The strongest soldier

Chapter 104 Disagreement

There were too many enemies, and they were cunning. They attacked separately from several places, and the firepower alternately covered them. They fought very tenaciously. The intensive firepower suppressed everyone and they could not easily raise their heads. Following the scholar's order, all five people distanced themselves and spread out to fight back. , this way, the enemy will be in trouble. Nearly a hundred enemies are a lot of people. Once they are divided evenly among five people, each person only needs to deal with about twenty people. In addition, Luo Zheng killed some of them with a sniper before. People, each person actually has to deal with only a dozen people.

After a series of exchanges of fire, the enemy's strength was reduced by half, and the pressure caused by the intensive firepower was reduced sharply. The five men rose up bravely and clung to the hillside. They constantly changed their shooting positions and quickly fired at everyone who came up or could see them. The enemy, the enemy has rushed up the mountainside, only thirty to fifty meters away from everyone. This distance is more suitable for sniping.

Perhaps the enemy officers could not bear the pressure. Seeing that the troops were blocked within thirty meters and unable to advance, and the sacrifices were getting bigger and bigger, they had to order the troops to retreat. When the scholar saw the enemy retreating, he shouted without hesitation: "Charge" Go down and kill these sons of bitches.”

"Kill!" The others also fired their real fire, screaming and rushing towards them. Of course, to be more clear, there were a lot of trophies down there, and they couldn't lose the hard-earned rewards. The five of them rushed and fought hard, chasing the enemy. Moreover, the enemy was defeated like a mountain, and the few thirty or so men left were running like crazy, and there was still room for counterattack.

The enemy fled desperately, but the scholar did not pursue him closely, but gave up as soon as he could. Everyone tacitly cleaned the battlefield, changed weapons, collected ammunition, and then searched their bodies to see if there were any good things. For everyone who came empty-handed, clothes , dry food, salt, lighters, watches, etc. are all good things to help everyone survive.

The battlefield was quickly cleaned up, and there was no time to count the loot, but Luo Zheng could see that everyone was very satisfied, and the scholar did not dare to stay here. With an order, everyone rushed away with the confiscated loot and ran up the hillside. , seeing a forest in the distance, the scholar rushed over with everyone without hesitation.

The woods are good for shelter and concealment. Everyone has rich experience in surviving in the wild. They know that the woods are more dangerous than the wilderness, but they can also provide concealment. The danger is relative. Everyone does not take it to heart. They rush into the woods and find a denser place. They stopped at various places and sat on the ground gasping for air. They ran all the way and used up a lot of physical energy. You looked at me and I looked at you. They all laughed happily. Friendship was sublimated in the laughter.

After experiencing life and death together, everyone's trust and tacit understanding have increased, and their hearts have become much more at ease. After laughing, the scholar gestured for everyone to calm down, looked at Luo Zheng and said: "Luo Zheng, I'm just calling you a brat. It’s very hidden, you have nothing to say this time, right?”

"Tsk tsk, your combat sniper skills are awesome." The gardener sighed one day and said: "I saw the battle just now very clearly. Your marksmanship is nothing to say. You run at a speed of nearly ten meters per second. You can still be accurate at such a high speed. The rapid shooting, the shooting speed is once every three seconds, and the headshot is amazing. I remember that your file said that you were an assaulter. With your marksmanship just now, you should be more of a sniper."

"I agree with the gardener's analysis. Your kid is indeed hiding deep enough. Tell me, is there any special reason? We are already on the battlefield, and we are brothers who have shared life and death. There is nothing we can't say, right? Of course, if it is involved, Forget about military secrets." The farmer asked in agreement.

"Amitabha, I think Layman Luo Zheng has his reasons, so please don't ask. The Sa family knows one thing. Layman Luo Zheng is a brother who can be entrusted with life. That's enough. Who doesn't have some secrets?" the monk said with a smile.

"Monk, can you please stop talking nonsense? Let's be serious. Brothers can get to know each other better so that they can exert greater fighting power, right, Luo Zheng?" The farmer glared at the monk with dissatisfaction and asked. .

"What's written in my file?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"You don't know your own file?" the farmer asked back. Seeing Luo Zheng shaking his head in confusion, the farmer was stunned, and then he exchanged glances with the others and stopped talking. Everyone had been in the army for several years. A veteran knows more rules than Luo Zheng. It is rare for someone like Luo Zheng not to know his own files. Only those who are classified as highly confidential by the country can do it. What outsiders see can only be fake, and it involves As it was a national secret, everyone became more curious about Luo Zheng, but no one stopped asking.

"Okay, let's put Luo Zheng's matter aside for now. Let's have some food and rest. In addition, take out all the collected nameplates and count the total number." The scholar changed the subject and said.

Everyone took out the collected nameplates and counted them. They found a total of seventy-three yuan. In other words, we killed seventy-three people. All the nameplates were unified and handed over to the captain scholar for safekeeping. These are things that can be exchanged for game points in the future. Never being careless, the scholar wrapped the nameplate in cloth and tied it close to his body.

After eating and drinking, everyone took a short rest. The scholar thought about the possibility of the enemy pursuing him, and immediately said: "Let's discuss it. This time the enemy has suffered a big loss and will definitely not give up. There will be more pursuers in the future." , what should we do? Should we stay and deal with the enemy for a while, or should we choose a route and withdraw first?"

"Of course it is best to withdraw at this time, but we are not familiar with the terrain. The enemy must have received the intelligence and may have sent troops to intercept it in front. We need to plan carefully how to withdraw. If possible, it is better to stay and deal with the enemy and find a living person to understand. Let’s talk about the situation later,” the gardener suggested.

Luo Zheng knew that the gardener was used to attacking, so this suggestion was reasonable, and he thought about it. However, the farmer next to him suggested: "In my opinion, it is better to retreat quickly and look for opportunities to catch people alive during the movement without wasting time."

Seeing Luo Zheng's thoughtful expression, the scholar asked, "Luo Zheng, what do you think?"

"I suggest retreating in the direction we came from, and go to the looted village to inquire about the situation. Go in the opposite direction. The enemy will not think that we will be safe along the way. We will make a decision after understanding the situation." Luo Zheng suggested.

"Everyone on the left and right knows the situation. There is no difference between going forward and going back. As for the danger, it is impossible for us to be safe if we go on this road. Going east can save time and effort, but going back will waste time. I agree with the gardener's suggestion. We will definitely encounter other villages along the way, so just ask around when the time comes." The monk suggested.

"The enemy can also expect that we will be eager to inquire about the situation. What if we set up an ambush in the village? The village was looted on the way here. It must hate the enemy, which is beneficial to us." Luo Zheng reminded.

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