The Strongest Guild Of The World

820: Man Of The Universe

"Okay, stop making noise, let me rest quietly, you guy, you always make so many noises for me when I want to rest.

Ye Ze said impatiently, turning over.

"In a certain world, there is an energy reaction that you will definitely be interested in. Come and take a look." The system hurriedly urged.

Energy response?

It must not be an easy energy reaction to startle the system, Ye Ze quickly sat up, and then quickly looked over to the system!

On this panel, a huge map appeared, which is the map of the entire universe, and a red dot appeared in a small place in the "610" of the universe.

The red dot just shows what the system said just now. There is a huge energy reaction here... Just like a power reactor, if there are different energies or energies that exceed a certain limit, it will The siren will be triggered, and the system will remind itself.

After all, when the system was first used, the Ye Ze machine had already released an imperceptible skill through the system in all places in the universe. The only function is that if there is such an energy trigger next time , he will be the first to know, and will also feed back to this map in real time.

So the one that appears now, needless to what Ye Ze said, is the emergence point of any energy reaction.

"You said, there is such a strong reaction, is this person from our side?"

Ye Ze is also a little curious, but his idea is not wrong. He knows that besides Pei Fei, there are many powerful people in their immortal guild, and their abilities are enough to be able to compete in this universe or a certain world. The energy reactor was directly triggered.

That's why Ye Ze reminded them that every time they enter and leave the world, they will wear this energy suppressor to control their own energy to the minimum, so that the system will not detect it.

"So some idiot must have forgotten to wear the energy suppressor I gave you, it really is."

Ye Ze sighed, and ordered the system, "Look for me, if anyone is planning to go to this place, and after you find out, tell him to put the energy suppressor on me quickly, or I'll be there later." Catch back and spank!"

Ye Ze yawned, then went back to the sofa, ready to sleep until dawn.

The system, on the other hand, is completing the order given by Ye Ze just now, and is searching the map quickly.

Soon, the system had an answer, "I have already searched, but unfortunately, there is no such thing as you said, no one in our guild is going here.

"Huh?" Ye Ze jumped up from the sofa, and then asked the system, "Are you sure, have you checked everything, and no one is going to this world?"

"Well, I have confirmed 100% that there are no people like us in this world, so the person who triggered our energy alarm is very likely to be a master

Normally, Ye Ze would be very excited when he heard this kind of thing, but now, he suddenly thought of something.

Generally speaking, this energy alarm will only be triggered by people with a combat power of more than one million. After all, if the threshold is set higher, it won't be able to ring back and forth so often...

However, when he realized this now, a chill suddenly came from Ye Ze's back.

In this way, the combat power of this guy who appeared on the map has been maintained at one million?!

But he has not been found in other worlds before. Could it be that he suddenly appeared from this place?

"It doesn't make sense. Logically speaking, in this ordinary world, there is no way for an untrained person to have a combat power of more than one million. Hey, is your map system malfunctioning?"

The system gave Ye Ze a blank look, and said, "Even if your brain fails, our system will never fail, so this news is 100% reliable.

This is troublesome, people with a million abilities, they don’t know what to do in the past, subdue them? People with a million abilities will see themselves in their eyes, not to mention that their fighting power is still low. Those who are not awakened belong to those who become more courageous as they fight.

Could it be that you want to fight the opponent.

4.4 No, no, I might have been instantly killed by these one million horror-level guys before I even made a move.


There may not be many people with more than one million in this entire universe. Could it be that this red dot... Pei Fei?!

Thinking of this, Ye Ze's eyes suddenly widened, and then he quickly asked the system, "Quick! Tell me the name of this place, I'm going there now!"

If Pei Fei appeared, there must be some purpose, you bastard!

"I checked, it is in the middle of the desert, a country called Vinosia.".

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