The strongest soldier

Chapter 1 Border Sentence Massacre

At dusk, the southwest border country.

A head with a grass ring poked out from an inconspicuous corner on the top of the mountain. Its cold eyes were searching for something. The face covered with oil paint had an indifferent expression. It was indifferent to life and death. It quickly shrank back. After a while, the detective He took out an SVD sniper rifle, put the sniper scope on his eyes and continued to observe, just like a wild wolf hiding in the dark to observe its prey. After a while, the man shrank back and there was no more movement.

The cool wind blows through the semi-desert mountain peaks, rolling up yellow sand all over the sky, and withered grass is also rolled up into the sky. Dark clouds are pressing over the top, and the temperature is suddenly cold, adding a bit of chill to this barren mountainous field. It is the first scene of autumn. The rain was about to fall, and several mountain eagles screamed, and with unyielding and arrogance, they flew into the sky and soon disappeared.

Rolling mountains, a relatively gentle open space on the mountainside, flying a dazzling red flag, next to the red flag is a low barracks - the station of the ancient border road post in the northwest of China. Below the mountainside is a canyon, with a radius of several hundred miles. The only ancient road that connects the east and west, this ancient road was very active in ancient times and was a golden passage for smugglers; today in peaceful times, it is deserted and only this humble sentry silently guards this ancient road to prevent people from smuggling across.

There is only one class of people at the ancient road post. Except for the people on the observation deck in the square, everyone else is huddled in the room preparing dinner. In the deserted post, life is boring. Apart from cooking, guarding, patrolling, and entertainment, the only thing left is Things like counting ants and chasing hares. The soldiers assigned to the border posts have basically lost their hope and hope, and are waiting to retire and go home.

Squad leader Wu Kai is a veteran from northern Hebei. He has a bold personality and a sense of justice. He is deeply loved by his comrades. If he does nothing, he will retire in half a year. In this desolate mountainous area, it is difficult to see even a bird. , where did it come from? There is no merit in the army, and promotion is just a luxury.

"It's going to rain soon. Damn it, why doesn't it rain gold? Haizi, you are the squad deputy. You go and bring your raincoat. It's almost time for that brat Luo Zheng to come back. It's his first time to go to the battalion headquarters." Collect supplies. Don't get lost. If you are snatched away by a wild wolf, it will become the biggest joke of our Northwest Army. I can't afford to lose this person." Wu Kai said while making face, it didn't look like him at all. A squad leader, the highest commander of the post.

"Okay," a soldier who was lighting the fire casually agreed, dropped a piece of firewood, and stood up. He was about 1.8 meters tall, with a thin face and a strong body. The uniform was clean and neatly ironed. Far away on the border, the blood of soldiers is not cold.

"Squad leader, you don't know Luo Zheng yet? Even though he is a new soldier, if he attacks fiercely, not to mention wolves, even tigers will have to stay away. His hands are hard. It can't be the legendary martial arts passed down from ancestors, right?" A soldier said with a smile.

"Don't worry about what it is. It's a private matter. No one has any secrets. I'm warning you. He doesn't want to tell you. You can't pry around to avoid embarrassment for everyone. There's a long way to go. Brother Luo Zheng, if you want to tell me, tell me, Zhuzhu, you kid Are you quitting in half a year? What do you plan to do back?" asked squad leader Wu Kai.

"Go home and farm. I didn't learn anything else in the army, but I gained a lot of strength. Farming is the best." The man named Zhuzi said casually, but there was a trace of bitterness in his eyes. Who doesn't want to be a soldier? Ichiban? Who is willing to go back in obscurity?

Wu Kai said nothing. Everyone in the kitchen was silent, thinking about their own thoughts.

"Bang!" There was a crisp gunshot.

"Where to shoot?" Everyone was shocked. They put down their work and looked at the squad leader Wu Kai.

"It's a Type 95 5.8mm caliber automatic rifle." Squad leader Wu Kai said with his ears pricked up. Suddenly his face changed drastically and he shouted: "No, it's our standard automatic rifle. If necessary, everyone listen to my order and go through the back door. Defense on the spot, don't leave the barracks, be careful of snipers." As a veteran of the outpost, Wu Kai had never participated in a battle, but he had heard a lot about the experience passed down from generation to generation, and he felt keenly that something was wrong.

Everyone agreed and rushed to the back of the kitchen. Behind the kitchen was connected to the weapons warehouse. Everyone usually kept their weapons close to their bodies. During the meal, there had been no incidents at the outpost for several years. Everyone relaxed a little and put their weapons away while cooking. Centralized storage is a fatal oversight.

"Bring the target here." The captain shouted coldly.

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