The strongest soldier

Chapter 1151 Things are weird

Hospital, guard room.

Luo Zheng came back in a hurry, opened the door and took a look. He saw that everyone was looking serious. He had won the battle and rescued Wu Miao. He should be happy. He couldn't help being startled, and quickly asked: "What happened to everyone? What happened again?" Is something wrong?" He said, looking at Lan Xue.

Lan Xue said knowingly: "There was a small problem, and the murderer who was following the shadow disappeared."

"What?" Luo Zheng was shocked. With the ability of the shadow, he actually lost track of him. This was contrary to common sense. He couldn't help but look at Tuberose. Tuberose nodded helplessly. Luo Zheng looked at Lanxing, who also smiled bitterly. Luo Zheng's expression Yilin asked: "What's the situation? Is there anyone to support you?"

"Yes, our people were forced to withdraw. Although Shadow led a small group of troops to bite the opponent, the helicopter withdrew. Suddenly a jet helicopter appeared and picked up the murderer. After checking, the identity of the owner It has been verified that it is a special interview machine for the TV station. It was stolen. A helicopter has been sent to pick up Shadow and it will be back soon." Blue Star said helplessly.

Just as he was talking, Yingying hurried back with someone with an ugly look on his face. Tuberose handed over a bottle of mineral water. Yingying drank it all in one breath, threw the empty mineral water bottle into the corner, and drew a beautiful line in the air. The arc fell into the trash can accurately, and Shadow said angrily: "That bastard, has the helicopter followed you?"

"Following him all the way north. After our helicopter chased him, he jumped out of the plane decisively. In the Changbai Mountains, there is a virgin forest. I'm afraid it's hard to find." Lanxing said with a bitter smile.

"This bastard is quite skillful. It seems that there are many people around him helping. Can we find them?" Shadow asked. When Blue Star shook his head and looked at his intelligence captain, he also shook his head and sighed helplessly to himself. With a sound, he looked at Luo Zheng and continued: "It seems that we just caught some small characters and escaped the big fish. What do you think of what happens next?"

"Based on what I know about them, I'm afraid this matter is not over yet. The Japanese pirates will definitely take revenge. If it is really the Ishii family who took action, there will definitely be follow-up plans. If it is really the people of the Juhua Club who did it, they will take action again for the sake of face and honor, so , what we have to do is to stick into the fence to prevent hungry wolves." Luo Zheng said calmly.

"It makes sense. It seems that I have to further improve the hospital's defense." Shadow said angrily.

"Well, this is your mission, I won't get involved. If you need anything, just ask me. I have to go get the injection. Hey, I hope this body will recover as soon as possible." Luo Zheng said, looking at Lan Xue, Lan Xue Nodding knowingly, the two walked out of the guard room together.

Lan Xing caught up with him and handed the two of them a headset, the kind that goes into the ear. The two took it and put it on and walked towards the ward. On the way, they saw Ghost Hand and Mountain Eagle and called them together. After everyone arrived at the ward, Guishou and Shandiao took out the detectors and checked them first. After confirming that there were no monitors or anything like that, they nodded to Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng motioned for everyone to sit down and talk, and closed the door. Everyone sat down and looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue exchanged a look and said, "The opponent is very cunning, ruthless, and has a lot of energy. It's not good." Deal with it, inform other brothers to be careful during this period and don’t go out unless there is nothing wrong.”

"Well, what should we do?" Guishou asked curiously.

"Wait." Luo Zheng said calmly. Seeing that everyone was not very understanding, he explained: "The enemy is already lurking. There are shadows on what they are looking for and the security and defense here. We don't need to intervene to avoid chaos. We can do it." The best thing is to wait for the enemy to take action and then counterattack according to the situation. In this process, your own safety is the most important, so you must be careful."

"Understood, I will make the seriousness of the matter clear to everyone." Guishou promised.

Everyone chatted for a while, and suddenly there was a knock on the door. Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue in surprise. Lan Xue shook his head to express his ignorance. Luo Zheng looked at Ghost Hand and Mountain Eagle, both of whom also shook their heads to express their ignorance. Luo Zheng's expression became condensed. , gave Guishou a look, Guishou stood up knowingly and opened the door.

"Is it you?" Guishou said in surprise.

"Why, you're not welcome?" a pleasant female voice asked with some dissatisfaction.

"No." Guishou said awkwardly, moving half of his body so that the people in the back room could see the person clearly.

Luo Zheng looked up and saw that it was Song Yun, from the Song family. He couldn't help but be surprised. He hadn't contacted her for a long time. How did she find her here? What are you doing here? He couldn't help but get up and asked in surprise: "Why are you here?"

"What do you mean? Didn't you ask me to come?" Song Yun asked dissatisfiedly, her face turned ugly with joy. She wore a purple professional skirt, giving people the feeling that a volcano was about to erupt. Seeing Lan Xue Everyone who was there looked at her in surprise. She was not welcome at all. Song Yun became angry and asked, "What do you mean? I'm not welcome? Then why did you ask me to come here?"

"Wait, you mean I asked you to come here?" Luo Zheng knew that Song Yun was not an unreasonable person, and he keenly felt the weirdness of the matter, so he couldn't help asking, seeing that Song Yun was still angry, his face became solemn, and he said seriously Said: "Don't get angry, you are being taken advantage of, tell me, how did you know this place?"

Song Yun was not stupid. Seeing that Luo Zheng was serious and not making fun of herself, she immediately realized that something was wrong. When she thought of Luo Zheng's personality and his character of never contacting her proactively, she knew something was wrong and quickly took out the money. He took out his cell phone, opened a text message and handed it to Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng took it and took a look. Sure enough, it was a request for Song Yun to come here. The mobile phone number was displayed as his own and the sending time was two hours ago. He was startled and quickly notified the headset and said: "Blue Star, immediately trace the content on Song Yun's mobile phone." The source of this text message, please notify me immediately if anything happens."

"Understood." Lan Xing's words rang in the headset.

Luo Zheng handed the phone to Song Yun and said seriously: "Sit down and talk first. We have encountered something here. I can't tell you the details. The opponent used you to come here. What do you think is the specific reason? Have you had any problems in the past two days? Did something unusual happen or did you receive a strange phone call?”

"No, everything is normal. I'm still surprised. You never take the initiative to contact me. I replied to your text message, but there was no reply. It said that you were critically ill and wanted to see me, so I rushed Here it comes, it turns out to be a trap, it’s strange, why did my opponent choose me?” Song Yun is not stupid, especially after experiencing various life and death tests, she became more vigilant, immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, and quickly answered.

"No matter what the purpose is, you are involved. It's best not to run around during this period and just stay here, otherwise your life may be in danger." Luo Zheng reminded with a serious face.

"Okay, as long as someone doesn't mind." Song Yun smiled and looked at Lan Xue.

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