The strongest soldier

Chapter 1167 Silent Battle

Time passed by, and Luo Zheng knew that everyone was infiltrating. He looked back several times but found no trace of anyone. He couldn't help but feel reassured. He couldn't find it himself, and he believed that the enemy couldn't find it either. He waited patiently. Thinking of the two armed policemen who died tragically, endless murderous aura surged in my heart. I couldn't help but look towards the tunnel not far away. A terrifying murderous aura flashed in my sharp eyes. However, I restrained myself for a moment and continued to lurk quietly, waiting for everyone. 's arrival

Half an hour later, Lan Xue came up and lurked next to Luo Zheng to take a look. Luo Zheng pointed at the tunnel not far away. There was a section exposed to the outside. On the surface, it looked like trenches, distributed in a ring. During the day, There were people guarding it, and it was quiet at night. They probably all went into the tunnel.

The time was only ten minutes. Luo Zheng glanced at his watch. Half an hour was just right. He quickly contacted everyone. After getting everyone's answers, Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and gestured to Lan Xue. Lan Xue understood. Nodding, the two of them hunched their waists, used their hands and feet together, and rushed forward quickly under the cover of the night, like stalking hungry wolves.

The hidden position was not far from the tunnel. The two of them hunched over and used their hands and feet, running for a while and stopping for a while. After the searchlight passed, they continued running forward. Unknowingly, they came to a section of the trench where the tunnel was exposed. Luo Zheng signaled Lan Xue to take cover. He pulled out the tiger-tooth military dagger and held it in his mouth, then climbed up cautiously.

The trench didn't respond at all. Luo Zheng slowed down in surprise. When he climbed up to the trench, he saw that it was empty and there was no one. The trench was about 1.5 meters deep and about 2 meters wide. It was reinforced with crossbars on both sides and looked very strong. , Luo Zheng jumped down curiously and looked around, thinking that there was no one in this section, the entrance to the tunnel should be at the other end of the trench, so he couldn't help but look up.

The other end was approaching the military camp not far away, and Luo Zheng couldn't help but wonder: "Is it true that, as he guessed, the tunnels are connected to the military camp and can support the trenches at any time. The trenches are distributed in a circle and are the first line of defense of the prison?" Thinking of this, Luo Zheng was a little confused. Understanding, Xunsi said through the headset: "Xue'er, come here."

Soon, Lan Xue climbed up and rolled into the trench. The two of them squatted down to avoid the sweeping searchlight. Luo Zheng lowered his voice and said his analysis aside. Lan Xue nodded in agreement, and the two of them hunched over. , and walked forward along the trenches. There were trenches for cover, so there was no need to worry about being discovered by searchlights.

The trenches were distributed in a circular shape and were about 300 meters long. There were no people along the way. The ground was solid and there were debris, indicating that people came frequently. The two of them took cover alternately, and unknowingly came to the other end. Sure enough, they saw a tunnel entrance. , the crossbar was reinforced and looked very strong, there were lights inside, and two people were guarding the door, smoking cigarettes, the butts of the cigarettes flashing red in the night.

Luo Zheng quickly raised his hand to signal Lan Xue to stop advancing. He observed carefully and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that there were only two people. Lan Xue held the Tiger Tooth Army dagger behind her back and was about to go up to take action. Luo Zheng pulled him. Although there were only two people, he forced If you attack, you will be discovered and must be outsmarted.

Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng with some doubts, then slowly stepped back, leaning against the trench, and handed it over to Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng took off his disguise, took off his camouflage combat uniform and the dragon tooth sword on his back. , then gently took off the camouflage training pants, revealing the black ninja uniform underneath, and then put on the hood, only exposing the eyes, which looked more like it.

In order to facilitate movement, everyone wore ninja uniforms in addition to extremely bulletproof tight-fitting suits. For this operation, Luo Zheng asked everyone to bring the Dragon Tooth Saber, which was the Japanese sword that had been captured. Look At this scene, Lan Xue suddenly laughed. This was a good idea. It could confuse the enemy for only two seconds. For Luo Zheng, it was enough to kill two enemies.

Everything was ready. Luo Zheng gave Lan Xue a look. Lan Xue nodded knowingly and installed the silencer on the pistol just in case. The silencer can eliminate the sound of the pistol bullet coming out of the chamber to a certain extent, but it does not completely silence it. Luo Zheng formulated a silent tactic. The so-called silent means that there is no sound, including the faint sound of silent pistols.

Luo Zheng looked at the time, it was exactly ten minutes, and asked in a low voice: "Mountain Eagle?"

"Get in position." The weak voice of the mountain eagle sounded in the headset.

"Act." After hearing the reply that they were in position, Luo Zheng gave the order to all the teams to take action without hesitation. He carried the dragon tooth on his back and walked directly to the front. He clasped the tiger tooth behind his back and secretly prepared it. In preparation for the battle, Lan Xue followed closely, hiding herself just in case.

Soon, Luo Zheng strode up and was discovered when he was about ten meters away from the two sentries. The two sentries raised their guns in surprise and carefully observed the intruder. They found that they were like ninjas and resisted the urge to shoot. The two exchanged confused glances, and at this time, Luo Zheng had already strode forward.

The enemy's hesitation made Luo Zheng feel reassured. He stepped forward and shouted in Japanese: "You, come here."

How could the two guards understand what Luo Zheng said, and they became even more confused. Luo Zheng used this time to step forward a few meters again and came to the two of them. Everything went smoothly beyond imagination. A guard came forward and bowed his head. , saying something in the local dialect, with a servile look on his face.

When Luo Zheng saw it, he immediately became happy. He struck out like lightning and knocked the opponent unconscious with a hand knife. He kicked the opponent hard and his body rushed past. Without waiting for another guard to warn him, he covered the opponent's mouth with his big hand. The reversed tiger-tooth saber drew a terrifying arc, instantly piercing the opponent's temple, destroying the opponent's nerve center, and then flipped four or five degrees and pulled it out. The opponent's body went limp and he died on the spot.

After killing the guard, Luo Zheng turned around and saw that Lan Xue rushed up like a cheetah and directly wiped out the throat of the stunned guard. He also killed him with one knife. The opponent's legs bounced twice and stopped moving. The two quickly took cover. Observe carefully in the darkness of the entrance and exit.

The tunnel was deep, hung with light bulbs, and reinforced with beams. There was no end in sight, and no one could be seen. Luo Zheng resisted the urge to go in to find out, exchanged a look with Lan Xue, and quickly took out three button bombs. , looked at the time, a few minutes had passed, and there were no gunshots around, indicating that everyone acted very smoothly. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and lowered his voice and said: "Report the situation."

"The watchtower has been captured, and the two machine gun positions have been captured." Snow Leopard's voice sounded in the headset.

"Two bunkers have been cleared, and the third one will take three minutes." Guishou whispered, with a bit of solemnity, and suddenly shouted urgently: "An abnormal situation was discovered.".

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