The strongest soldier

Chapter 1153 Jackson Arrives

"I sent you my cell phone for the information I just received. You'd better take a look at it yourself." Lanxing said in surprise.

This answer made Luo Zheng even more curious. He quickly took out his mobile phone. Soon, a video was automatically downloaded. Luo Zheng waited for the download to finish and pressed the play button. The video started to play. It was a customs surveillance screen, a busy border inspection gate, and a moving crowd. , meticulous customs officers, people waiting for entry, and soon, the picture was fixed on one person.

When Luo Zheng looked at the other party, his expression changed greatly. He made a careful distinction. After confirming that it was correct, Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue in surprise. Lan Xue also happened to finish reading and looked over with a solemn expression. After exchanging a look with Luo Zheng, he asked : "Little sister, can you confirm your identity?"

"It's confirmed. The other party holds the certificate of a staff member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' embassy in our country. His identity is very public and legal. He is in contact with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Yes, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has just replied that the other party has entered the country legally and is a martial arts assistant. Reporting and approval." Blue Star replied in surprise.

"Why is he here?" Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng in surprise.

Luo Zheng also didn't expect that it would be Jackson. The man who fought with him in the virgin forest had now come to his own country. He had entered the country legally and had an official status. Luo Zheng didn't believe that the man would come to work. Yes, there must be a mission. His official identity is just a disguise. Why is he here?

"Could it be related to the Demon Slayer Organization?" Lan Xue reminded softly.

The so-called demon-killing organization is an alliance against Luo Zheng. They are all enemies of Luo Zheng. They are led by the Sam Kingdom and jointly act with only one purpose. Against Luo Zheng, the previous person in charge died and was bombed to death in the Sanhe Guild Hall. Could Jackson be the new person in charge? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's face changed slightly and said: "It's not impossible. That organization includes the Immortal Martial God, the Samsara Killer, the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group, etc. These forces have cooperated with Jackson, and they must be familiar with them. They represent the Sam Country. It would be most appropriate to come and preside over this organization.”

"If this is really the case, then we will be in trouble." Lan Xue said worriedly.

"Yes, on the battlefield, Jackson is the enemy, and we can launch a direct attack. But now in the local area, Jackson has an official status, a diplomatic staff, and has immunity. He cannot move, at least on the surface. If he comes It is really troublesome to preside over the so-called demon extermination organization to target us. It seems that our trouble is coming, why would he come?" Luo Zheng said with some annoyance.

"Wait a minute, let me ask." Lanxing suddenly said in the headset.

After a while, Blue Star continued: "We just got in touch with Hook. Jackson was ransomed a week ago. The coalition did not attack the Hook tribe. Hook thought we knew and forgot to tell us."

"No wonder, judging from the way he walks, the injury on his leg must not have fully healed. He must be on a mission to come here in such a hurry. Maybe it is related to the things in front of him. As long as the affairs of Sam Country are involved, there must be Japanese pirates, and The Japanese pirates will also have the shadow of the Sam Country. If the Ishii family and the Japanese country want to attack me, the Sam Country will definitely not sit idly by and ignore it, and Jackson is the best candidate." Luo Zheng said with a solemn expression.

"Jackson's leg is injured and he cannot go directly to the battlefield. It is reasonable to arrange it to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, there must be a reason why he is here in such a hurry. It seems that we have one more opponent." Lan Xue said beside him.

"He is a ruthless person, especially after suffering losses, he understands me better. Hong Meihua, this person is not simple. I leave it to you to deal with. He should have figured out all my tricks." Luo Zheng said.

"No problem." Red Plum Blossom agreed.

Luo Zheng closed his eyes tiredly and rested his mind. There was more than one enemy, and it didn't matter if there was one more. Luo Zheng didn't care if there were too many lice, so Luo Zheng didn't care. Not long after, Zhou Gang brought the food sent by the two of them, and Luo Zheng and Lan Xue ate it. After that, they went to rest. Their bodies had not yet healed and they needed a lot of sleep.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, the two woke up and put on their headphones. Luo Zheng asked, "What's going on now?"

"I caught a few fish and are interrogating them. I don't know if they are big or small." Lan Xing's words rang in the headset.

"What's going on?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"Didn't you use the fact that Song Yun's phone was monitored to set up a hotel plan? Shadow was lurking in the hotel. Three people approached and were all caught by Shadow. They are interrogating them." Lan Xing said with a smile.

"You have a good idea." Tuberose's voice also sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng faintly heard the screams and guessed that it was Shadow interrogating people. Thinking of Shadow's methods of interrogating people, he felt goosebumps. It was so cruel that it actually crushed people's bones. Even the stubborn Ishii family The disciples can't handle all the moves, and the others probably can't either.

"Here we come." Hong Meihua's voice sounded in the headset: "Shadow, how was the trial?"

"Three little fishes, it's a pity that this plan is just ordinary killers. Someone gave them a phone call and asked them to go to the hotel to install a listening device. The phone call was an electronically synthesized sound. It should be the Internet type. Even if it is traced, it is of little value. These bastards are Very clever, let the killer come to find out the truth." Shadow said angrily.

"Jackson is here, what do you think?" Luo Zheng asked in a solemn tone. For some reason, Luo Zheng was a little afraid of this Jackson. He always felt that the other person would be his biggest enemy in life.

"Come here. If you can defeat him on the battlefield, you can defeat him here. It's just a defeated general. Don't take it to heart. It messes up your own temperament. It should be because he is afraid of you. This is our country. We must play with him to death. It's easy." Shadow said nonchalantly.

When Luo Zheng heard that it made sense, Gui Shou knocked on the door and came in, saying that Song Yun had gone back to rest after dinner. Luo Zheng agreed, told the story about Jackson, and finally added: "Gui Shou, he is in the capital. Coming all the way, we can't be without etiquette, shall we give him a big gift?"

"It's simple." When Gui Shou heard that Jackson was coming, he immediately realized that something was wrong, and immediately said: "Just find a few gangsters to try and blackmail him. This is our country, our At home, it’s too easy to punish him. If you can’t punish him to death, you can still do it to disgust him.”

"It's a good idea. Give him a hard hit, but you have to be careful. After all, he is officially a martial arts assistant. His position is not low, and he enjoys diplomatic immunity. If he accidentally kills someone, it will not end well." Lan Xue smiled and approved.

Seeing that Lan Xue agreed to this plan, Luo Zheng thought that if Jackson really came to serve as the head of the so-called demon-killing organization, he could give him a blow and disrupt his rhythm, so he agreed and said with a smile: "Okay, ghost Hands, I leave this matter to you, as long as it ends well, you can play whatever you want."

Guishou smiled, took the phone knowingly and went out.

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