The strongest soldier

Chapter 1188 Night Penetration

At eight o'clock in the evening, in a deep forest, a team lurked quietly, staring coldly at the mountains ahead, their bright eyes twinkling like stars in the night, with a somewhat cold fighting spirit, Luo Zheng relied on Standing in a big tree, he pointed to the front and said to Ghost Hand and Mountain Eagle: "The hillside in front is the enemy's defensive position. Let's put our equipment here. We will pick it up when we withdraw and change our equipment."

"Yes." Ghost Hand agreed and made a gesture to his team. Everyone stood up and took off their ghillie suits and combat uniforms, revealing the ninja uniform underneath. They also took off their pants, leaving only combat boots. , and put on the black hood, carry the dragon tooth sword on his back, and hold the gun, he looks exactly like a ninja.

Luo Zheng and Lan Xue also changed their clothes and threw their equipment together. Luo Zheng looked at the time and said to the mountain eagle: "Gui Shou and the others first detoured back to the east side, then went up the mountain and pretended to come out of the base. , it is not easy to arouse suspicion, you can go directly up with your people, lay a good ambush, and respond at any time."

"Understood." The mountain eagle promised fully, waved his hand, and led his people into the woods. About three hundred meters past the woods is the mountain. The mountainside is full of positions. There must be many hidden sentries. It is easy to be discovered. You must think in advance. The method must penetrate into the designated position.

Fortunately, everyone is well-trained veterans who know what to do, and Luo Zheng doesn’t have to worry about technical and tactical skills. As soon as the Mountain Eagle Team left, Luo Zheng whispered to the members of the Ghost Hand Team: "Brothers, I will take you The mission we are going on is a near-death mission, and if someone quits before it’s too late, I will never blame them.”

Everyone looked at Luo Zheng calmly, with a flash of humiliation in their eyes, as if Luo Zheng's words were a great insult to everyone. Luo Zheng waited for a while, but no one came out, and continued gratefully: "They are all good. , we can only win this battle, not lose. Even if we all die in this wilderness, as a soldier, I am ready to die for my country. I hope everyone is also ready. You all know what to do, not much. I said, let’s go.”

Everyone followed Luo Zheng calmly, and the team rushed forward quickly, quickly passing through the woods. In front of them was an open base, with flat terrain and a broad view. There was a river winding eastward, quietly under the night. , there were not even searchlights, but there were many patrols cruising around with wolves and dogs.

There is a mountain ridge on the other side, which is full of positions. Everyone must go as far as possible along the foot of the mountain, and then go up the mountain to create the illusion of coming out of the base cave. It is definitely not possible to go up directly from the woods, in the middle of the night Are there ninjas coming up from the outside to take position? Even if you go out to perform a mission, you will only go directly to the base cave. What are you doing in the position? Coming out of the base is different. There is a problem of psychological understanding.

The weather is beautiful tonight, dark clouds cover the moon, and visibility is very low. There are thick bushes at the foot of the mountain, which is convenient for concealment. Everyone wears black ninja uniforms, spreads out as much as possible, uses the shadow as cover, and rushes forward a few meters at a very fast speed. Then he found a place to hide and take a breather. After he recovered his breath, he ran at extreme speed again, hunched over, like a sneaking ghost in the night without making any sound.

Ten minutes later, Luo Zheng, who was leading the way, suddenly stopped and made a gesture to hide in place. Everyone quickly got into the bushes and watched the surroundings vigilantly. Lan Xue quietly rushed forward from behind, silently. Crouching in the bushes near Luo Zheng, he glanced at Luo Zheng and looked forward. There was no deliberate target in front of him. He couldn't help but be surprised and looked at Luo Zheng again.

Luo Zheng made a silent gesture to signal everyone not to move. He used his hands and feet to lower his body as low as possible, and quickly climbed up along the shadow. Several rabbits jumped out and ran out for more than ten meters, under the darkness of night. Like an agile cheetah, it quietly approaches its prey.

In order to pretend to be realistic, everyone did not wear night vision goggles and headsets. In this dark night with very low visibility, everyone could only see about five meters away and couldn't ask. They had no idea what was happening in front of them? What is Luo Zheng doing? It was quiet all around, the bushes were swaying in the wind, and everyone lay quietly on the ground waiting patiently.

After a while, there were two nighthawk calls. Lan Xue and Gui Shou, who were familiar with Luo Zheng, smiled knowingly and made a gesture. The team moved forward carefully. Everyone imitated Luo Zheng's use of hands and feet and jumped in the bushes. They found This method of advancement is very useful. Not only is it fast, but it can also be hidden by the surrounding bushes. Even if it is occasionally discovered, it will be considered a beast passing by at night.

Soon, everyone moved forward about ten meters and saw Luo Zheng waiting in front. There was a corpse on the ground, wearing a Yue military uniform. They didn't know what happened. Everyone didn't expect this situation. Luo Zheng even sensed the secret whistle and successfully broke the opponent's neck. How brilliant was his lurking and penetration skills?

Lan Xue glanced at the secret whistle, with a flash of worry in her eyes, and touched the other party. There was no intercom or anything like that, which meant that the other party was a flexible sentry and did not contact anyone to confirm whether it was safe. No one would come to change shifts. Time He evacuates on his own as soon as he arrives. Even his own people will not know where he is lurking. He is flexible and mobile, not only monitoring the enemy's situation, but also supervising whether his own people leave their posts. If the situation is discovered, he will fire a warning shot.

"No problem." Luo Zheng said in a low voice. He looked at the time and saw that it was already eight forty. There were still twenty minutes left before the agreed time. He looked ahead and saw that there was still some distance to go. He glanced at everyone and nodded. , made a gesture to continue moving forward, and the team rushed forward again.

No more hidden whistles were found along the way, which made everyone feel relieved, and the speed of advancement was a little faster. Under the night, rabbits were running forward one after another, sometimes stopping suddenly, sometimes walking suddenly, and their movements were agile, like wolves. The hunting group moved forward silently.

Twenty minutes later, everyone quietly came to a dense bush and took cover. A path up the mountain appeared in front of them. The other end of this road led to the direction of the base cave. Needless to say, it was known that the troops stationed on the mountain were going up and down the mountain. It was the only way to go. After the battle started, going up the mountain from here would not easily arouse suspicion. Everyone quickly spread out and hid, waiting for the arrival of the fighter plane.

Luo Zheng hid himself next to a bush, watching calmly as everyone hid, and then looked up at the sky. The dark clouds gradually dispersed, and the moon was about to come out. He looked at the time again, and it was exactly nine o'clock. I believe everyone else was there too. Alright? In order to pretend to be more authentic, I didn’t bring a headset, so I couldn’t make contact.

Not long after, a team came down from the mountain, holding flashlights, chatting and laughing. There were about twenty people. Everyone's expressions changed slightly and they looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng made a concealed gesture and everyone quickly retreated. Go down.

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