The strongest soldier

Chapter 1104 Enemy Conspiracy

It's not strange for the team to stop advancing and find the enemy, but it is strange to openly expose one's enemies by burning fire. Burning fire can be seen from a long distance in the dark night. No one would make such a fatal mistake unless it is intentional. Obviously, there is a conspiracy, and Not small, Luo Zheng had to be a little cautious. After signaling the team to stop, he squatted beside a big tree and meditated. Lan Xue trotted up, squatted down too, and asked in a low voice: "The enemy has two possibilities for doing this. One is to deliberately lure them, and the other is to think that we have suffered heavy losses and will not pursue them. The former is more likely."

"This is what I find strange. If it is a conspiracy, it means there is a huge trap waiting for us to jump into. If it is unintentional, this is a great opportunity to annihilate. It would be a pity to miss it. No matter what, I will fight it. , if there is a conspiracy, fight it out, if there is no conspiracy, kill this team completely." Luo Zheng whispered, his eyes flickering, especially bright in the night.

"That's fine." Lan Xue agreed casually, looking up and looking ahead. The wind was blowing slowly, the leaves were rustling, and the air was filled with a hot and rotten smell that made people dizzy. On the surface of the virgin forest, it looked like It was very beautiful, but in fact it revealed endless terror and mystery. Lan Xue looked into the depths of the dark forest ahead and continued: "It's okay to eat them, but how to fight them?"

Luo Zheng did not answer Lan Xue's question immediately, but continued to ponder. After a while, Luo Zheng suddenly raised his head, his sharp eyes seemed to pierce the night sky, and said with murderous intent: "Scholar, Ghost Hand, are responsible for the detour on the left side. Gardeners and monks, be responsible for taking a detour on the right side and lead your people to sneak up on it, but don't rush to launch an attack. Hide and wait two kilometers away from the enemy."

"Understood." Although the four scholars didn't know why Luo Zheng arranged it like this, they agreed without hesitation. Their cold voices were transmitted to Luo Zheng through the satellite.

"Hook." Luo Zheng continued to shout.

"Here we come." Hook immediately ran up and looked at Luo Zheng.

"Leave the team carrying the ammunition and let someone lead fifty people to touch it. They will give me a fierce sneak attack and hunt down a dozen enemies. The mountain eagle and the people will hide in the dark and cover the operation with snipers." Luo Zheng continued.

"Understood." The voices of Hook and Mountain Eagle sounded almost at the same time.

After a while, Hook designated Bao Li to rush forward quickly with a team of fifty people. Luo Zheng glanced at Gui Shou, who nodded knowingly, pulled the gun bolt, caught up with Bao Li, and hurried forward with the team. Go, Luo Zheng watched the team disappear into the woods, and whispered to Lan Xue: "Let me fight first to see what kind of conspiracy the enemy has. If not, a team of fifty people plus the mountain eagle will be enough to deal with that enemy." Ten enemies."

Everyone was lurking in the woods waiting for the battle to begin. The enemy was found only two kilometers away from us. The dark night was not conducive to marching. Everyone was a little slower, but they still arrived near the enemy after twenty minutes. The ghost hand signaled the team to stop. He came down, hid in place, contacted the mountain eagle through the headset, and found the mountain eagle.

The two hid on a hillside and drove forward. There was a burning bonfire in the canyon woods about 400 meters away in a straight line. People could be faintly seen. The mountain eagle lowered his voice and said: "I went up to investigate. There are eleven enemies, and my men are scattered within a three-hundred-meter radius, providing sniper cover at any time.”

"Great, I'll bring someone to touch it." Guishou observed it for a few times, lowered his voice and said, giving a signal to the back. The leopard behind him quietly touched it up with someone, and looked at Guishou. He couldn't understand the language, so he didn't understand. way to communicate, but can communicate through simple gestures.

Guishou made a few gestures to follow him up, and then shot him randomly. Baoli nodded. Guishou didn't know whether the other party understood, and couldn't care about it. He immediately groped forward vigilantly. Baoli nodded. The people inside followed closely, slowly dispersed, and walked forward silently one by one.

The mountain eagle observed carefully. These people were barefoot, landed silently, and walked very vigilantly, for fear of alarming their prey. They were indeed natives who grew up in this primeval forest. They were all expert hunters and knew how to get close. Prey, the only difference is that the bow and arrow are replaced by a steel gun.

The wind was blowing slowly, the leaves were rustling, and the dark woods were the best cover. Everyone looked at the bonfire in front of them and slowly touched it. They raised their steel guns and aimed at the direction of the bonfire. They moved forward sideways and raised their feet high. He landed lightly, walked very carefully, and slowly approached the target silently, like a ghost in the dark night.

Unconsciously, everyone was only fifty meters away from the bonfire. Guishou looked ahead in surprise, always feeling that something was wrong, and quickly raised his hand. Leopard behind him also raised his hand in understanding, and Guishou was knocked out of place. Hidden gesture, he immediately made the same gesture and ducked behind the big tree next to him. Although the others did not understand the gesture, they saw Baoli's intention and hid themselves one after another.

The dark forest was quiet. Luo Zheng slowly leaned out from behind the big tree, looking sharply ahead, like black stars, shining brightly. Around the bonfire, a dozen people were eating, looking carefree. , Bao Li and the others also slowly poked their heads out, looking forward, their eyes bright, as if they were hungry wolves peeking at their food, silent, breathless, but cold and decisive.

Guishou observed for a while and found nothing unusual, but he felt uneasy. He always felt that something was wrong. This was an arrow on the string and had to be fired. Thinking that Luo Zheng had a backup plan and a lifetime of courage, he put his fingers together, pointed forward, and did Making a forward movement, the team continued to move forward carefully.

Not long after, everyone advanced to about fifty meters. Gui Shou felt more uneasy. He couldn't help but stop and signaled the team to hide in place. He decided not to go forward anymore. He leaned against the big tree and lowered his head to check the hand. weapon, suddenly found something reflecting light under his feet, he was startled, and quickly looked at it intently.

I saw a metal wire above the ground. It was silver. One end was tied to the tree, and the other end went into the bushes nearby. As long as he took another step forward, he would just touch the metal wire. The moonlight shone through the gaps between the leaves. , just fell on this metal wire, glowing with a faint white light.

Guishou knew at a glance that it was a landmine and there was a trap in front of him. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and understood the enemy's intention. He deliberately exposed himself to attract everyone to come up for a sneak attack. The best distance for a sneak attack in the dark forest was twenty meters. The enemy would The trap was placed within the fifty-meter line, and the intention was self-evident. It was a conspiracy.

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