The strongest soldier

Chapter 1205 Sneaking into the cave

After the howitzer stopped attacking, the officers outside rushed into the cave. The scene was very chaotic. No one could care about anyone and they were all busy escaping. Luo Zheng, Lan Xue and the scholar were covered in blood and their faces were dirty. They couldn't tell the difference between the real ones and the fake ones, and no one cared about whether the three of them were real or fake, so they easily slipped into the cave.

The three people rushed into the cave and took a look. Sure enough, the mountain peak was hollowed out in the middle. There was a circular pit in the middle, and I didn't know how far down it was. Many caves were built around the circular pit, with stairs going down. Guardrails were installed around the circle. From the guardrail, you could see the bottom. Luo Zheng followed everyone and rushed in. He quietly squeezed to the guardrail and took a look. The bottom was more than ten levels deep. The diameter of the pit was about 20 meters. The situation on each level could not be seen. arrive.

Walking forward for more than ten meters, Luo Zheng saw a cave next to it, which actually contained a missile launcher. A missile was pointed at the exit above the cave. As long as necessary, the missile could be launched directly from inside the mountain. Shoot directly from the mountaintop exit to attack the desired target.

The cave was heavily guarded, and a group of people with live ammunition aimed their guns at the people rushing towards them. These people also avoided the cave rationally to avoid being shot to death. Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he saw the launcher, and threw it to the scholar and Lan Xue gave a look, now was not the time to take action, and the three of them squeezed in along with the flow of people.

A troop came over to maintain order and directed people to flow into another huge cave. This cave was filled with hospital beds and full of people. Many people did not have hospital beds and could only sit on the ground to rest. He stared blankly at the people who came in, unmoved, as if these people and these things had nothing to do with him.

Luo Zheng grabbed Lan Xue and the scholar and squeezed out of the crowd, stopping at a corner at the door. The three of them sat on the ground imitating the patients around them. There were too many patients, and no one noticed that there were three more people. Luo Zheng was curious. Looking around, I saw that this cave was as big as a football field and was filled with patients. There were groans and wails, and morale was low.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng sneered and exchanged a look with Lan Xue. The two nodded knowingly and said nothing, waiting for the opportunity. People had already sneaked in, but the guards inside the cave were not simple. There were more than thirty people guarding the door of the cave, armed with live ammunition, making it impossible to enter.

Judging from the rough observation just now, the cave is very large, ten floors deep, and what is on each floor is unknown. Luo Zheng was thinking of a way, and the scholar next to him gave Luo Zheng a gentle push, and licked his lips in one direction, Luo Zheng. Zheng looked around in surprise and saw that it was an inner room. It looked very big and was guarded by a large dust-proof iron door. Through the glass window, you could see people in white coats studying something, and you could also see ninjas.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng immediately understood that this was the opium virus research laboratory of the Ninja Lord, used to massacre the people of the country. Luo Zheng's face became stern, a flash of light burst out of his eyes, and it disappeared in a flash, and he lowered his head. , lightly touched the scholar, signaling to be patient.

At this time, more wounded people were brought in, clamoring for medical treatment, and became a little agitated. An officer came out to stop them, and the situation was under control. Luo Zheng observed the scene calmly, sneered secretly, and glanced outside the cave from time to time. The corridor is only fifteen meters away from the cave where the launcher is placed. How can we break through? Luo Zheng pondered.

The cave was so noisy that it was impossible to calm down and think, which made Luo Zheng very angry. At this time, a large group of people were sent in. Some were missing arms, some were missing legs, and they screamed in joy. There was a loud sound, and someone tried to hold the other person down, but in vain. A terrifying and depressed mood spread in the cave.

Luo Zheng guessed that he had been bombed. Looking at the increasingly crowded cave, he sneered secretly. Soon, a troop rushed to the door, and several officers rushed in. Those who saw no injuries were kicked, or After a slap in the face and a few loud shouts, the other party picked up the gun and went out in fear, gathering at the door. Soon, more people were taken out.

An officer's eyes fell on Luo Zheng. Seeing that Luo Zheng, Lan Lan and the scholar were all covered in blood, his eyes looked melancholy and moved away. He picked up a few uninjured people around him and took them away. The battle was like this. Soldiers They developed fear and war-weariness, and were weak after being poisoned. Many people hid in caves and went on desertions.

More than a hundred people were taken away. Luo Zheng saw that these people were walking weakly. They were holding their guns as if they would fall if they didn't. They were walking very slowly. The officers and soldiers who came to arrest them were also walking weakly and looked ugly. Luo Zheng estimated that the poisoning was relatively mild, so he sneered secretly and stood up calmly.

When Lan Xue and the scholar saw Luo Zheng getting up, they stood up inadvertently. Luo Zheng made a hidden gesture, instructing them to guard the door of the cave. The two nodded knowingly and looked around, one to the left and the other to find a place. He sat down and continued to pretend to be a wounded person. He looked at Luo Zheng walking inside and couldn't figure out where Luo Zheng was singing.

There were people everywhere in the cave and it was very inconvenient to walk. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Luo Zheng carefully avoided people and slowly walked inside. He soon saw the bathroom and walked over quickly. In a cubicle There was a queue at the door, surrounded by people who were in a hurry for convenience, and no one paid any attention to Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng waited for two people. When it was his turn, he went in, quickly took off his military uniform, revealing the ninja uniform underneath, then put on his hood, crumpled the military uniform he took off into a ball and took it out. The people queuing outside looked at him in surprise. Luo Zheng, I don’t understand how someone who went in with the rank of lieutenant could become a ninja when he came out? But my stomach hurt so much that I didn't bother to pursue the issue, so I hurried in for convenience.

When he walked out of the toilet, many people around him looked at Luo Zheng curiously, wondering why the ninja was here. Isn't there a dedicated toilet? But the matter had nothing to do with him. Everyone was feeling miserable and had no time to care about such things. Luo Zheng walked out of the toilet easily, threw his military uniform into a trash can, and walked swaggering towards the research room.

There was a guard guarding the door of the research room. The guard looked very weak, but he was holding back. Luo Zheng walked around calmly. Just then, a lieutenant colonel came over, accompanied by a large group of guards, howling and screaming. He asked the doctor to treat the lieutenant colonel immediately.

The lieutenant colonel's face was gray and there were no signs of injury. He was obviously poisoned. The doctor was too busy to attend to a lieutenant colonel. The accompanying soldiers refused and shouted fiercely, looking like they were going to kill someone. Luo Zheng sneered, When they walked up, these people were even more angry when they saw Luo Zheng dressed as a ninja coming over. They all took out their guns and aimed at Luo Zheng, ready to shoot if they disagreed.

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