The strongest assassin in the server

Chapter 511 Current Situation

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Lilliputian empty land.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →🅣🅦🅚🅐🅝.🅒🅞🅜]

Throne, Merchant Alliance, King, these three guilds first built a base.

The base is in the shape of a spire, about a thousand yards high, and there are black holes on each floor.

This is a high-level base made by the goblin doctor "Byron"!

"Mighty! Domineering!!"

The main members of the three guilds looked at the giant tower in front of them, which was in a tripod shape, and were shocked.

Everyone in the throne was shocked, but also proud.

Because this high-level base was brought here by their president Ye Chen.

Countless villains were also watching nearby, and they were even more shocked. A thousand yards high was too high for them...

Ye Chen also smiled. In this way, they also have such a foothold in the world battlefield.

With a base, Jian Wuhen teleported here immediately, looking gloomy.

“It’s okay, you won’t lose level if you die anyway.” Ye Chen smiled and comforted.

For players, the gap between the Holy Domain and the Non-Holy Domain is too big.

Not only the attribute bonus of the Holy Statue, but also whether you lose level if you die is also a key issue. Think about it, if a player above level 80 dies and loses level, it will be heartbreaking, and it will take at least five days of leveling to get back...

“Yeah.” Jian Wuhen nodded and stopped worrying.

“Swish, swish, swish~~~”

The sound of breaking wind sounded, and several little people from the Holy Domain flew in the air. The little leader who was holding the red tassel spear before landed directly and intimately on Ye Chen’s shoulder.

Ye Chen took the opportunity to glance at him——

[Lilliputian Battle Captain——Ram] (Sanctuary)

Level 89

HP: 9000000000/9000000000

Skills: Sweep, Thrust, Sweep the Troops, Gun Dance

Note: He has a belief power of a middle-level god mastering the law, which is the law of the fire element.

"Ye Shen, I really envy you. You and I both believe in the God of Fire. You believe in the upper god, and I believe in the middle god." Ram said with a smile.

Ye Chen smiled. Ram was obviously just talking. Envy was useless because faith could not be changed.

If a believer is disobedient, his superior, the preacher, can erase his identity as a believer.

But Ram himself is a preacher. If he wants to change his faith, the god must take the initiative to erase his identity as a preacher. But this possibility is not great, unless Ram attempts to become a god!

"By the way, Ram, your little people are the natives of the World Ocean, and you are a strong man in the Holy Land, but why not the World Holy Land?" Ye Chen asked.

In his previous life, Ye Chen was just an average player. He played "Dream World" for two years and only came to the World Ocean once. And after coming, he died in battle... So he knew very little about the World Ocean and had almost no experience.

"Could it be that only monsters in this World Ocean have world bloodline?" Jian Wuhen also made a guess.

With a light jump, Ram jumped from Ye Chen's right shoulder to his left shoulder, shook his head at Jian Wuhen, and said, "That's not the case. Our ancestor, the Little Man King, is indeed a world sanctuary, that is, the so-called super saint!"

"Bloodline! Jian Wuhen, you are right. We little people pay attention to bloodline."

"Unfortunately, even the current king of the Lilliput Kingdom has not inherited the noble bloodline of our ancestors. He is also just an ordinary sanctuary."

"It is his son, the prince, who inherited the noble bloodline of our ancestors! With the title of the world!"

"Hiss! World sanctuary?! Super saint?!"

Hearing this, everyone exclaimed.

You know, the world sanctuary, that is, the so-called super saint, is at least ten times stronger than the general sanctuary!

"This... Since there is a super saint in the Lilliput Kingdom, why is it suppressed by the giant?" Jian Wuhen asked puzzled.

The strength of the super saint is the foundation! Compared with the general sanctuary strongman, the foundation is more than ten times higher! Possess the combat power to kill the general sanctuary strongman with one punch.

Jian Wuhen was puzzled, and so were Ye Chen and the others. With such terrifying combat power, why would they be afraid of a mere giant?

"You don't know, the prince... the prince is only two and a half years old this year. It is true that he has noble world blood, but what combat power can a two-and-a-half-year-old baby have?"

Ram smiled bitterly and said, "According to the current situation, the prince may not grow up yet, and our Lilliput country will be destroyed."

Hearing this, everyone sighed. The previous assumption turned out to be just a bubble.

What's the use of a two-and-a-half-year-old baby, no matter how talented and noble his blood is?

"How many Saint Domain powerhouses are there in Lilliput country now? What about Giant Country?" Ye Chen asked again.

Since the Chinese theater built the first base of the world battlefield in Lilliput country, the two sides will be tied together tightly and live and die together.

In the current situation, Lilliput country only defends but does not attack, which is obviously at a disadvantage compared to Giant Country... Ye Chen and others represent the Chinese theater and must help.

"In the Lilliput Country, there are only 500 Saint Domain warriors at most. As for the Giant Country, there are at least more than 1,000 Saint Domain "

Ram sighed and said, "More importantly, as Saint Domain warriors, our Lilliput warriors are not as good as your humans, elves, orcs, and even worse than the Giants."

Hearing this, Ye Chen, Jian Wuhen, You Ming and others nodded secretly.

The bodies of the dwarfs are too small and relatively weak, while the giants are tall and strong and stronger! This is the foundation!

Of course, the intelligence of the dwarfs is superior, while the intelligence of the giants is generally weaker.

However, the dwarfs and giants are almost all fighting races, without even specific professions, and they do not know magic attacks.

"The giants are gifted, and they are both strong in the Holy Land. If they fight us, it is one against two! If it were not for the barrier left by our ancestors, our dwarf country would have been destroyed long ago." Ram smiled bitterly.


Everyone was speechless.

The Chinese theater helped the dwarf country, and the Japanese theater helped the giant country.

The player side can only play a helping role after all. Combat power alone cannot turn the tide and change the trend of the war.

The real protagonist is still the dwarf country and the giant country itself.

If either side fails, the corresponding helper side will suffer losses, the first foothold of the world ocean!

Once the foothold is lost, the consequences will be disastrous. It is very likely that the opponent will suppress it and then invade it further...

Now the Lilliput Country is at a disadvantage, and it is a very obvious disadvantage. As the helpers, Ye Chen and others are naturally depressed.

Ye Chen and others are indeed very powerful, but no matter how powerful they are, can they kill the 1,000 Saint Domain strongmen of the Giant Country?

Even if they can, the Giant Country may have destroyed the barrier and destroyed the Lilliput Country long before that.

"Is there no other way?" Ye Chen asked unwillingly.




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