The strongest soldier

Chapter 114 Heavy Rain Disturbance

In the early morning, a heavy rain suddenly fell, hitting the earth and woods, as if venting the dissatisfaction in my heart. The rain washed away the dirt on the earth, and also washed away the traces of people walking on the ground and the smell in the air, but it was not enough for the rapid march. Luo Zheng and others brought great trouble.

The team stopped on a leeward hillside, surrounded by mountains. Although they were not very high, the mountains were severely desertified and bare. In many places, not even a root of grass could be seen. Only exposed stones and soil remained on the mountainside. The soft soil slid down with the rain.

The heavy rain blocked the view in front and seriously affected the march. The five people formed a circle. The scholar took a look at the farmer's injury and said worriedly: "It seems that the rain will not stop in a short time. Brother farmer's injury will If you are affected, what should you do next? I want to hear your opinions first."

"You are the captain, you decide. My injury is fine, don't affect everyone because of me." The farmer said quickly, looking at the scholar eagerly, and then at everyone, his face full of guilt.

"Okay, brother, don't say these polite words. In my opinion, you should continue on your way. If you stop in the heavy rain, your body temperature will drop seriously and everyone will catch a cold. It is better to continue on your way. Exercise can create heat for the body and resist the invasion of cold air. ." The gardener suggested.

"That's right, it's raining so heavily and there's no place to hide. It's better to keep going. Your body will feel warm when you walk. It's just the farmer brother's injury that's more troublesome. This rain has covered up the traces of our journey. I believe it won't be easy for the enemy to track down this place. But don’t be careless, you should go if you can.” The monk also agreed.

"I'm afraid not." Luo Zheng objected. Seeing everyone looking at him, he explained: "Although the injury of the farmer brother did not hurt the muscles and bones, it is also deep and needs to be taken good care of. With such heavy rain, the wound has been damaged." Being soaked in rain for too long will cause inflammation and aggravate the injury, which will cause trouble. I suggest you find a way to avoid the rain."

"It's raining so heavily, you can't see anything around, the mountains are bare, and there's not even a forest. Where can we take shelter? Moreover, once it stops, our body temperature drops, and what if we all fall ill?" ?" the scholar asked worriedly.

"We don't know yet whether we will get sick, but Brother Farmer's leg injury will definitely get worse, so we must stop moving forward and find a way." Luo Zheng said firmly, while looking around, he could vaguely see mounds and mountains. , apart from that, there is nothing.

"The idea is good. Who would ignore the injury of a farmer brother if he has a place to take shelter from the rain? We are all brothers who have died. However, you are also aware of the situation. Is there any good solution?" the monk asked.

"Follow me." Luo Zheng glanced at everyone and walked to the side. Everyone followed him in surprise, and soon came to a hillside. The hillside was about 40 degrees, which is relatively steep nearby. Luo Zhengba He took out the M9 saber and said calmly: "Let's find a way to dig out a cave here."

"Ah?" Everyone was startled and then realized that Luo Zheng had already begun to dig the soil with his military thorns. They couldn't say anything more. A trace of gratitude flashed in the farmer's eyes, but he still comforted him: "Brother Luo Zheng, I'm really fine. , let’s go, don’t let me affect the whole thing.”

"Okay, stop talking about this. Brother Luo Zheng's words make sense. Let's ignore what happened. The top priority is how to help you." The monk said, also pulled out a saber and went up to help.

Soon, the two of them worked together to dig out a pit and put the bomb in it. A bigger pit came out. Luo Zheng continued to dig out soil. The place was not big enough and the hole created by the explosion could not accommodate too many people. The monk and the The gardener piled soil on top, and the scholar supported the farmer and watched the surroundings warily.

Not long after, another small hole about three feet deep was dug out. A grenade was thrown in and exploded. The hole enlarged and deepened a lot. Luo Zheng continued to dig out small holes and then blew it up with a grenade. This was repeated four times. , a soil hole large enough for two people to stand was dug out, and all the debris blown up by the explosion was moved to the top of the soil hole by the gardener and the monk, forming a barrier to prevent rainwater from entering.

After the earth hole was completed, nearly half of the grenades on everyone's body were spent, but no one felt sorry. The farmer was arranged to enter the hole, take off his pants, open the wound, then take off his clothes, wring it out and wipe it to make sure there was no rainwater on the wound. The scholar handed the map to the farmer to prevent it from getting wet, and put the weapon into the hole to prevent the rain from affecting its performance.

Luo Zheng looked up at the sky. I am afraid that this rain will continue for more than an hour. I wonder if the explosion just now will be heard by the enemy. If the enemy is just the East Turkestan Islamic Movement elements, Luo Zheng is not worried. Although the East Turkestan Islamic Movement elements are naturally Brutal, after being brainwashed by religion, they fought bravely, but their combat effectiveness was not very strong. But after the appearance of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group, the situation was completely different.

"What are you worried about?" the scholar asked beside him.

"I'm worried that the enemy will catch up. In this case, I will go to the back to check the situation and come back after the rain stops." Luo Zheng agreed, while checking his equipment and getting ready to leave.

"I'll go with you," the monk said.

"No, we need manpower here." Luo Zheng said casually. Seeing that there was nothing wrong with the weapon, he looked at the scholar. After all, it was a team and the scholar was the captain. It was up to the captain to decide whether it would work or not.

"Okay, be careful. If there is a situation, fire a warning shot. If the danger is too great, retreat and find a solution together." The scholar agreed, looked at the gardener and the monk, and continued: "Gardener, go to the south, monk, You go to the north and stay on guard for five kilometers while I stay and pull back immediately if you find the enemy is in danger. Don't fight alone."

"Yes." The three of them agreed. Luo Zheng glanced at the farmer, gave him a comforting look, and strode into the rain, heading west.

The biggest problem of marching in the rain is that the line of sight is blocked. Not only can't you see the front, but the rain often gets into your eyes, making it impossible to open your eyes normally. This is very annoying. Luo Zheng put his palms on his forehead to block the rain and trotted forward for about two or three days. Kilometer 100, I suddenly felt something was wrong in front of me. I couldn't help being startled. I rolled to the side of the mound to hide myself. I turned on the safety of my gun and observed it carefully.

More than half an hour later, a black shadow appeared in the field of vision. The rain was too heavy and it was difficult to see clearly. It was difficult to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. Luo Zheng waited sternly, and slowly aimed his gun at the opponent. He held back his breath, imagining that he was next to him. The mounds of soil were made of stones, and he adjusted his breathing using the breathing method passed down from his family. Soon, Luo Zheng felt that he was integrated with his surroundings.

"Eh, sniper?" Luo Zheng was surprised to find that the person was wearing a ghillie suit, holding a sniper rifle in his hand, with the muzzle pointed downward, and running quickly forward.

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