A glimmer of light flashed in Yan Bingxue's eyes. She went to the dresser to apply skin care products, thought about it, and lit a solid scented candle.

A touch of jasmine fragrance should add some atmosphere~

After she finished, she walked slowly to the bed and lay down.

The two were lying on the left and the right, and it seemed that two people could fit in the middle of the two-meter round bed.

Su Chen turned his head and said, It's so early today, let's rest early, I turned off the lights?

Yan Bingxue nodded, and gently pulled the quilt on her body with both hands.

It's better to turn off the lights~

With the lights on, she was embarrassed to throw Su Chen down~

Hmm~ It would be better if Su Chen took the initiative~

As soon as the lights were turned off, the room instantly became dark. Yan Bingxue closed her eyes for a while, then opened them again later, slowly getting used to the darkness in the room.

Why is Su Chen not moving? Does he really have to go to bed so early?

Yan Bingxue pouted and clenched her fists angrily.

Well, then she will take the initiative!

I move!

Yan Bingxue pretended to turn over and moved to Su Chen's side.

Su Chen over there did not respond.

Yan Bingxue gritted her teeth and continued to turn over, and the distance between the two became a little closer.

He's still not moving!

Yan Bingxue continues to move!

In the dark, people's senses will be amplified, and Su Chen can clearly hear the sound of Yan Bingxue's constant turning over, and the distance between the two is getting closer and closer.

This little girl, if you want to sleep closer to yourself, just say it~ Do all these bells and whistles!

Seeing that Yan Bingxue was about to roll over, when she was about to turn over for the last time, Su Chen suddenly stretched out her hand and pulled him firmly into her arms.

You... what are you? Yan Bingxue was a little frightened, and after she blurted out, she began to feel annoyed and regretful.

Oops, what are you doing, Yan Bingxue!

Don't you want people to take the initiative? Why would you say such a thing as soon as someone takes the initiative!

Shouldn't Su Chen think that he doesn't agree and give up?

She didn't disagree, she really wanted to knock him down!

Su Chen didn't know that there was so much drama in this little girl. He held her in his arms, raised his hand and patted her back gently, as if he was coaxing the group to sleep.

Okay, go to sleep, good night.

that's it?

Not directly to sleep!

Yan Bingxue wanted to cry without tears.

But she thought about it, they were already hugging each other, wouldn't it be easier for her to throw Su Chen down?

However, she is afraid...

You have to find a way to pounce on him, it's too much to pounce directly... She can't do it.

But what can you do?

I haven't figured out a way yet, Yan Bingxue has fallen asleep in a daze, and I don't know whether the aromatherapy has played a role in helping sleep, or whether Su Chen's embrace is really warm, and her heartbeat is steady and powerful, like the best sleep. Sound, in short, she didn't expect anything, and she fell into a deep sleep.

At night, she was dreaming all the time. In the first half of the night, all she did was a shameful dream that knocked Su Chen down, but later, the dream suddenly became bizarre...

Yan Bingxue dreamed that she seemed to be walking into the desert alone, and the sun above her head turned the heaven and earth into a big furnace.

It's painful, it's really painful.

Thirsty and headache.

Su Chen slept soundly, and suddenly heard a painful moan.

He opened his eyes in a daze, and found that Yan Bingxue, who was beside him, had kicked the quilt all the way.

The person in his arms was hot and scary.

Child's mother? Ice and snow?

Have a fever?

He reached out and touched her forehead, the temperature was terrifyingly high.

Su Chen sat up quickly, turned on the small lamp by the bedside, and called Yan Bingxue's name softly.

Ice and snow, ice and snow!

There was no reaction at all, her burning consciousness was confused, as if she was in a nightmare, she didn't know what to say, her pink lips were pale, burnt dry, and a layer of skin appeared.

Seeing this, Su Chen frowned and got up.

The elderly and children were already asleep, and he didn't want them to worry, so he went downstairs to get the medicine box and took the temperature with a thermometer.

39.2, this is a high fever!

Why do you have a fever all of a sudden?

Su Chen didn't have time to think about it, and quickly took out the antipyretic medicine and antipyretic sticker, first rinsed the medicine and put it on the bedside table to cool, then went to the bathroom to bring a basin of water out, and wiped her face and hands with a wet towel.

She burned so badly that her whole body was as hot as a stove. After Su Chen wiped her face and hands, she continued to wipe her neck with a towel.

Yan Bingxue was wearing a cotton nightdress. The V-neckline was not too low, so she could only wipe her neck and collarbone, but now she was soaking wet and the clothes were sticking to her skin, which must be very uncomfortable.

Su Chen thought for a while, put down the towel first, put the antipyretic sticker on her forehead, and then picked up the cold antipyretic medicine, sitting up with Yan Bingxue in one hand, and a water glass in the other.

Bingxue, wake up and drink the antipyretic first.

Yan Bingxue was still trapped in her dream of being scorched by the hot earth, her mouth slightly open in a daze.

Su Chen couldn't wake her up, so he could only force her to drink it, half of it went in, half of it vomited, and he didn't know how much effect it would have.

He did everything he could, and Su Chen didn't dare to sleep. Yan Bingxue's fever was so bad that if the fever didn't subside after two hours, he would have to be sent to the hospital.

In the dream, Yan Bingxue was walking in the desert when someone suddenly appeared and brought her water. She was about to faint, but after drinking the water, her body recovered a little. She opened her eyes and saw, It was Su Chen who gave her water.

While the others still put their hands on her forehead, Su Chen's hands were cold, and they were like life-saving straws in this desert, so she couldn't help but want to hold them tightly.

Su Chen waited for half an hour, Yan Bingxue's body temperature dropped to 39 degrees, not much better, but more sweat.

The quilt under my body was also wet, which is not good!

The clothes were wet, and the quilt was wet. Lying in such a place would not be able to recover even if I drank antipyretics.

Su Chen picked up the person and put him on the sofa, then put on a clean sheet and quilt, and took a clean pajamas in his hand, but when he reached out to change Yan Bingxue's clothes, he hesitated.


This dress, to change or not to change?

Sleeping in wet clothes is definitely not good, but when he changed her clothes, it was...all at a glance...

Su Chen was a little struggling.

He looked at Yan Bingxue and said, Mom, if you don't wake up again, I'll really help you change your clothes!

This is also forced by the situation, right? You have a fever, and I can't let you continue to sleep in your wet pajamas. I changed your clothes for your health, so you wake up tomorrow. , you can't say I'm a hooligan~

Do you want to get up and change it yourself? I count to ten, if you don't get up, I'll do it~

1, 2, 3... 9.

Su Chen cleared his throat, 10!

This is your own default, I did it!

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