The strongest soldier

Chapter 1192 Successful sneak attack

The search team came back quickly and found nothing. This result made the major secretly relieved. No matter what, as long as nothing happened, a second lieutenant looked into the sinkhole warily and said with concern: "Sir, I I just paid attention to how many people there were when they came and how many people there were when they left. There can't be anyone lurking nearby. If they are really enemies, there is no reason to turn around and leave, right? Could they be doing anything under the sinkhole?"

"What should I do if no one goes down?" A second lieutenant next to him whispered disdainfully, while looking at the major flatteringly, he continued: "Boss, we all know what is down there. It is indeed very important. We dare not be careless, but we have to say People will do anything if they don’t go down, unless they are gods.”

"What if a bomb is dropped?" the second lieutenant asked dissatisfiedly.

"Haha, this is the funniest joke I've ever heard. Wouldn't a grenade explode if you threw it? It's been so long, have you heard the explosion? Did you hear it?" the second lieutenant mocked disdainfully: " Don't insult our intelligence, okay? Do you still want to talk about time bombs? The only weapons they carry are Japanese knives. How can they not see the bombs? Well, even if they carry time bombs, won't they go off if they go down? Don’t forget that there are our people guarding you below? How can you not hear anything in such a quiet night?”

The major heard that it made sense. If it was a grenade, it would have exploded long ago. If it were a time bomb, it would also make a collision sound if dropped. There was no reason why he couldn't hear it, but he remained suspicious. He looked at Luo Zheng and others who had already walked away and shouted: "Stop arguing and come with me. Let's catch up and take a look."

The team swarmed after them, and soon caught up with Luo Zheng and others. The major ran up to Luo Zheng and asked with a smile: "Your Excellency Ishii, where are you going? I will bring people to support you, is that okay?"

"We are going to take a look in the dense forest ahead to prevent the enemy from infiltrating. If you are willing, come with us." Luo Zheng said nonchalantly, looking very magnanimous. The explosion time was set to ten minutes, so we can't get entangled here.

Luo Zheng's generosity did not dispel the suspicion of the major. The major followed Luo Zheng and others while using a walkie-talkie to contact his team and commanding the team to be on high alert. Luo Zheng sneered and simply led the team from the trench position. We walked freely through the middle, everyone was a brave and talented person, and there was no trace of panic.

After a while, the team walked out of the position and continued to walk down the mountain. There were woods in front of them. Luo Zheng guessed that the mountain eagles and others were ambushing on both sides. He signaled the team to stop and pretended to look around, while his eyes couldn't help but glance at the people behind him. Major, his expression changed when he found out who the other party was communicating with using the infantry radio.

"Everyone speed up and evacuate." Luo Zheng was keenly aware that something was wrong. He lowered his voice and said a few concealed gestures to the mountain eagles and others who were ambushing around.

Everyone moved forward at a faster pace, and before they had gone far, they heard the major shouting from behind, signaling everyone to stop. Luo Zheng knew that the other party was suspicious, and shouted in a low voice: "Quick, rush down."

Everyone knew that they were exposed and ran down the mountain without hesitation. At this time, the mountain eagles and others hiding around opened fire. The major saw Luo Zheng and others suddenly speeding up and ran, and he didn't know what was going on. He was immediately furious, and just as he was about to issue an attack order, a sniper bullet roared in and directly hit the opponent's head.

The sudden sound of gunfire frightened the enemy, and they all fell down to search. They saw Luo Zheng and others rushing down the mountain. Some people wanted to get up and pursue them, but they were soon brought down by the sniper rifle. The enemy panicked and the major was shot dead. , and there was no one to direct them for a while. At this moment, Luo Zheng and others had disappeared into the woods at the foot of the mountain.

A team rushed out from the enemy position headquarters. The leader was a lieutenant colonel. When he saw a dozen of his subordinates who had been sniped to death on the ground, as well as the dead major who could no longer die, his face turned cold and he roared, signaling for the team to pursue them. , the searchlights all turned on, illuminating the surroundings like daylight.

The lieutenant colonel and his team chased him less than a hundred meters away when suddenly a series of explosions sounded from the mountain behind. Everyone was so frightened that they lay down on the spot to hide. The lieutenant colonel was startled, and then his face changed drastically. He jumped up and roared angrily, He motioned for the team to follow and ran towards the back mountain.

The tiankeng in the back mountain was not far away. Everyone rushed up quickly and saw sparks flying in the tiankeng and many cables burning. Through the light, everyone saw that many places below had been bombed and everything was desolate. The signal pot was blown to pieces and could no longer be used.

Seeing this scene, the lieutenant colonel's face turned pale. He led his men back angrily and chased Luo Zheng and others in the direction of their evacuation. It was the lieutenant colonel's responsibility to protect the sinkhole. Now that the sinkhole had been blown up, no one was on the other side. You know, this is a huge responsibility. If you can't catch the murderer, you will not be far from death.

Thinking of the consequences, the lieutenant colonel gritted his teeth and took a risk. He immediately ordered his trusted troops to leave the position and pursue him. If the murderer was not caught, the lieutenant colonel would not dare to return to the base. He would have to turn into a bandit and become a drug dealer. It would be better to Military court.

Luo Zheng didn't know the lieutenant colonel's distress. He rushed out of the woods at the foot of the mountain, found a place where supplies were piled, dressed neatly, carried the military equipment on his back, put on his ghillie suit, and restored his original look. The mountain eagle ran back with the people, Unscathed, there was a faint sound of explosion in the dark night. When Luo Zheng heard it, he was completely relieved and smiled. Everyone else also laughed. The seemingly difficult and impossible task was completed miraculously by everyone. No damage whatsoever.

"The enemy will definitely be chasing you soon, so retreat quickly." Luo Zheng said coldly.

"Yes." Everyone agreed in unison. A strong fighting spirit permeated the team. The arduous task was completed. What did the pursuers behind mean? Everyone was not afraid of these Yue troops during the urgent march.

The team packed up and ran quickly to the west. To the west was the hinterland of the Yue Kingdom. No one expected that Luo Zheng and others would send them to the door of the Yue Kingdom instead of taking the opportunity to return to the country. In the dark night, everyone ran quickly wearing night vision goggles, each one seemed to Like a cheetah, it swished through the woods and quickly disappeared into the night.

At the base, near the entrance of the cave, Jackson stood in the open square, staring coldly at the woods under the night. After gathering information from all parties, someone reported the news to Jackson. A series of dazzling sneak attacks devastated the country of Vietnam. The loss was heavy, and more importantly, the radar array in the sinkhole was destroyed.

A well-armed and capable soldier ran up to Jackson, saluted and said, "Captain, news just came from the country. The people who attacked were our old rivals, the Ghosts. The country wants us to kill them."

"Ghost? It's really you. Okay, very good. What you gave me will be returned tenfold." Upon hearing this, Jackson's face instantly turned cold, and he said through gritted teeth, as if the air around him was frozen.

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