Chapter 327

In Alice’s eyes, Long Ming is now an elm head.

“The onlookers around are all beginning to persuade each other, mainly because they can’t stand it.

Boy, let’s just forget it, you can’t afford to provoke it, you can’t hide it! ”

No need to fight, it’s not your fault

“Just pay 20 magic coins!”

Long Ming still said, “Everyone, I know what to do, and I understand your kindness!”

Upon seeing this, many people were speechless.

In fact, they had already determined in their hearts that Long Ming was a stunned boy, that was a hundred magic coins, and anyone who was present would feel distressed.

If you don’t give it, you will soon become notorious in this royal city.

It’s not worth it at all.

Seeing Long Ming’s insistence now, Luo Deng and others became more excited, and their eyes became fierce.

In their eyes, it seemed that Long Ming was now a fat sheep to be slaughtered.

As everyone knows, they are the real lambs to be slaughtered in Long Ming’s eyes.

After watching them for a long time, Long Ming asked, “You bought these clothes from Robles’ shop!”

Luo Jiuleng smiled coldly and said, “So what!”

Luo Jiu was surprised. He indeed bought it from Robles’ shop, but how did this kid know.

Because Robles’ shop is very ordinary, nobles other than the poor would never visit this place.

Just now, Long Ming followed Alice, and Luo Jiu had already determined that Long Ming was a noble child, so he would compete with Long Ming.

However, Luo Jiuxin had a bad feeling in his heart.

This matter does not seem to continue to develop as he thought.

Long Ming continued to ask: “Your clothes are priced at two magic coins. They are worn by the poor!”

At first sound, Luo Deng and others are all creepy.

Yes, this is what the poor wear.

But why does Long Ming know so clearly that their clothes are not affordable for ordinary poor people.

But there will still be poor people who buy it, but those so-called poor people are not really poor people, they are some down-and-out nobles.

These nobles want to wear good clothes, but can’t afford them, so they can only use low prices to buy some cheap clothes.

The shop owner took a fancy to this piece of business, so he asked someone to make some shoddy clothes, which looked like aristocrats and did not have this quality.

Generally, it is difficult for anyone to recognize it, unless it is some discerning nobleman or a shop owner.

Otherwise, basically no one can see it.

“I’m asking you, am I right or wrong!”

Long Ming’s eyes gradually sharpened and his sharp edge was revealed.

In fact, Long Ming had already said it correctly, and the faces of Luo Deng and others became ugly.

The people around were all aware of the strangeness, and only when they were right, Luo Xun and others began to look erratic.

They didn’t speak, hesitated.

After a while, Luo Jue said with a cold snort: “You said I was dressed by the poor and the poor. It’s ridiculous to say that. You can see for yourself, which poor wears such clothes!”

The people around looked at each other. In fact, they all knew that Long Ming was right, but Luo Jue was right.

Long Ming had expected that they would say this, and said: “Give me the coat of your clothes, and I can now prove that what you bought is true or false!”

Luo Duu got off, anyway, he couldn’t delay things, and it was up to you to prove it.

In fact, Luo Jiu was thinking, maybe it was the people in Mengzhong that Long Ming knew just now.

But he was completely wrong, not so.

After getting the coat, Long Ming found one of these people, and this person was the nobleman among these people.

Of course, it is not so easy to find such a person to help prove it, and it will cost some money.

But all a hundred magic coins had already been spent. For Long Ming, spending some more magic coins was nothing at all.

Long Ming didn’t take these magic coins seriously.

Long Ming took out the purple dragon crystal and asked faintly: “You should recognize that this is a high-level crystal, right?”

Luo Jiu felt this inexplicable, and he replied, “I recognize it!”

Long Ming then crushed the purple dragon crystal in his hand, a purple flame instantly turned into a fire, and wrapped his coat in it.

As the fire turned into a raging fire, the coat began to disappear, and then turned into a kind of black mud.

Having been watching, Luo Jiu sneered, the reason why he was so confident.

This is because it is difficult for the boss to recognize this kind of clothes.

He felt that Long Ming was self-righteous now, just a stunned boy.

He sees a lot of people like this, and he will lose thoroughly in the end.

Alice was very puzzled, why Long Ming wanted to continue to struggle now.

In Alice’s opinion, Long Ming should be the kind of smarter, and he would choose to get out as soon as possible when encountering such things.

But Long Ming didn’t do this, instead he chose to continue the competition.

It’s not just that she can’t figure it out, but the people who eat melons are also the same.

They don’t know why they want to do this, and there is no good result in doing so.

Long Ming was waiting for the flame to burn, as the sludge turned into a pitch-black stone, and it was torn apart.

The noble member who was helping to prove his face changed slightly and said, “This is fake!”

At first hearing, Luo Xun and others’ smiles completely solidified.

They feel that they have heard hallucinations.

“Impossible, it’s definitely not fake!”

Luo Ju immediately denied it, and angrily pointed at the noble man, saying that this was a helper he had found.

The aristocratic man raised his eyebrows and said coldly: “My house makes clothes. If you don’t believe me, you can come with me!”

Because Long Ming promised to give 30 magic coins, the noble man thought it was a good deal, it was just proof.

Luo Ju’s face sank, of course it is impossible for him to follow. If it is true, he will be unable to argue by then.

“Everyone, there should be times when clothes are burned in your home. Think about it carefully. Have you ever encountered such a situation?”

Long Ming felt that just a nobleman was not the most powerful proof right now. He felt that these people around him might be very good helpers, and he said immediately.

These people thought about it one by one, and soon someone said that he had seen this kind of situation at the time, and there was this kind of situation, which is false.

Immediately, afterwards, many people said that they had the same situation in their own family.

In an instant, Luo Jiu and others were pushed to the cusp of the storm.

Long Ming sneered, this Luo Di was indeed smart, he had prepared everything before he came.

Luo Jiu came prepared, but he also came prepared.

As long as there is a system in his body, even those magicians at the peak of the Saint King level would dare to be tough.

What’s more, these are just a few ruffians who bully and fear hardship in the royal city.

Luo Deng and others panicked, and now they really can’t argue.

They couldn’t say anything next.

“Now, you can fulfill your promise, kneel down and apologize!”

Long Ming narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

Almost at the same time, these onlookers focused their angry eyes on Luo Xun and others.

It turns out that Luo Jiu was a lie before.

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