The strongest soldier

Chapter 1165 Tightly Defended

The tragic death of the armed policeman made Luo Zheng's heart burn with rage. He didn't dare to look any further, for fear that he would not be able to control his emotions and make the wrong decision. As a commander, he must learn to bear all this. Lan Xue patted Luo Zheng on the shoulder. He said softly: "Don't worry, just endure it for now and come back to them to settle the accounts."

"Yes." Luo Zheng nodded, silently took apart the sniper rifle in his hand and performed maintenance to ensure that there would be no mistakes at the critical moment. He turned his anger into strength. After the maintenance of the gun was completed, Luo Zheng took out some sniper bullets. Come on, pull out the tiger fang saber and carve a cross on the bullet to make a simple dummy bullet.

The DAM bullet is produced by the DAM Arsenal. The tip of the warhead is not covered and the lead core is exposed. After the bullet is injected into the human body, the lead core expands or ruptures, thus expanding the wound surface and causing serious injuries to personnel. It was attacked by DAM at a distance of 100 meters. A direct hit from the bullet kills 100% of the head, 20% of the limbs, and all the rest is amputated. The left chest (near the heart) is 100% dead, the right chest is 70% dead, and the abdomen is 70% dead. It has been banned internationally.

This kind of sniper bullet with a cross engraved on it is not a standard dummy bullet, but it can basically achieve the effect of dummy bullets. The enemy's cruelty ignited Luo Zheng's anger. Luo Zheng no longer had any worries. Everyone was silent when they saw it. He took out bullets and skillfully carved a cross with his saber.

Lan Xue did not stop him. Faced with the enemy's ferocity, he had to retaliate in a more ferocious way to avenge the armed police's spirit in the sky. Everyone was silent, wishing it would get dark soon, and a suppressed murderous aura spread over the woods.

It was finally dark. The lights in the town were dim, but the searchlights in the direction of the prison and the military camp were flashing, illuminating the surroundings as bright as day. Everyone looked at Luo Zheng, with cold eyes full of murderous intent. Luo Zheng understood everyone's mood, and he Why not? On the battlefield, everyone was willing to fight for the mission and honor, but torturing prisoners was something they really didn't bother to do. The enemy's cruelty filled Luo Zheng with overwhelming hatred.

"Let's go." Luo Zheng shouted coldly.

Everyone nodded knowingly and automatically formed three lines as a team. Ghost Hands, Mountain Eagles and Snow Leopards stood in front of each other, closely following Luo Zheng and Lan Xue in front, like hungry wolves looking for food in the woods. He walked forward quietly, holding the steel gun tightly with both hands, and his murderous intent was restrained.

Soon, everyone walked out of the mountains and quietly arrived near the predetermined woods. There was a swimming sentry at the edge of the woods. There was an open grassland in front of them. The terrain was relatively flat. Luo Zheng motioned for everyone to disperse and whispered: "Everyone stays where they are. Stand by, I'll go investigate, don't move." In order to ensure more clues, Luo Zheng planned to investigate personally.

"Be careful." Lan Xue knew Luo Zheng's character and did not dissuade him. He set up a sniper rifle to respond at any time.

"Most of the enemies are partying in the square inside the prison and burning three bonfires. Be careful." Hong Meihua's voice sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng agreed, put down his backpack, picked up the sniper rifle and moved forward quickly. He soon came to the edge of the woods and saw a patrol of about ten people approaching. They quickly hid under a tree and lay on the ground, with all kinds of things stuck on their bodies. Planting grass looks like a bunch of bushes at first glance, and you will never find it until you are close.

What made Luo Zheng angry was that the patrol had no intention of leaving. Instead, they lit a bonfire nearby. Soon, another team came over. Everyone sat around the bonfire and ate barbecue, leaving only three people nearby. Wary, talking and laughing, and lack of discipline, but they blocked Luo Zheng's path forward.

"These bastards." Luo Zheng was furious. After observing for a while, seeing that this group of people had no intention of leaving, he decided to break in. He hunched over and rushed forward quickly. He rushed out for more than ten meters and jumped with a tiger. On the ground, he slowly climbed forward, his eyes like a torch, staring at the position of the bonfire in front of him, and he would stop immediately if he noticed any abnormality.

After a while, a soldier staggered over. Luo Zheng quickly lay down on the ground without moving, took out his pistol, held his breath, and waited seriously. Lan Xue and others in the woods behind him were shocked and held their hands. She tightened her gun and was about to charge forward. Seeing that Luo Zheng was not moving, Lan Xue quickly gestured to stop everyone from being impatient.

After a while, the soldier stopped about three people away from Luo Zheng. He smelled of alcohol and took out his penis for convenience. He burped from time to time and laughed and cursed with the people behind him. The searchlight swept over and landed here. The soldier may have found out that he was one of his own, so he quickly moved away.

After the soldier was done, he turned around and went back, cursing and swaying as he walked. Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and continued to move forward in a circuitous way, gradually getting further and further away under the cover of night. When everyone in the woods saw this scene, they immediately They breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed the guns in their hands. Only then did they realize that their palms were covered in cold sweat.

The situation just now was very dangerous. If the other party walked about two meters or two further, they might find Luo Zheng, and all previous efforts would be in vain. Everyone could not help but be nervous.

Seeing that he was some distance away from the bonfire, Luo Zheng quickly got up and walked forward with his waist hunched over. He then took cover in the surrounding bushes and walked quickly. Once a searchlight came over, he quickly hid in the surrounding bushes and waited for the searchlight to pass. Besides, it's like a ghost stalking the night, quietly approaching its target.

Twenty minutes later, Luo Zheng arrived about 20 meters from the prison gate and lurked in a low-lying pit. His eyes were like torches, staring coldly ahead, his eyes as bright as the stars in the night sky, carefully searching for the surrounding bunkers. , the moonlight was hazy, and many places could not be seen clearly, so we had to rely on infrared telescopes.

After a while, Luo Zheng discovered two bunkers and a tunnel. He was not reassured. Seeing that it was still early, he continued to observe, while softly informing everyone of the discovery through the earpiece, so that everyone was aware of it. An hour passed, and Luo Zheng lurked in place motionless. This time was not difficult for a sniper. At this time, a small team came out, loaded with live ammunition, and moved forward in a queue.

Luo Zheng couldn't help being startled, and quickly raised his telescope to observe. Soon, Luo Zheng discovered that the team went to a high slope next to the gate. A pergola was built there, and there was nothing. Luo Zheng was surprised and found that Gao Zheng Something shook at the bottom of the slope. I quickly looked over and found a hole in the ground, with about ten people crawling out of it.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng never expected that there was actually a tunnel in this conspicuous place. The Yue people really took tunnel warfare to an artistic level, and it was impossible to guard against it. Fortunately, he was lurking and observing, otherwise he wouldn't have discovered it at all. The people in the tunnel were heading towards Walking inside the prison, the team just entered, obviously for a change of defense.

In this way, Luo Zheng discovered three bunkers, two near the gate, forming a triangle with the one just now. If someone attacks, no one will be immune to the attack of this triangular bunker. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng was shocked. Cold sweat, overjoyed.

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