"It's in the top thirty," Kaniskina said.

Yan Bai did not argue with her this time, because this was indeed true.

The Capital Military Academy is undoubtedly proud. They never lack excellent students. Students from all over the world will give priority to their school, with few exceptions. They have the capital to despise everything, and the legion-type power standing behind them makes them invincible.

Therefore, they have reservations about those students who are almost not qualified enough, but in fact they have been implicitly shutting them out.

And they never feel sorry for those students who are talented enough but don't care about their school. Because no matter how good this thing is...if it falls into someone else's yard, it will naturally have nothing to do with them.

In short, the attitude of the Capital Military Academy can be said to be very high. It rejects all students who do not meet its standards. This is their past practice.

But maybe this year is in the year of glory, and due to the influence of chain stellar power, talents in various fields have appeared frequently in recent years. At present, many people are confirmed to be admitted to their capital military academy, and there are several generals who are rare in a century or even a thousand years - their capital military academy never lacks talents.

But this year, they encountered something depressing. They failed to recruit a few of them, and they were passed without even having a chance to hit them face to face. That's right, they were passed, not the other party - this is what really makes them depressed.

Although their Capital Military Academy does have a proud capital, there is no highest power and authority in this world, only higher ones. Every mountain is higher, and even the powerful will have to bow their heads one day.

Even the most powerful one among them dare not say that he can shoulder the greatest honorary marshal of this star era. For this reason, the Capital Military Academy has to lower its proud head.

They have always been the best, there is no doubt about this, but that person's only son and only heir failed to choose them, which is a great regret for them. The Capital Military Academy missed an opportunity to strengthen its own power.

In addition to that one, there was also the surviving son of a big shot and an outstanding talent destined to become a future military leader who also gave up choosing their school.

These two Capital Military Academy sincerely invited them, but unfortunately they failed to achieve the expected results. However, there were several outstanding students in the same class who were expected to enter their school who were inexplicably lost and went to another military academy that was inferior to them.

The development of this matter made the senior officials of the Capital Military Academy quite unhappy. However, this was not something they could decide, and they could only accept the reality.

Of course, as the number one university worthy of the name, they still have many advantages. Although they missed out on these two special students, they still managed to recruit a group of the best talents from across the galaxy.

And the talented students they recruited are also reflected in the results of the unified recruitment. The Capital Military Academy, which is ranked in the top 30 on the comprehensive list, accounts for 12 places. Unless there is any accident, this ranking should not be too big in the end. changes, because the gaps and barriers between people are not so easy to break.

This is excluding those who do not participate in the unified recruitment, and only counts students who have earned their income in advance and participated in the unified recruitment.

After all, this is also a reflection of the school's strength. The Capital Military Academy alone accounts for 12 of the top 30 students. You must know that although there are not too many higher military academies directly linked to the interstellar, there are also quite a few. This shows the superiority of the Capital Military Academy.

After all, the strength of colleges and universities depends not only on the power and resources behind them, but also on the talents in reserve.

For colleges and universities like them, which never lack resources, the more talents, the better, and the higher the quality, the better. In this regard, the Capital Military Academy is really unique.

But it is not that simple to kill the twelve people who occupy the front row. Each of them has a combination of talent and ability, and is the best among their peers. Now that they have come up, they will not be willing to go down so easily. Likewise, the Capital Military Academy cannot be changed easily.

Perhaps many people have not discovered that these twelve are the fixed number of talent resources for the Capital Military Academy, and the proportion is almost the same every year...it was 11 the year before last, and it was also 11 before that. Generally, it is this number, and the number is almost the same every year. It looks like one is missing.

But this year, probably due to the influence of Ge Yaonian's stellar power, one more person has reached the top thirty ranks. As for other military academies, there will generally not be much change in this regard.

However, this fate has been broken today——

The one who rushed up first... It's understandable that, not to mention the other person's talents and abilities, even judging from his father's bloodline, he must be a figure who cannot be underestimated. No matter which school the other person chooses, she.

Not long after, he was pulled down a ranking by another unknown student... Now the only one left in the top 30 in the Capital Military Academy is the one who knows people. And the two people who took away their two places in a row still intended to choose the same military academy. They even came from the same place - a little-known intermediate academy.

Oh, that person also chose the same school... This made everyone curious for a moment about what kind of existence it was that could allow such talented people to stay together. And they all rejected their military academy appointments at the same time. What is going on? Could it be that there is a lobbyist from the joint military academy lurking in the intermediate college and brainwashing the children.

In short, everyone in the Capital Military Academy lost their voices when they saw the disrupted chess game. They felt quite uncomfortable, but they couldn't bring themselves to discuss the matter seriously because no one wanted to expose their true emotions.

They watched helplessly as this strange student rushed into the top thirty and rushed directly to the middle, cutting off the people in front and behind, making him particularly conspicuous.

Looking at the chaos on the summary screen, Mr. Duckworth, who was at a high position, finally sighed: "The wind... is a bit strong."


Jiang Hui didn't know that her behavior of repairing the mecha had earned her a lot of points, and she directly passed through many of the most favored men and entered the front row.

Of course, there is no ranking list here, and she never knows what her grades are. She just works hard to survive in the examination room.

She raised her hand to signal to the person next to her, took the part he was holding in his hand and pointed it at the opening, and then used the equipped tool to cut it to the end, as neatly as chopping flowers and vegetables. Only the hissing sound of metal friction told everyone what the other party had just cut?

The mecha student next to him was hesitant to speak, but he was afraid that he would make the other person unhappy if he said something wrong. Seeing that the other person was concentrating on the face-to-face competition, he had no choice but to close his mouth and think... This can't be done, right?

Uh, it really works!

The mecha-type candidate, who had acted as a ruthless tool man for a time, was stunned when he looked at the parts firmly embedded in the disassembly section.

This, this... who can tell him that this is not true? really!

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