The strongest soldier

Chapter 1128 Restraint Trench

The battle was very fierce, and the bullets were intertwined like a storm, emitting a devastating roar, but no one was afraid, and there was no time to be afraid. On the battlefield, if you want to survive, there is only one way, and that is Killing the enemy, in this kind of war atmosphere, everyone's blood is detonated, and they don't think about the question of fear or not at all, they scream and shoot the enemy angrily.

This time, the coalition forces spent a lot of money and showed real strength. They stayed on the passage and refused to retreat. They counterattacked accurately. More people climbed up and joined the battle. They used the fallen trees on the passage and the surrounding terrain to hide. Fighting to the death, Luo Zheng soon discovered that this group of people had started to dig trenches, and he couldn't help but become worried.

If the enemy's trenches are successfully dug and the enemy and we are no more than 150 meters apart, then the advantage of being on the mountain will disappear and the situation will be very unfavorable to everyone. Luo Zheng watched the enemy's actions coldly, without panicking, and quickly thought of countermeasures Come.

The enemy fought very resolutely. When they died, someone immediately climbed up to resist them and counterattacked with precise shooting. Soon, three light machine guns came up, and dense bullets rushed towards the mountain position like locusts, causing everyone to shrink back. Going down, Luo Zheng saw this scene and immediately became angry. He quickly aimed at a person and was about to shoot, but found that the other person's head had been shot. Luo Zheng guessed that it was one of his own who dared, so he did not move the muzzle of the gun, and soon I found someone coming up to continue to control the heavy machine gun. I quickly took aim and pulled the trigger.

One hundred and fifty meters, there is no cover in the middle, and the trees have been blown down. Such shooting conditions are not difficult for Luo Zheng. At this moment, Luo Zheng discovered that there is actually a passage that is not bad. The only regret is that all the traps are gone. , glared angrily, and found that the other two light machine guns had also failed to fire, so he continued to observe the enemy digging trenches.

The people digging the trenches couldn't be seen at all. They were probably lying on the ground working. They only saw the soil being shoveled away. The speed was very fast. It didn't take many trenches to dig. This problem must be solved as soon as possible. The RPG was a little early and the grenades were a little far away. The sniper rifle is out of reach, which is really difficult.

"Why did the enemy dig trenches? Wouldn't it be over if they attacked in one go?" Lan Xue suddenly whispered.

Luo Zheng was startled, and suddenly remembered that the coalition forces sent a message through Langsen to intimidate Hook. He suddenly realized a problem. The coalition forces did not trust Hook very much. They dug trenches to preserve their own strength. It seemed that the enemy wanted to pass through. The trenches put pressure on themselves, forcing Hook to take action, and then take them all down in one fell swoop.

Such a ruthless method, Luo Zheng was secretly frightened, and couldn't help but look at Hook next to him. Hook also saw Tomorrow, his face turned livid, and he was very happy in his heart. Fortunately, he did not choose to betray, otherwise, he would have counterattacked from behind. After success, he will have to face the attack of the coalition forces alone. With the support of the trenches, the strength of the coalition forces can be preserved. He is no match for the opponent at all. Thinking of this, Hook couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. He felt that someone was watching him and couldn't help but turn his head. I went and found it was Luo Zheng. He smiled awkwardly and said: "Old friends with whom we have had life-long friendships are still reliable. What should we do with these bastards?"

"There's no rush." ​​Luo Zheng said coldly, with blazing eyes, he looked at the battlefield again. The enemy's marksmanship was very accurate, but the people on his side were not bad either, and they had the support of trenches, which caused great losses to the enemy. However, this The advantage will be minimal after the enemy's trenches are formed. This problem must be solved as soon as possible. Luo Zheng suddenly looked solemn and shouted: "Scholar, arrange for someone, RPG, to blow it up for me."

"Yes." The scholar roared, and instead of arranging for others, he shouldered an RPG himself. A comrade ran up to load the rocket. After loading, he patted the scholar on the shoulder to express his approval, and quickly retracted into the trench. Hidden inside.

"Boom!" The rocket roared away, leaving a long trail of flames, and accurately landed on the enemy's position below. The soil flew up, and the enemies who were digging trenches were blown away.

When everyone saw this scene, they were all in high spirits. Luo Zheng also laughed. The enemy dug and exploded to see who could hold on. In the end, the enemy position suddenly stopped shooting, and everyone lay tightly behind the bunker without moving. , only gunpowder smoke was flying, and a depressing atmosphere was brewing in the air.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng looked at this scene in surprise and ordered the team to stop shooting temporarily.

At the foot of the mountain, Jackson looked at the bombed trenches, which had just begun to take shape. Jackson did not expect that Luo Zheng still had rockets, and his face became cold. He wanted to find someone to ask how many rockets Luo Zheng carried. Not far away, the polar bear captain had a teasing sneer on his face. Jackson must bear all the responsibility for the battle being like this.

Representatives from various countries gathered behind Jackson and waited for orders. So many people died, all brothers who had lived and died together. These people also held hatred in their hearts and wished they could rush forward and fight.

The enemy and we originally had no hatred, but because of their different identities and different stances, they formed an undying hatred. This hatred can only be washed away with the blood of the opponent. The same is true for Luo Zheng and the same is true for the coalition forces.

Jackson couldn't help but cast his eyes on a man dressed as a ninja, his face became respectful, and after thinking for a moment, he said seriously: "Master, can you please take action?"

"Time?" The other party said two words fiercely, as if he didn't really want to speak.

Jackson dared to bare his teeth at anyone, but he did not dare to fight with the ninja in front of him. He said respectfully: "I will organize an attack. When the time comes, please mix with the team and rush up to assassinate the enemy leader, who is our common enemy." Target, as long as the target dies, victory will be ours."

"Yeah!" The man dressed as a ninja snorted noncommittally without saying anything.

Jackson knew that the other party had agreed, and his heart dropped. He looked towards the mountain, wondering how Luo Zheng persisted and why he was so united? On the other hand, everyone around him seemed friendly on the surface, but had his own plans behind his back. Thinking of this, Jackson's face turned ugly, and he said coldly: "I'm afraid trench tactics won't work anymore. My people will take the lead in a while, Snow Bear, don't you dare?" Dare to go up?"

"There is no way to provoke generals. As long as your men come up, let's fight to the left and right to see who attacks." Captain Snow Bear retorted not to be outdone, without concealing his disdain.

Jackson rarely ignored the other party, but looked at the others and said coldly: "This battle is crucial. I hope everyone will continue to work hard, cooperate sincerely, and strive to attack in one go."

"Yes." Everyone agreed when they saw that Jackson had put their own people in front and had nothing to say.

After Jackson arranged the attack sequence of each country, he looked sharply at the top of the mountain and said secretly: "Friend, our contest has officially begun. I hope you won't let me down."

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