The strongest soldier

Chapter 123 Tracking and Rescue

Everyone has witnessed Luo Zheng's ability, which can make Luo Zheng's enemies frightened. Everyone realizes a serious problem. The enemy is stronger than imagined, and they don't know how much. However, along the way, everyone selectively ignored Luo Zheng's reminders. They also ignored the strength of this group of mercenaries.

"Just tell me what to do next?" the scholar asked, the look of guilt on his face getting stronger. For his carelessness, the scholar was full of regret and anger. His clenched fists were a little white, and the veins on his arms were exposed and round. His open eyes were flashing an angry red.

"In the battle just now, everyone suffered heavy ammunition losses. You stay and clean up the battlefield. I will pursue you first and leave marks along the way." Luo Zheng said calmly. Without specific information, it was impossible to discuss a rescue plan.

"No, it's too dangerous for you to go alone. I'll go with you." The scholar immediately denied.

"If there is an ambush ahead, and I go alone and the enemy can't figure out what's true, they might let me go and attack you behind me. You may not be in less danger than me, so it's not appropriate to follow more people. Don't worry. Well, I have no problem." Luo Zheng said calmly, squatted down and picked up three stones to form a triangle, and added: "The direction pointed by the largest obtuse angle is the marching route."

According to people's habitual thinking, acute angles are more obvious, and one side is used for pointing. Luo Zheng did the opposite. What else did the gardener want to say, but the scholar stopped him and said: "That's okay, be careful, we can do it in five minutes at most." If you catch up, there is no communication equipment, so all actions can only be decided by yourself."

"Don't worry, I won't mess around." Luo Zheng said coldly, picked up the magazines from the corpses nearby and ran away. The armed men used AK47s with universal bullets and were properly equipped. Luo Zheng carried them on his back Armed with a sniper rifle, an AK47, two M16s and a dozen magazines, the whole person looked like a moving combat platform. Before he could say goodbye to everyone, a few rabbits disappeared from everyone's sight. .

Looking at Luo Zheng leaving, the scholar sighed: "Brothers, we have all underestimated the strength of Brother Luo Zheng. If I had paid more attention to it along the way, this kind of thing would not have happened. I will take responsibility for this." Yes, it is very dangerous for Brother Luo Zheng to go there alone. Let us follow as soon as possible to help. As long as the ambushing enemies see us appearing, they will not attack Brother Luo Zheng. Everyone, please move quickly."

"Yes." The gardener and the monk agreed, and the three of them spread out and quickly collected ammunition and grenades. Without logistical support, all supplies could only be captured.

Worried about Luo Zheng's safety, everyone moved quickly, collected enough ammunition and hurriedly chased after him. There was no trace of Luo Zheng in the vast wilderness. The three of them exchanged glances and saw the shock in each other's eyes. Is it too fast? The three of them couldn't help but speed up, advancing quickly in a Z-shaped pattern. After running for about ten minutes, there was a faint sound of gunfire in front of them. The three of them exchanged looks in surprise, and their speed became faster.

At this time, Luo Zheng was lying in ambush on a hillside to snipe the enemies in front of him. There was no ambush along the way. Luo Zheng was worried about the farmers and pursued them desperately. Finally, he caught this group of enemies. There were still about fifty people in the enemy group. , led the farmer to run, instead of kicking him, the farmer was in a panic. Luo Zheng was extremely angry, so he found this hillside to hide, and sniped the three enemies behind him in one go, while the others took cover one after another.

Without the members of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group, Luo Zheng was confident that he would annihilate all the enemies in front of him and rescue the farmer. However, this group of people was not stupid either. After hiding one by one, Luo Zheng did not open fire. Luo Zheng searched for them. , no one could be seen in the wilderness and mountains ahead, and dozens of enemies seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

"Damn it." Luo Zheng gritted his teeth in hatred and punched the ground. Dust flew into the ground. He clenched his steel teeth tightly. His livid face was full of angry murderous intent. He carefully searched every inch of the land and suddenly saw someone bending down. Moving, Luo Zheng pulled the trigger without hesitation, and the bullet roared away, entering from the opponent's temple, setting off a large piece of red and white.

The bullet ruthlessly shredded the enemy's central nervous system, and the powerful kinetic energy knocked the opponent to the ground without moving. The thick blood spread, and the precise sniper made others dare not take the lead easily. Luo Zheng There was no better sniping opportunity, and I was distressed. I heard a voice floating over, "Brother, good job, hahaha, leave me alone and beat up these sons of bitches."

"It's a farmer?!" Luo Zheng was filled with surprise and searched through the sniper scope. He didn't see the farmer's figure. The mountains in the distance fell into silence again. Only the wind blew the dust on the ground and rolled it up and disappeared into the void. The sun was setting, and procrastinating any longer would not be good for anyone.

"Rumble!" The car motor sounded. Luo Zheng followed the sound and saw that there were three military vehicles. The first one was an off-road jeep, followed by two large trucks. The large trucks were surrounded by canvas. He couldn't see what was inside. He headed there. The gang roared away from the hiding place. Luo Zheng was shocked. He quickly aimed at the driver and found that the driver looked similar to the militants. It was probably the enemy's reinforcements that had arrived.

The arrival of enemy reinforcements meant that the rescue was becoming more difficult. Luo Zheng was extremely angry. He locked the muzzle of his gun on the off-road jeep driver in front of him. The moment he pulled the trigger, Luo Zheng lowered the muzzle of the gun and aimed at the mailbox. He was driving very fast. The distance is about 800 meters, making it difficult to snipe.

The muzzle of Luo Zheng's gun moved with the target, constantly calculating the distance and wind speed in his mind, judging the amount of advance, and found that he was not sure, so he quickly took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. The breathing method passed down by Luck's family quickly entered the ethereal state. State, his mind was running along with the speed of the car, feeling the bumps and running patterns of the car. Gradually, Luo Zheng felt that he was the off-road jeep, and the muzzle of his gun started to move regularly with the off-road jeep.

Soon, Luo Zheng felt that the off-road jeep was bumping again. The next moment, the location of the impact point was clearly discernible in his mind. The advance amount and sniper position also appeared in his mind. Luo Zheng pulled the trigger like a ghost, and the bullet carried Luo Zheng. The cold murderous aura roared away, drawing a beautiful arc in the void.

"Boom!" The off-road jeep made a huge explosion and flew up. It was hit by the big truck coming from behind and flew to the side. The big truck stopped for a moment and accelerated forward.

Looking at the burning off-road jeep, Luo Zheng didn't feel excited at all. The two large trucks hurried away. There was no chance of sniping. Thinking that the enemy might escape in a large truck, it would become more difficult to rescue the farmer. Luo Zheng's heart sank to the bottom. , the steel teeth clenched in anger, making a rattling sound.

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