“It’s really worthy of being a big nobleman, and if you don’t agree with each other, you have to do it…”

Seeing that the fallen leaves did not have the slightest hesitation and his hands quickly froze, Chen Mo’s face also became cold, and he didn’t bother to care what would happen if he killed their clansmen in front of so many people of the Uchiha tribe now, the qi in the body moved, and a gas bomb instantly appeared in his hand, and then he flicked his arm without any hesitation.


The air bomb instantly turned into a light blue light and shot away at the fallen leaves.


The fallen leaf who was forming a tiger seal suddenly seemed to have just sensed something, subconsciously looked up, and suddenly his pupils contracted suddenly, and he couldn’t care about the unfinished ninjutsu in his hand, and his figure suddenly deflected.

The next second…


A light blue light shot against his face, and the hurricane brought by the speed could even make his skin ache.

What is that?

A drop of cold sweat flowed from Fallen Leaf’s forehead, and just about to turn his head to look over, a loud noise suddenly came.


The huge sound resounded in the sky, not only the people of the Uchiha clan, but almost all the people near the Uchiha clan station could hear it, and after being stunned for a while, everyone subconsciously raised their heads, and then, instantly dumbfounded.

It was not only the people in the vicinity and the people of the Uchiha clan who were killed, but also those who were dumbfounded, and even Chen Mo himself.

This will happen, because the blow just now actually exploded… Hokage Rock!

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and Chen Mo looked at the fire shadow rock of the three generations of Hokage that was blown apart in the distance, and in his heart, he couldn’t help but be speechless.

He swore that the blow just now was definitely aimed at the falling leaves, and as for hitting the Hokage Rock, it was definitely an accident within an accident, and it definitely had nothing to do with him! Absolutely nothing!

But Chen Mo thought like this, others didn’t think like this, looking at the fragments of the fire shadow rock that fell from the fragments of the broken brush, what was the reaction of the people near the Yuzhibo station, and the people in the Yuzhibo station, after being sluggish for a while, turned their heads to stare at Chen Mo, because they knew that all this was Chen Mo’s doing.

Yu Zhi Boyue also turned around, her previously cold face was also looking at Chen Mo stunned at this time, she, like the others, never expected Chen Mo to do such an earth-shattering thing.


Seeing that almost everyone was staring at him, even if Gu Bo had not been shocked by Chen Mo, he couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed, coughing twice, Chen Mo said to Yu Zhibo Yue, who was stunned on the side: “Cough… What, it’s not early, let’s go cultivate early!” ”

After speaking, Chen Mo didn’t care about the weird looks of the others, turned around as if nothing had happened, and Shi Shiran turned and left.

“Moon, hurry up and keep up!”

Chen Mo said again without looking back, and only then did Uchiha Yue come back to his senses, glanced at the broken Fire Shadow Rock with a little lost soul, and quickly followed, leaving only the clansmen of the Uchiha clan who looked strange.


Leaving the station of the Uchiha clan with Yu Zhibo Yue, Chen Mo was relieved, and casually glanced at the Fire Shadow Rock that had only a big hole left, and his eyes couldn’t help but feel a trace of helplessness, this time, it seemed that there was a trouble…

“I hope the three generations won’t trouble me…”

Sighing, Chen Mo walked with Yuzhi to the forest where he often trained.

Along the way, watching the village names with shocked faces and talking about the broken Fire Shadow Rock, if it weren’t for Chen Mo’s character itself, he would definitely be calm, if he was worried about this matter, I’m afraid that ordinary people would have been scared to lie down!

“Just now Hokage Rock… What are you going to do? ”

As he walked, Uchiha Yue, who had been thinking about something behind him, suddenly spoke in a cold voice.

Hearing this, Chen Mo couldn’t help but be slightly stunned, the image that Uchiha Yue gave him before was a little girl who seemed to be very cold and cold, and she had always cared about nothing, but now…

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, Chen Mo glanced at Yu Zhi Boyue, who seemed to be a little different from before, and said while leading her forward: “What if I don’t do it.” ”

“Aren’t you afraid that Naruto-sama will find you trouble?”

Uchiha Yue seemed to have said more today, and continued to ask.

“There is nothing to be afraid of, if he wants to find trouble with me, then let him find it.”

Chen Mo still looked unworried, in fact, he really didn’t need to worry, with his current strength, there were almost no people in Konoha who could defeat him, although if the whole Konoha went together, he would definitely lose, but the question was, for the sake of a piece of fire shadow rock, might the three generations choose to be his enemy?

Obviously, completely impossible!

Therefore, Chen Mo didn’t need to worry at all!

Hearing Chen Mo’s answer, Yu Zhi Boyue nodded silently, did not speak, and quietly followed behind Chen Mo.

Dozens of minutes later, Chen Mo took Yu Zhi Boyue to the grove where he often came to cultivate.

“You wait a minute!”

Taking Uchiha Yue to the clearing with fewer trees, Chen Mo let Uchiha Yue stay on the side, and then ran to the side to get busy.

Yu Zhi Boyue watched Chen Mo run to this side and then to that side for a while, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but show a smile.

A few minutes later…


A half-meter-tall stone tied with a rope was thrown heavily in front of her by Chen Mo in Yu Zhihayue’s slightly surprised eyes, driving a lot of smoke.

“Starting today, your task is to pull this rock around until you can hold it and start trotting, understand?”

Clapping his hands, Chen Mo picked up the other end of the rope on the ground and handed it to Uchiha Yue, and said.

Uchiha Yue was slightly stunned, glanced at the huge rock, and said in a puzzled tone: “Aren’t you going to teach me to use the Sharingan?” Why drag this rock? ”

“The control method of writing wheel eyes naturally has to be taught,” Chen Mo nodded and said, “But the premise is that you have to complete the task I just mentioned, otherwise you won’t be able to use it even if I teach you.” ”


Uchiha asked with a frown.

“There is no why, you have to decide for yourself.”

Chen Mo said with a casual look, and then without looking at Uchiha Yue’s expression, he walked towards the larger rock on the other side.

Uchiha Yue was stunned for a moment, looked at Chen Mo with a frown, and then at the rock in front of him, hesitated, picked up the rope and began to tie it around his waist.

She didn’t see the corners of Chen Mo’s slightly upturned mouth on the side…


Meanwhile, the Hokage Building.

“Did you find out what’s going on?”

Standing by the window, looking at the big pit left of his own Hokage Rock from a distance, the three generations said to Zang who had just come in with a somewhat ugly face.

“Found it.”

Zo replied, with a strange look on his face.

“Who is it?”

The three generations looked back, with a little unhappiness on their faces, too, as a Hokage, their own Hokage Rock was destroyed, and no one could be happy.

The strange look on Hide’s face deepened, and after hesitating for a moment, he slowly spoke.

“It’s Chen Mo!”

Suddenly, the faces of the three generations became wonderful…

PS: There are so few tips, almost none, all the local tycoons pity me, the poor author, give a little tip!

Tip, ahh!!!!!h _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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