Originally, if the gate of Hades wanted to reach Harugion, it should still take a little time, but Hades Maldo Gil didn’t want to wait any longer, because he had been waiting for more than three hundred years, and from the moment when he was instantly defeated by Jelf when it was made more than three hundred years ago, Hades Maldo Gil couldn’t wait.

At the same time, for the appearance of the gate of Hades, Harugion’s local forces and armies could not have reacted without the slightest, and yesterday they were slapped in the face by Yunfei, if they don’t establish prestige today, then they won’t have the face to continue to rule Harugion, and it is enough for a heaven-level existence like Xiang Yunfei.

Almost at the moment when the gate of Hades and the base camp of the Hades beast arrived, most of the magic guides of all the armies in Harugion all dispatched, this time Harugion’s local forces decided to do their best to beat this power out, if they were slapped in the face twice in a row, then Harugion this place can not be any cat and dog can come to and pee?!

You know, the city of Harugion has always been a strong strength to deter the peace of the small town, except for Yunfei was really too strong yesterday, no one has ever dared to be presumptuous here in Harugion.

Countless army soldiers gathered in Harugion, the uniform armor made Harugion’s army look like a rigorous roaring aura, each armor has a light golden magic array emerged, greatly enhancing the soldiers’ attack and defense, and the ground of the entire Harugion city began to glow red.

A super huge blessing-type magic array appeared on it, and gave all the soldiers within its range a blessing of great physical strength, and the golden and red light flashed on the soldiers of Harugion, as if the divine soldier exuded a momentum that could not be underestimated, at least it was definitely not an existence that the miscellaneous fish could deal with.

One after another magic guides flew in the air under the blessing of the group floating magic, black magic robes with mysterious patterns, staff carved with magic battles made of ancient wood, and cyan magic arrays shimmering under their feet, all of which were standard equipment, and these magic guides were all the army forces belonging to Harugion.

This made Yunfei on the side look secretly, if Harugion put on this posture yesterday, Yunfei would really be very troubled, in the end, Yunfei could not really make a move with Harugion, after all, Yunfei was the negligent party.

At this time, a middle-aged man dressed more gorgeously than other soldiers and riding a black steed walked out of the army, he was the ruler of Harugion, he was definitely a big man among humans, and a stomp could make the entire human race shake a little twice.

“I am Tyrinus Minahir, the ruler of Harugion, a mysterious organization that has wandered around the world for three hundred years, I don’t know what I have done with Harugion?” Tyrinus looked at the Hades beast in the sky, that is, the place where the Gate of Hades was located and said with a serious face, a pale green magic array appeared on Tyrinus’s mouth, directly amplifying the voice ten times and a hundred times, very clearly spread throughout Harugion, and also very clearly transmitted to the Gate of Hades.

Although I don’t know the name of the Gate of Hades, nor do I know how many members and specific information there are, about the existence of the organization of the Gate of Hades, Harugion or many forces that are more advanced in the human race are aware of and wary.

This is why, when the Hades beast where the gate of Hades is located appeared near Harugion, Harugion suddenly exploded.

First, he was slapped hard by Yunfei yesterday, and he hit his face so painfully that he didn’t dare to fight back.

The second is to determine the reason why the arrival of the Gate of Hades is not malicious, since it has been determined that it is not good-willed, and the stomach fire does not know where to pour anger, naturally sprinkle on the sudden arrival of the Gate of Hades, and can also erect the inviolable power of Harugion.

As the voice of Tyrinus, the ruler of Harugion, came out, the Hades beast, which was still slowly moving towards Harugion, slowly stopped, and stopped there quietly, without making any response to Tyrinas’s inquiry.

However, that oppressive breath did not stop.

“Attack.” Tyrinus looked at the motionless building in the sky and said with a solemn expression, without any hesitation, and ordered the attack the moment he sensed that something seemed a little wrong.

In an instant, the soldier’s weapon and the magician’s staff still condensed bright light, and one magic array after another slowly appeared in front of the weapon and staff, revealing a trace of danger.

At this time, in the base camp of the Gate of Hades, the Beast of Hades, that is, the boxy position, nine figures suddenly appeared in front of the building, and the front and middle was the actual controller of the Gate of Hades, Maldo Gil, and on the left and right stood the Star Heaven Mad Hua and the Cool Moon Heavenly Serra.

“How can it be our opponent? But I greatly appreciate your courage to fight despair, and therefore, Hades, Maldo Gil, will grant you joy. Hades Maldo Gill sneered when he looked at the picture in front of him, and looked at the humans who were trying to fight against him in front of him and said with a slight appreciation, sitting on the skeleton throne like a high king, ruling everything in the world.

After speaking, Hades Maldo Gil snapped his fingers in the direction of Harugion below, that is, in the blink of an eye, and a large amount of pink slime appeared above the ground of Harugion, quickly wrapped around the feet of everyone in Harugion.

Without giving Harugion’s army any chance to react with the Magisters, Harugion turned into a dead city.

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