The strongest soldier

Chapter 1197 Putting a virus

Luo Zheng did not answer the scholar's question immediately. Instead, he looked in the direction of the big pit and estimated the time. It was expected that widespread decay would occur in three hours, and viruses could breed within five hours. As for what kind of virus would be born, what impact would it have on humans? Luo Zheng was not sure what impact it would have. He would not use such a method that was against the harmony of nature unless he had to. Since the enemy mobilized so many troops to surround and kill, there was no need to worry too much. For the sake of the mission and the country , as a soldier, even if he died without regrets, so what if he was just infamous?

"Brother, is that thing really possible?" The scholar asked softly, following Luo Zheng's gaze towards the location of the big pit, feeling worried in his heart. If the base could be destroyed so easily, then everyone wouldn't need to fight, and there would be no need to produce high-tech equipment. If you have weapons, just get some wild beasts.

The animals collected each time are different, and the ratio of ingredients is also different, so the results are naturally different. There are too many things involved. Luo Zheng is not a chemist or a doctor. He only knows the methods used, but does not understand them. I couldn't explain the principle to the scholar. He looked solemn, nodded firmly and said: "Don't worry, you will know when the time comes."

"Okay, I'll wait and see, what to do next?" the scholar said.

"No need to do anything, wait, everyone is tired after a day, have a good rest, and then take action after dawn. Arrange security posts within a ten-kilometer radius. You must not be careless. You also know the enemy's deployment of troops." Luo Zheng said.

"Yes!" The scholar looked solemn and agreed to the deployment.

The team quickly dispersed and hid in the surrounding woods, forming a triangle. The sentries also hurriedly left. Everyone ate dry food in silence, regained their strength, rested for a while, and checked their equipment. Luo Zheng silently found a place to sit down and rest. , the enemy's conspiracy can be roughly guessed, and I feel much more at ease.

Lan Xue sat next to him, leaned on Luo Zheng's back, and said softly: "The virus you made can only attack the base. What about the tens of thousands of people outside?"

"There is no need to worry. As long as we conquer the base, blow up the missiles, and destroy the laboratory, we will quickly evacuate here. As for the 30,000 people outside, that is not our mission. Let them go." Luo Zheng said gently. He said, closing his eyes and thinking.

The enemy is encircling on three sides, plus the border garrison on the east. In fact, it is encircling on four sides, with the center blooming. Faced with this tactic, the best way is to stay hidden so that the enemy cannot find you, but this possibility is relatively small. Small, another way is to attack from all sides to make the enemy exhausted and expose their weaknesses.

After thinking about it, Luo Zheng fell asleep unknowingly. When he woke up, it was already around four o'clock in the morning. The time was just right. It had been long enough for the animal carcasses to rot and breed germs. Luo Zheng immediately woke up Lan Xue and found the sleeping animal. The scholar said: "Wake up the brothers, gather together, and get ready to work."

Not long after, everyone woke up and stared around as if facing a formidable enemy. They thought it was an enemy coming for a sneak attack. When they learned that Luo Zheng was about to take action, they all turned off the safety of their guns and gathered into four teams with firm eyes. He looked at Luo Zheng, waiting for orders.

Luo Zheng glanced at everyone eagerly. With such a team, what else is there to be afraid of? Luo Zheng looked up at the dark sky. There were still nearly two hours until dawn, enough time for everyone to do everything. He immediately straightened his face and said in a low voice: "Brothers, you all know the situation. The enemy is surrounded on all sides and is being searched by heavy troops. , it is our honor to be hunted by tens of thousands of troops, it shows that they are afraid, and it also shows that you are amazing."

Everyone laughed and looked at Luo Zheng with wild eyes, and their blood began to boil.

"Now, I will lead you to create something that will make the enemy more afraid. The more afraid the enemy is, the better it is for us. Everyone, listen to my orders." Luo Zheng continued coldly.

Everyone raised their chests and pricked up their ears, waiting for orders. Each one stood upright like a javelin, exuding a strong fighting spirit.

"Everyone cut down the branches, pick up all the animal carcasses buried in the pit, and throw them into the river in front. Be careful, there are viruses on the carcasses, so don't get them on your skin. Be careful and act." Luo Zheng ordered.

Everyone dispersed in silence, quickly pulled out their sabers and chopped down the branches they had handy. They were quickly prepared and gathered near the pit. The floating soil on the top of the pit was cleared away, revealing the completely rotten corpses inside. There was also a pungent stench that was nauseating.

Luo Zheng signaled everyone to wait for a while. After the stench dissipated a bit, everyone used a branch to pick up an animal carcass and walked away. They stretched it as far as possible to avoid it slipping and touching themselves. They walked very carefully. In order to avoid bumping into their comrades, everyone listened very carefully to Luo Zheng's orders. They couldn't help but be careless. All the corpses were rotted like this in one night, which was enough to shock everyone. Who dared to be careless?

Everyone carefully walked forward with the rotting animal carcasses on their forks. Ten minutes later, everyone arrived at the river. Luo Zheng chose a gentle section of the river and motioned for everyone to fill their water bottles first. Everyone brought disinfectant pills and threw them away. Putting one grain in the kettle can disinfect it, and then plunge the animal carcasses and tree trunks into the bottom of the river to avoid being discovered by the enemy. Everyone followed the order.

Half an hour later, all the animal carcasses were brought to the bottom of the river. They were fixed by tree trunks and would not float far. The tree trunks were submerged under the water and were difficult to detect. After doing all this, Luo Zheng did not give up, but asked everyone to He continued to use his helmet to scoop up all the dirty black water from the pit and sprinkle it directly into the river.

After finishing all this, Luo Zheng immediately gathered everyone together and said with a serious face: "Brothers, now, I ask you to break into pieces, use small teams as combat units, jump out of the enemy's encirclement, and focus on harassment. To tire and defeat the enemy, be sure to pay attention to safety and stay in contact at all times.”

"Yes." Everyone whispered without hesitation.

Small groups of troops are the most familiar and skilled in special operations. They are just harassment operations. We are not afraid of the so-called tens of thousands of troops. It is not difficult to hide in this dense forest. Everyone has many ways. Luo Zheng looked at the scholar , the scholar nodded knowingly and said: "Brothers, my captain, the supreme commander of this mission has handed over tens of thousands of troops outside to you. This is a great trust. Do you have the confidence to complete the mission?"

"Yes." Everyone roared in a low voice.

"Very good, you can fight as you want, you can fight as you want. I'm not with you, and you are Sun Wukong. There is only one thing. This drama of causing chaos in the sky is done for me. Let's all live well and go back." I'll invite you to drink, go ahead." The scholar shouted with a serious expression.

"Yes." Everyone roared, put on night vision goggles and quickly dispersed, disappearing into the woods.

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