The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 337: A Closer Chance (Part 2)

However, the sudden appearance in the red marked area disturbed their original pace and made the crowd even more chaotic.

Although it is normal for the execution plan to have unexpected situations, but the situation of this mission is too much? !

"Stop!" A somewhat flustered voice came from the commanding seat, it was Zhou Xiuwen. His eyes were fissured, and he almost gritted his teeth looking at the scene image... the people in it.

How, how is it possible? That did those two people appear here? Shouldn't they have gone out already?

Zhou Xiuwen didn't realize that he was clenching his teeth, his eyes were red, and his whole body was full of rage, like a fierce lion, swearing his authority to everyone.

And everyone who was still in the chaotic command room just now tuned in, and all looked at him with complicated expressions, looking at the successor chosen by the former master of the battlefield.

It cannot be said that everyone present watched Zhou Xiuwen grow up, but everyone was Zhou Yuanjing's confidant, and in the past, they followed the imperial marshal in the southern and northern wars and finally reached the supremacy. All of them are veterans. of soldiers.

But not everyone among them agrees with Zhou Xiuwen.

Even though they are absolutely loyal to Zhou Yuanjing, it doesn't mean that they can easily accept such a brat to take over the power that Zhou Yuanjing has managed for many years - even if this brat is Zhou Yuanjing's only son also the same.

And although the tasks that the other party had taken over before that had been done well, and there were no mistakes, there were no bright spots. This further strengthened everyone's previous concepts, and they were a little worried about the future of the legion being handed over to Zhou Xiuwen.

Until today, most of them firmly believed that Zhou Xiuwen was more like his grandfather, with a weak temper and gentle temperament, and he was more suitable to be a moderate politician rather than a general on the battlefield.

But today, just at that moment, they suddenly changed their mind about this seemingly frail child.

Perhaps the opponent's temperament inevitably inherited the deep-rooted fragility from his mother's clan, but he is still Zhou Yuanjing's son, rooted in the blood and pride of the god of the battlefield.

He may not be a male lion, but he is definitely a young lion cub.

Zhou Xiuwen couldn't hear what other people asked him, and for a moment he forgot his current responsibilities, and only saw the two friends in the picture who were crushed to the ground by the strong air current.

What's wrong? what is going on? How did things come to this point?


"Damn it, what's going on, why did they go there? What about the people in the military department?"

Someone on the other side was cursing hatefully.

"A bunch of trash." I don't know who he is scolding.

The boy speeded up his hand, quickly entered a large string of unidentifiable characters on the command page, then ticked them along the page, finally pressed the OK button, and quickly left the control room regardless of the prompt above.

Not long after he had walked, someone knocked on the control room. He was about to explain the latest situation to the people inside, but there was no one in the control room.

Huan Xian walked away.

On the operation page, there are also prompts to transfer to the mobile terminal and a series of follow-up deployments completed by the operator before the transfer.

The young man who broke in suddenly found that the commander was missing. He was a little anxious to connect to the communication to find Huan Xian, but he squinted and found that the other party had already predicted the next step of the follow-up deployment. He also gave a specific and accurate plan for the step he was about to hand over, just like the other party standing here to communicate with him.

Obviously a lot of information may not be able to reach here in time, how did Huan Xian get to this point? Is there really a so-called "natural conductor" in this world?

The youth didn't believe it before seeing it, but now he has to believe it.

He followed the other party's next two or three orders, and he knew in his heart that Huan Xian had seen the whole battle situation clearly, and arranged it properly along the front line.

Even if there may be some errors in the middle, the difference will not be too much, as long as the arrangements are made along this big framework, there will be no problem. So the other party walked away for a while, it seems that it really can't create any problems...

The young man didn't really feel the fear of the other party until now. What kind of existence is this, to be able to achieve 'one step counts as ten steps', anticipating the enemy first.

In fact, this young man does not belong to their third army, nor does he even belong to any legion. This special commander named Huan Xian only belongs to the military... belongs to the empire. Without orders from above, even their legion commander cannot interfere too much with this young man's choice.

Forget it, since the other party's work has been arranged, there is nothing to say. It would be a bit too shameless for a group of adults to point at such a not fully awakened person to control the overall situation.

After all, they really only came to help, or it was completely free of charge, and they couldn't complain that the other party didn't help to the end, could they? Besides, it's not that the other party has no hands, just walk away a little bit, and the command strategy has been listed in advance...

Young people can do this, and it's up to adults to do the rest.

The young man had no choice but to resign to his fate to take over the work of this section, which was probably planned by that person long ago. I just don't know where such an obviously thoughtful person left this job and went? What is the reason for this haste?

Of course, it's urgent.


The gust of wind blew violently, rushing towards her, tearing her coat to make a "chattering" sound. Jiang Hui felt that it would not be long before the knife-like wind would tear the slightly protective coat off her body.

God, can you hold on a little longer? ! She really felt that the lining was not as strong as the coat.

Jiang Hui doesn't want to die in such an ugly way... This is the second time he dies. Is there a better way to die for the individual?

She didn't dare to imagine what it would be like if Clarence, who was under her pressure, was exposed? The other party won't be directly blown away by the wind, right? ! It will be really cold by then.

Thinking of this, she climbed up with difficulty, and pressed her shoulders on the person below who seemed to be quiet.

The strong wind continued to hit the two people who were already at the end of their strength.

—and that's not the worst.

Jiang Hui struggled to move her stiff neck. Although she couldn't turn her head to look up, she could already feel a shadow enveloping her, and some "monster" fell towards them at a very fast speed.

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