The strongest soldier

Chapter 1158 A great victory

The bus slowly drove into a mountainous area. The mountains were covered with bushes, and the roads were even more dense on both sides. It was not a problem to hide thousands of people. The driver of the bus drove forward at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour, while watching the surroundings vigilantly. In the carriage, shadows were falling. With a gesture, everyone showed off their pistols and micro-guns, preparing for battle.

Suddenly, a warning came from the headset, and there were signs of an ambush around him. Shadow covered his ears and checked again. The message was from his intelligence captain. It was definitely correct. He was only a hundred meters away from the encirclement. It was definitely impossible to go forward. He would be completely surrounded and there would be nowhere to run. He immediately patted the driver on the shoulder.

The driver knowingly walked forward fifty meters and stopped, stood up and shouted: "Don't move, everyone. Get off if you need it. The car has a minor fault and it will be repaired soon." Song Yun's mobile phone is there, and everyone is sure of what he says and does. You must be cautious, otherwise you will be exposed and fail to achieve the purpose of a surprise attack.

Everyone nodded knowingly and got out of the car one after another. Under the leadership of the team leader, most of them got into the woods nearby and penetrated forward covertly. Shadow also led others to use the cover of the surrounding bushes to move forward.

Ten minutes later, the driver motioned for the remaining people to get on the bus, and the bus continued to move forward. Everyone looked around as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and were ready for battle. Thinking that ten minutes would be enough for them to get back behind the enemy, everyone felt a little relieved. Determined, soon, the bus entered the encirclement.

"Da da da!" Suddenly, dense gunshots rang out from the mountains and bushes on both sides. There were pistols, micro-ramps, and small weapons. Everyone quickly hid under the windows of the car to fight back. The body of this kind of car is made of thickened steel plates. , it cannot be seen from the outside, and it is not easy for small arms bullets to penetrate.

Considering the enemy's heavy weapons, the driver quickly reversed the car and appeared to be fleeing in panic. The window glass was bulletproof, but it was also cracked by bullets. The ambushers saw that they were about to escape, but they would not agree and rushed in one after another. He came out of the bunker to pursue him. Under attack from the front, rear, left and right, the car did not stop.

Soon, the ambushers also discovered something unusual. The car window glass was not broken, but cracked, and some cracked into seams. Guns were extended from inside to fight back, and the tires could not burst. The bullets hit the car body and sparks flew everywhere. There is no way to cause damage to the bus.

Everyone realized that something was wrong, and canceled the original plan to capture some of them alive as hostages to escape, and prepared to bomb them with RPGs. Unfortunately, it was too late. Suddenly, a large number of people came out from behind. They came up and fired at them, leaving half of them behind. After reacting, he turned his gun to fight back and began to retreat.

How could you let it go after finally catching the opportunity? Shadow spread out with his people and quickly hunted down the enemies. The enemies seemed to have about fifty people. They were well-trained and had strong combat capabilities. After being caught off guard, they did not panic, but retreated in an orderly manner. The two sides fought abnormally. Hot.

Soon, more than a dozen people gathered together and formed a combat assault formation to rush forward and fight in a completely lifeless manner. The people responsible for blocking had to disperse. Shadow was chasing the enemy on the other side. Seeing this scene, His face changed drastically. It would take some time to rush over, but he was unwilling to let the enemy break out of the encirclement. He roared and ordered several of his men to continue chasing the remaining enemy, leading others to pursue him.

At this time, the bus suddenly stopped, and the people on the bus rushed down and rushed towards the enemy, forming a flanking attack. This made the ambushed enemy break out even more fiercely. Both sides fought fiercely, and one side fought for Survival is about honor. If the enemy runs away, how will everyone lose face?

Seeing that more than a dozen enemies were about to run away, the shadow energy was continuously fired in an attempt to stop the enemies, but the enemies were not indifferent. They hunched into the bushes and found it difficult to find. At this time, the helicopter roared over and faced the dense enemy. A burst of fire, bullets rained down, leaving the bushes in a mess.

The angle of looking down from a high altitude is very good. Even if the enemy is hiding in the bushes, he can tell the difference. A dozen enemies who tried to break out were directly brought down to the ground by the helicopter. The helicopter hovered in the safe area, and a group of fully equipped soldiers dropped down. The armed special forces quickly dispersed to pursue the surviving enemies. There were not many surviving enemies. They were attacked from both sides and were in danger. How could they stop the pursuit of this new force of special forces?

Soon, all enemies were eliminated. Everyone cleaned up the battlefield. Helicopters circled around to detect whether there were any other enemies. The news was sent to Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng did not expect that the battle would end so soon. Instead of being excited, he fell into deep thought. among.

The enemies in the ambush were killed so quickly, and none of them slipped through the net. This can only explain one problem. The enemies in the ambush were not very strong. Otherwise, even if everyone had strong forces and defeated the few with more, they would not have been wiped out so quickly. It’s just that , judging from the fact that no one surrendered and all died in battle, this team is not simple. Is it a dead soldier or something?

"What's wrong?" Lan Xue asked softly in surprise.

"There are no masters in this team. It seems that Shi Jinye is not among them. If Shi Jinye escapes, there will be endless troubles." Luo Zheng said with a solemn expression.

"Yes, but let's ignore him for now. No matter how strong he is, he is still a human being. We have wiped out all his minions and won't be able to cause too much trouble. It's time for us to take action." Lan Xue reminded.

"Okay, let's go." Luo Zheng nodded and said.

After a while, the bus drove away from the factory and walked along the highway. Not long after, a large number of police officers arrived and escorted the bus to the battle scene. The road was full of corpses and everyone was still cleaning the battlefield. The bus stopped and Song Yun looked at the corpses on the side of the road in surprise. Some of them had their heads blown off, and some of their bodies were smashed. It was too horrible to look at. A strange smell came up. She quickly rushed out of the car, squatted in a place and vomited violently, her face turned pale. .

Luo Zheng looked at Song Yun who was squatting on the ground, gave Lan Xue a look, then found the shadow, and said with a smile: "Well done, I caught a lot of fish in this battle, although there are no big fish, but the result is still considered Brilliant.”

"Your plan is good, but it's a pity that I didn't meet that bastard Ishiino." Shadow said unwillingly.

"It is estimated that he has returned to China, or may not be able to make it. Anyway, we still won a game and figured it out. According to the plan, we need to leave immediately and return to the capital secretly. The nursing home needs to pretend that we are still there. Maybe It's up to you whether you can attract Shijino to come over or whether you can catch him." Luo Zheng consoled him.

"This is the only way, be careful." Shadow said angrily, looking at the corpse on the roadside, feeling unwilling but helpless, unable to vent his anger, extremely depressed.

Luo Zheng said goodbye to Shadow, returned to the bus, and motioned for everyone to get off. All the injured got into the three vans driven by the police, and closed the curtains. No one knew who was sitting inside. The vans quickly left the scene and ran towards the capital. Go, as for the scene, it is enough that there are shadowy people. No one noticed two people standing on the top of the mountain in the distance, observing the scene with telescopes, their faces cold.

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