The strongest soldier

Chapter 1110 Rushing to the top of the mountain

Wave after wave of rockets swept forward like a giant wave. Under the powerful RPG attack, no one could stop them. Everyone forcibly scattered the powerful enemies in front and opened a gap. The scholar and others did not Choosing to rush forward, he split into two and blasted on both sides of the opening to widen the opening. Luo Zheng understood everyone's mood and motioned for Hook and others to pass quickly.

Facing the powerful fire attack, the enemy had no better way. They could only watch helplessly as the team protruded from under their noses. Some of them were unwilling to take a cold shot, but the fire point exposed their position and was sniped by the Mountain Eagle Team. After a few moments, no one else dared to move.

The team successfully broke through the siege, but the way back to the valley was too far, and the terrain was relatively flat. It was easy for the enemy to catch up and kill them again, and would bring the enemy back to the valley, causing disaster to other innocent people. Luo Zheng did not want the Huke tribe to suffer from his losses. More, without hesitation, signaled the team to march rapidly in the direction of the mountain peak Hook had mentioned.

The enemy did not give up and kept chasing after him. Luo Zheng even found more enemies chasing him from behind, like a pack of wolves. The distance was not very far. Everyone ran faster. Fortunately, there was no enemy in front. Everyone After letting go of the speed and running, in less than half an hour, everyone arrived at the foot of a mountain peak.

Luo Zheng took a look at the mountain peak. It was indeed only two hundred meters high. It was steep on three sides. There were some trees growing on the mountainside. They were as thick as a bowl. Compared with the towering trees everywhere, they seemed much smaller. Not caring about this much, everyone rushed towards the top of the mountain.

The mountainside is steep and the road is difficult to walk. We can only climb up by climbing trees. Fortunately, everyone is agile. The people of the Huk tribe are also used to climbing. Everyone is not slow. When they climb more than 30 meters, Luo Zheng saw that the pursuers had come up, and quickly said to the mountain eagle: "Take your men to the rear, and the others should speed up."

"Yes." Everyone roared angrily, using their hands and feet together, and their speed was a little faster.

The mountain eagle signaled his team to line up, and each found a suitable place to hide. He set up a sniper rifle and aimed at the foot of the mountain. Unfortunately, the distance was a bit far. It was too dark and the night vision goggles could not see the whereabouts of the enemy. Everyone was silent. Waiting, motionless, like a rock, with sharp eyes as sharp as a torch. As long as the enemy fires and exposes his position, he will give the enemy a fatal sniper at any time.

Perhaps because they were afraid of snipers, the chasing enemies even turned off their flashlights, stopped shooting and making noise, and found places to hide. This made the mountain eagle furious and had nowhere to vent its anger. It immediately replaced the sniper incendiary bombs. While lowering his voice, he said: "Brothers, pay attention, I will give you lighting."

As he spoke, the mountain eagle calmly looked at the foot of the mountain in front of him, judging that someone might be hiding in a certain location. Although he couldn't see clearly, the mountain eagle believed in his battlefield intuition, quickly aimed at it, and pulled the trigger without hesitation. Pulling the trigger, the incendiary bomb roared away, stretching a long flame of death in the night sky, making an astonishing scream, and hit the target instantly.

The target was a bush. The bush was instantly ignited by the high temperature of the splashing incendiary agent, illuminating the surrounding area. The three targets were immediately exposed. Zhou Gang and others found the target and quickly moved their guns to aim at it. The target realized that they had been exposed. , want to run, but there is no way to avoid the sniper kills of Zhou Gang and others.

"Boohoo!" Several sniper bullets sounded almost at the same time, and they rushed towards the target, just like an exposed tiger showing its sharp fangs, instantly throwing the target to the ground, tearing out a large piece of flesh and blood. Fei Biao, mixed with screams, was particularly strange under the firelight.

"Bang bang bang!" The flames of gunfire from Zhou Gang and others also revealed their position. The enemies at the foot of the mountain seized the opportunity to fight back. The intensive gunfire made everyone unable to raise their heads. They huddled together and hid in the bunker. Waiting behind, Luo Zheng and others took the opportunity to climb more than 20 meters to the top of the mountain. From this distance, the enemy could not see clearly at all, so everyone was relatively safe.

"Brothers, retreat with the camera." Luo Zheng looked back at the enemies who were fighting back at the foot of the mountain. There were no less than a hundred people, and they seemed to be shooting accurately. His face turned cold and he shouted in a low voice: "The enemy is too arrogant, they actually exposed so much firepower. This is bullying none of us, RPG, give me a blast!"

"Understood." The scholar and others responded in a low voice. With endless fighting spirit, they stopped on the spot and signaled the person carrying the ammunition to load the rockets. Then they aimed at the enemy at the foot of the mountain and pulled the trigger. A cold blast Murderous aura soared into the sky, and the surrounding air seemed to be frozen.

In the dark night, countless rockets roared away with a crushing murderous aura, as if the God of Death was grinning and roaring. They hit the enemy group in an instant and exploded, forming a terrifying energy shock wave. The shock waves instantly superimposed and destroyed. The force suddenly increased several times, and the surrounding trees as big as a bowl were blown away for a long distance.

Explosions came one after another, resounding in the night sky and spreading far away. Bullets and grenades carried by the enemy were even exploded. Bullets flying everywhere were like fireworks, blooming in the night sky. It was extremely weird. Luo Zheng watched coldly. I didn't expect this scene to have such an effect. I couldn't help but be overjoyed and shouted coldly: "Brothers, you did a good job. Let's retreat to the top of the mountain. Move quickly."

"Yes." When everyone saw this scene, they suddenly became energetic and shouted happily. The suppressed anger in their hearts seemed to be vented. They felt relaxed, agreed, and climbed to the top of the mountain one after another. Although they were surrounded by enemies again, Although they were in a dangerous situation, everyone was full of momentum, high in fighting spirit, and fearless.

The team broke out of the siege and reached here. They had killed countless enemies. They had already reached their goal. Everyone climbed up towards the top of the mountain. After a while, they reached about 100 meters. Luo Zheng gave an order and the team stopped. Luo Zheng took off the Using the night vision device, he looked around coldly. The woods were not very dense. They were located high up and had a relatively wide field of vision. It was an easy-to-defend but difficult-to-attack place. He quickly said: "Brothers, dig a circular trench on the spot."

"Yes." Everyone agreed knowingly, and took out the folding engineering shovel from the back of the military bag. The engineering shovel of the special forces is specially made, extremely sharp, comparable to a saber, and civil engineering work such as digging foxholes and trenches is also done by the special forces. The skills that must be mastered, everyone quickly went into battle lightly and dug out.

Seeing this scene, Hook knew that Luo Zheng was planning to build a defense line here, so he came to Luo Zheng and said seriously: "Your people can fight, but I can't do this hard work of digging trenches." Do it for my people?"

"Don't worry, digging trenches is a skill. Incline, reverse slope, depth, etc. all require professionalism. Your people have not received special training, so you might as well watch first and help with the warning." Luo Zheng said in a low voice, He looked sharply at the foot of the mountain, where someone was faintly starting to climb the mountain. He couldn't help but feel murderous and tightened his grip on the gun.

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