just like this, There are not enough manpower to pursue the case.”

"The case is important, and the palace is even more important, so let's give the case an extra two days," the president said.

"Thank you, President. I have traced some clues and sent people there." Ishiino said quickly, not daring to disobey the president's will.

"Very good. There is a problem of insufficient manpower. You can mobilize the military police through your father to come forward and kill them severely." The president said.

"Yes, I have made a thorough plan. There is not enough manpower, so I have to find another way. Now, we are waiting for the murderer to get online. When the time comes, we will catch him all." Ishiino said quickly. , with a terrifying light flashing in his eyes.

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