The strongest soldier

Chapter 121 Skillful Killing of Strong Enemies

The vast wilderness, the white clouds lingering, the breeze is intoxicating, but the fierce gunfire in the valley is shocking. This ancient and peaceful wilderness adds a strange and chilling atmosphere. On a bare hillside, Luo Zheng is quietly lurking With his gray-brown ghillie suit and curled up body, he seemed to blend in with everything around him. If it hadn't been for the occasional blink of his eyes, who would have thought there was a person lurking here?

Time passed slowly, and Luo Zheng began to admire the enemy on the opposite side. There had been no movement for so long. Could it be that he wanted to wait for his companions to come to rescue him? This perseverance and endurance are awe-inspiring. Facing such a master, Luo Zheng is more determined to eliminate the opponent. Once the tiger is released, who knows when it will come back to bite him?

Behind him, the sound of gunfire in the valley became clearer. This was the effect of the approaching gunfire. Luo Zheng was startled. Could it be that the enemy was charging over? If this is the case, without the help of monks and scholars, what will happen to the gardeners in the valley who are suppressed by fire? What about the farmer behind the gardener who is covering fire?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng knew that he could not wait any longer and must deal with the powerful enemy in front as soon as possible. He slowly put away the sniper rifle, took off the AK47 from the back, checked the magazine, and found that the magazine was full of thirty rounds of ammunition. A qualified sniper must be proficient in various firearms.

Luo Zheng estimated the distance and based on the terrain ahead, a bold attack plan came up. He was about thirty meters away and attacked from top to bottom. He could rush over in one go. Of course, there were two cover positions in the middle. If the situation can be exploited, the sniper must put his own safety first at any time. Only when he is safe can he better support his teammates.

After the route was determined, Luo Zheng estimated the bullets. He rushed and fired, using bullets to suppress the opponent's ability to counterattack. He could go slower in the first ten meters. Five bullets were enough. In the middle ten meters, ten bullets were enough. The remaining ten meters were enough. There are still fifteen rounds in the magazine. Even if ten rounds are used for suppression, there are still five rounds for effective shooting against strong enemies.

In order to be sure, Luo Zheng took off the last grenade on his body and hung it on his chest for ready use. After making all preparations, Luo Zheng knew that he could not wait any longer and rushed forward suddenly, his eyes fixed. After locking the enemy's hidden mound, perhaps feeling the pressure brought by the danger, the enemy raised his gun and fired blindly based on experience.

This counterattack tactic seems useless, but it has to be tailored to the individual. For experts, especially mercenaries who have been walking on the edge of death for a long time, they have amazing intuition, are very sensitive to danger, and can sense the location of the source of danger. In addition, blind shooting is irregular, and even the shooter does not know where the next shot will be fired. Stray bullets fly around, making it difficult to avoid, but it is shockingly intimidating.

Luo Zheng had already anticipated this possibility. Although he took the initiative, he rushed up and down again, but he still couldn't be careless. When he saw the opponent's gun muzzle move, he fell back to the ground keenly, and slid directly downwards with his head slightly raised. Then, he aimed the gun in his hand at the opponent's gun and fired two shots in succession.

"Puff!" The bullet hit the enemy's muzzle, and the gun retracted. However, several bullets fired by the enemy fiercely flew past one meter above his head. The hot bullet traces were heart-stopping. If it weren't for He was already prepared and fell to the ground to avoid being shot.

The sudden change in the sound of gunfire made the enemy realize that something was wrong. Coupled with the rustling sound caused by the body sliding down from top to bottom, the enemy knew that the danger was coming and desperately fired at the top again. Luo Zheng did not hesitate to confront the opponent. Shoot, the body twisted strangely, sliding from top to bottom instead of rolling directly, and the speed became faster.

After rolling for more than ten meters, Luo Zheng hid behind a raised mound, silently counting the opponent's bullets. From the sound of the gunfire, he could tell that the opponent was using an M16 automatic assault rifle. This gun has an effective range of 600 meters and is suitable for combat. The ammunition capacity was 30 rounds. After counting to 30, Luo Zheng suddenly jumped up and rushed down.

Changing the magazine takes time. Even for a top expert, it only takes about one or two seconds. For Luo Zheng, this time can allow him to rush over ten meters. At the critical moment of life and death, Luo Zheng burst out at an unprecedented speed and almost flew down. , a golden eagle letting loose for prey, jumped twelve or thirteen meters in two leaps, and hid behind another mound of earth.

At this time, the enemy's gun sprayed out flames again. Luo Zheng hid behind the raised mound and heard the bullets flying towards him. He overestimated this guy's strength. He gritted his teeth and took out After picking up the grenade, turn on the safety, delay it for one second, and then throw it over. There is no difficulty at a distance of more than ten meters.

The grenade drew a beautiful arc and landed accurately near the enemy. Luo Zheng did not wait for the grenade to explode and had already rushed out of the bunker. He rushed towards the enemy's position with full firepower and blocked the evasive route to prevent the enemy. It takes one second to dodge the grenade explosion. For experts, one second can allow them to fly five to six meters away and lie down to avoid the shrapnel flying around after the explosion.

While running, Luo Zheng saw a black shadow flying out of the bunker, as fast as lightning, just like a frightened tiger. It happened that the bullets he used to block fire shot towards that route, and Luo Zheng's cold eyes became colder. Even more, they started shooting violently around that location.

Almost at the same time, the grenade exploded. The powerful impact sent the surrounding soil flying around, and the smoke filled the air. Luo Zheng slowed down his charge, but the gun in his hand did not stop. He continued to lock the enemy's possible escape position and fired bullets. One shot after another, playing Buddha's rhythmic music, without any pause in between.

Burst shooting turns into continuous shooting, which requires such superb gun sense and skills!

After firing all the clips, Luo Zheng rolled down and quickly changed the clips. He stared at the smoke that was gradually dispersing. His eyes were like stars shining in the night, but with a cold murderous aura. The somewhat immature face was as resolute as iron, and the gun was aimed steadily without any fluctuation.

Soon, Luo Zheng found a person lying five or six meters away from the explosion. To be precise, it was a corpse. He had been shot in at least three places. Blood was pouring out. His body was motionless. Luo Zheng still did not dare to be careless. These masters His vitality was very strong, so just in case, Luo Zheng calmly aimed at the opponent's head.

"Bang!" A shot to the head.

Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and took another look at the other enemy in the distance. There was no movement anymore. No one could survive with such a big wound in the abdominal cavity. After killing two powerful enemies, Luo Zheng felt no joy at all, thinking that his comrades were still facing life and death crises. , quickly cleaned the battlefield, and wiped away all the weapons and ammunition on the two men. They did not forget to check the backs of their necks. They both had lifelike wolf heads.

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