The strongest assassin in the server

Chapter 483 Ye Chen VS Jian Wuhen!

All things wither!

The first semi-final started, Jian Wuhen swept his sword, stirring up a circle of signature yellow light waves.

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Leng Tong was swept by the yellow light wave and was immediately forced to exit the strong hidden state.

Immediately, Leng Tong became old at a speed visible to the naked eye, with white hair and a haggard face. Even his straight spine was bent down...

In these three seconds, Leng Tong's all attributes -90%!

Instant kill!


Jian Wuhen used the same routine to easily solve his opponent again.

"Brother Jian Wuhen, can you change your tactics? I've been watching you since yesterday, and you've been killing people with the same tricks. I'm almost tired of it."

"666666... ​​SB, since you have this ability, why do you have to reveal too many cards?"

"I just haha, it's as if Jian Wuhen really has a trump card."

"Okay, stop arguing, the semi-finals are like this, when the finals come, Ye Shen and Jian Wuhen will face each other, I really can't do it, Jian Wuhen can still kill Ye Shen like this!"

"That's right!"

Amid countless audiences, either excited or complaining, Jian Wuhen put away his sword and calmly left the ring.

From beginning to end, he didn't even look at the audience, and even his own fans didn't bother to look at him.


With the end of the first game, the second game started.

Flying Thunder God!

The moment the countdown ended, Ye Chen shot a dart, and then teleported over and stepped on the dart.

The speed was so fast that it was dazzling. At this time, the ghost disciple had just summoned his pet and had not yet had time to release his soul.

Thousand needles to kill!

Ye Chen saw that the ghost disciple had given up releasing his soul and wanted to escape, so he immediately fired silver needles all over the sky.

It only took one second to hit the ghost disciple into stiffness, and then Ye Chen rushed over and got close again-

Throat slashing!


The ghost disciple's throat was cut by the sharp blade, and blood spurted out like a fountain, which actually had a sad and beautiful feeling.

Huge damage emerged, and the ghost disciple was killed instantly.

"The winner of the second semi-final is Ye Shen, congratulations on advancing to the finals!"

Kang Jiewei's voice sounded, once again bringing the atmosphere of the stadium to a climax.

Countless fans screamed Ye Chen's ID crazily, and Jian Wuhen's fans were not to be outdone. The quarrels and roars of the two sides instantly swept the entire stadium, causing a deafening and terrifying sonic boom.

Kang Jiewei was stunned. Even he had never seen such a scene before.

He was going to explain the relevant procedures of the finals, but he found that under the terrifying explosion, his voice amplified by the loudspeaker seemed extremely weak...

He smiled bitterly and could only wait.

Three minutes passed before the deafening sound of the stadium slowly subsided.

"The final of the "Martial Arts Competition-National Competition" will start in five minutes. Ye Shen and Jian Wuhen, these two great gods, who will win the title and honor of the Chinese champion, please wait and see."

As soon as Kang Jiewei finished this sentence, the fans who had finally calmed down became excited again.



The entire auditorium, tens of millions of seats, were almost empty.

And in the inner circle at the front, there were two seats that were rarely connected. White light flashed, and these two seats were immediately filled.

"Finally I caught up."

Looking at the atmosphere of the stadium, Sun Yang knew that the finals were not over yet, and he immediately felt the joy of catching up.

"Brother, who is that person you are talking about?" Little Loli asked sweetly.

"He hasn't played yet. I'll show you when the game starts." Sun Yang looked at his sister and smiled dotingly.



As time passed, the finals finally began under the expectation of everyone!

On the stage, Ye Chen and Jian Wuhen stood opposite each other.

The system has started counting down, and the audience outside the venue also counted down, causing a strong sonic boom.

If the contestants are not mentally stable, they may be affected by the atmosphere of the stadium, and then become nervous and perform abnormally.

However, Ye Chen and Jian Wuhen looked solemn and were not affected at all. This is the style of a master, and the state of mind has long been honed in countless battles.


Flying Thunder God!

When the countdown ended, the system synthesized sound sounded, and Ye Chen took the lead, throwing a dart with his bare hands, teleporting over and stepping on the dart.

The audience outside the venue exclaimed, no one expected Ye Chen to take the lead, after all, Jian Wuhen had the withering of all things, and Ye Chen rushed over like this, isn't he rushing to die?

However, Ye Chen had his own considerations.

It was precisely because the withering of all things was too strong that even if he blessed BFF, he would be weakened to a dog in the end. It was almost certain that he would die once, but he had passive resurrection!

The withering of all things!!

Ye Chen rushed over, and Jian Wuhen had no room to hold back. He immediately swung his long sword and shot out a circle of yellow light waves.

Ye Chen was hit by the light wave, as if he was taken to the next reincarnation by the supreme law of time... His face became old in an instant.

All attributes dropped by 90%, and Ye Chen still stayed in the air, his momentum did not decrease, but his speed was as slow as a snail...

Earth Fire!!


The strange black flames rushed up from under Ye Chen's feet and swallowed him in an instant.

Ye Chen died, but the audience was not boiling. Instead, they were calm and focused, afraid of missing any details, because everyone knew that Ye Chen had a passive resurrection. Next, it was the real battle!

Jian Wuhen did not dare to take it lightly. While Ye Chen had not yet resurrected, he quickly opened his fighting spirit and several BFFs, and his attributes soared again!

After Ye Chen died in the battle, Xiao Hei was completely fine. He suddenly rushed out and turned into an invisible battle gyroscope, strangling Jian Wuhen closely.

This tactic was discussed by Ye Chen and Xiao Hei a long time ago. You know, the artifact withered sword has a strong stiffness.

With Xiao Hei's single strength, he could not break his stiffness. Jian Wuhen was strangled by the invisible gyroscope. Although his HP dropped wildly, his body was as stable as a mountain and motionless.

But at this time, if Ye Chen resurrected and cut off the withered sword with a strong attack, then Jian Wuhen's stiffness would drop wildly, and Xiao Hei would further absorb him! At that time, he would be at the mercy of others.

Everything was still in the plan.


The next moment, Ye Chen resurrected on the spot, with only 20% HP, but at least the weakening of the withered sword of all things was gone.

Strong attack——!!

Ye Chen suddenly attacked and slashed at Jian Wuhen's withered sword. At this time, everyone in the audience opened their eyes wide. Success or failure depends on this one move!

However, Shang Wang, Yiqiang Biaoxue and others sneered.

In a flash, Ye Chen's dagger, with violent power, slashed on the blade of the withered sword.

A magical scene happened...


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