The strongest soldier

Chapter 1118 Rainstorm Nightmare

"Yes, people of this strength come and go without a trace. There is no way to detect them. If we use sneak attack tactics, we will be very passive. Just like just now, this guy is not only powerful, but also courageous. He is so upright. It's so abominable to come up here." Lan Xue said with a cold look on her face, her eyes a little more worried.

"Ignore this for now." Luo Zheng looked towards the direction where the shadow man left, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said thoughtfully: "Brothers, be more vigilant and be careful of enemy infiltration."

"Yes." Everyone responded in a low voice, with a bit of solemnity. The shadow man just now shocked everyone. Facing such a powerful enemy, who would dare to be careless?

Soon, there were more bonfires under the mountainside, lighting up the woods and making it easier for everyone to be alert. Hook led the people to collect more dry firewood for later use, while others set traps in the middle of the mountainside. Dare to relax, the appearance of the shadow man made everyone even more nervous.

After a few hours of busy work, everything was basically ready. Seeing that there were still about two hours until dawn, Luo Zheng divided the team into two, one to rest and the other to continue to be on guard. He also took a nap in the trench and continued to fight. Luo Zheng's energy was severely overdrawn. He couldn't bear it anymore and fell asleep without realizing it.

"Boom!" Suddenly there was a huge thunder in the sky, followed by a bolt of lightning. The thunder blew up the entire dark primitive forest. Countless birds flew away, wild beasts roared, and the dark and quiet primitive forest suddenly It was a bit lively, but soon they were frightened by the huge spider web-like lightning and all retreated into their nests, not daring to come out again.

"Stab!" Another bolt of lightning exploded in the night sky, and the whole sky seemed to be as bright as day. The lightning was like a spider web, some big and some small, connected together, spreading in the dark night sky, emitting a terrifying light, and soon it was like a spider web. Swallowed by darkness, it disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a heavy downpour came, and the heavy rain hit the virgin forest, making a roaring sound. The wind started, and the strong wind blew the big trees to sway irregularly, making a rustling sound, mixed with the sound of rain, and the entire virgin forest suddenly Entering the world of heavy rain, coupled with the dark night, the woods are even more terrifying.

Spider web-like lightning exploded in the sky from time to time, as if competing with the night for the sky, but in the end it was swallowed up by the night. The earth was sometimes black, sometimes white, and coupled with heavy rainstorms, it was extremely terrifying.

"Boohoo!" Suddenly two sniper rifles rang out, almost inaudible amid the heavy rain and lightning.

Everyone woke up from the heavy rain and thunder and lightning, but no gunshots were heard. Luo Zheng also woke up and looked up at the night sky with a worried look on his face. His face was extremely solemn. The heavy rain is not scary. What is scary is that if the enemy takes the opportunity to attack, then Trouble, he quickly called through the headset: "Who is on guard now? Keep your spirits up, be careful the enemy takes the opportunity to infiltrate in, everyone check each other, are there any people?"

"Understood." The scholar and the farmer agreed one after another and began to check the people.

Soon, the scholar found that one of his brothers was not moving. He was shocked and called twice through the headset. Such a thunderstorm would wake him up even if he fell asleep. Knowing that something had happened, he arranged for people to go up to investigate and quickly reported the situation to Luo. Zheng, when Luo Zheng heard that someone had been assassinated, he immediately became angry. He stood up and looked toward the foot of the mountain with a cold face. He clasped his hands and shouted in a low voice: "Everyone, get up and be alert."

"Yes." Others agreed one after another, including Hook, who woke up all his own people and lay down in the trenches staring ahead as if they were facing a powerful enemy. The heavy rain was not terrible, everyone was used to it, but the enemy was too eager to penetrate, especially Snipers are impossible to guard against.

The bonfire has been extinguished by the thunderstorm, and the visibility in front is even lower. With the night vision ability of Hook and others, without lightning, they can only see the situation within five meters, and cannot see any further. Luo Zheng and others all Wearing night vision goggles and staring ahead, each of them clenched their guns and lurked quietly, no one spoke, and a faint murderous aura brewed in the night sky.

"Report, our brother was killed by the enemy." A person's voice sounded in the headset.

"What? Bastard." The scholar's furious roar rang out in the headset, and someone's voice rang out in the headset: "Squadron leader, brothers, infiltrate too, shall we fight with them?"

"No, obey the order." The scholar's voice of refusal sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng calmly listened to everyone's exchange, his stern eyes gradually became colder, like ice that had not melted for hundreds of millions of years, staring at the woods below the mountain. At this time, a bolt of lightning exploded, illuminating the front clearly. , but unfortunately nothing can be seen except trees.

The position quickly returned to silence. No one dared to mess around in front of orders. Even if they felt aggrieved and wished they could rush down and fight the enemy with their lives, they still had to hold on to the trench and stand by. The bodies of the comrades who were sniped were brought back and placed on the In the trench, Luo Zheng walked over to check. The bullet hit his heart, forming a bloody hole as big as a basketball. It was almost cut in two, leaving only skin and flesh connected, and he was no longer human.

Seeing the brother who died tragically, Luo Zheng didn't even know what the brother was called. He stepped forward with a cold face, squatted down, and took off his night vision goggles to check. With the help of lightning, Luo Zheng saw the brother who died tragically with an angry look. I can't bear to die with my eyes closed, my heart is like a knife, my eyes are red, my nose is sore, but I can't shed tears.

Everyone looked at the tragic death of their brother with sadness and remained silent. Soldiers are not cold-blooded animals without tears, but their tears have dried up. There is only hatred and revenge in their hearts. Luo Zheng whispered sadly and angrily: "Brother, let's go all the way. Okay, don't leave too hastily, watch from the sky how we will avenge you." After saying that, he stood up and gently touched the other person's eyes. When he let go, the other person closed his eyes, and his ferocious expression seemed to be a little calmer.

Luo Zheng stood up and looked at the woods at the foot of the mountain with a cold face. The hatred in his heart became even stronger, and his anger was burning. His whole body was like a volcano that could erupt at any time. He shouted coldly: "Brothers, raise your guns, for the sake of sacrifice." See you off brother."

"Da da da!" Everyone raised their guns and fired in the air, bidding farewell to their brothers in a military manner.

After the gunfire, Luo Zhenghan looked at everyone with a sullen face, his angry eyes looked at the foot of the mountain again, and said coldly: "Brothers, all disperse, be on alert, the scholars, farmers, monks and gardeners stay."

"Yes." Everyone dispersed, but the four scholars stayed. Their eyes were full of anger and their faces were cold. Everyone turned their attention to Luo Zheng, but Luo Zheng looked at Hu Ke and said coldly: "Old My friend, I’m going to fight back, do you dare to follow me to kill the enemy?”

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