"God, we have already poured the fuel, what should we do next?"

"Set fire!"

Ye Chen took out a large number of torches and handed them to everyone.

This torch costs 10 copper coins each, which is quite advanced. There is a button on the handle, and the torch will be ignited when it is pressed. However, it cannot be turned off, which means it is a disposable consumable.

After everyone took the torch, they ran to the corresponding tent and stood still, throwing the torch out. With a bang, the tent was instantly ignited, burning fiercely, and thick black smoke rose.

The minotaurs in the tent suddenly burst into a terrified howl, but were covered by the fire and gradually quieted down. However, there were also a few minotaurs who rushed out with flames all over their bodies, but they fell down after taking two steps...

After a long time, this piece of land became a ruin, and all the minotaurs were dead.

"Haha, brother Ye Shen, you are really amazing. You can actually come up with such a method!" It took only a few minutes to kill hundreds of minotaurs. The feeling of being as still as a mountain is simply indescribable.

Everyone was also unable to hide their excitement, and consciously cleaned up the battlefield, and then entered the next room-

There was no tent in this room, but there were also a lot of minotaurs. When they found the enemy intrusion, they rushed in furiously at the first time.

Unmoved as a mountain felt a little tricky, but still decisively met it, launched a shield attack, and produced a magma zone.

Ye Chen did not attack, but threw out bottles of fuel, which immediately produced blazing flames and explosions. The minotaurs screamed and their HP dropped rapidly.

"Fuck, this works!" Everyone was shocked, and they were eager to play, and they also learned from Ye Chen to throw fuel into the monster group.

The minotaurs could not bear it immediately, and soon fell to the ground and died.

"Awesome, so awesome!" Everyone howled excitedly. They have been playing games for a long time, but have never experienced such a simple way to kill monsters.

All the way, under the leadership of Ye Chen, everyone crushed several rooms and finally came to the level of a small BOSS.

"Tauren Tribe" is a level 8 dungeon, which is much more difficult than "Flame Swamp" and has a special small BOSS level.

The so-called small BOSS, their strength is second only to the BOSS, and they are powerful gatekeepers in the dungeon. In fact, the higher the level of the dungeon, the more small BOSSes there are.

According to the order of guarding the gate, they are jokingly called: Old One, Old Two, Old Three...

The Tauren Tribe has only Old One, which means there is only one small BOSS, and it is not a Tauren, but a Goblin.

Goblin Doctor - Xia Bo (Elite)

Level 10

HP: 1500/1500

Specialty: Research and Manufacturing

Skills: ? ? ?

Xia Bo is a very old goblin, with wrinkles all over his face, and two white eyebrows above his sharp and cunning eyes.

At this time, it is riding on a small chariot.

At the same time, there are many minotaur guards around it. These minotaur guards are white-skinned and look more noble than ordinary minotaurs. They have no weapons in their hands, but at this time each of them controls a mobile turret, and the black hole is aimed at invaders such as Ye Chen.

According to the background story of this copy, the goblins have completely lost to the minotaurs, so they have become slaves of the minotaurs.

However, Xia Bo, as a goblin doctor, has been recognized and valued by the minotaur king, who allows him to continue his research and sends noble white minotaurs to protect his safety.

In fact, Xia Bo does have many achievements. He has invented cannons and chariots, and he has dedicated these research results to the minotaurs. However, he still has not given up on reviving the goblin clan.

Without the minotaur knowing, he also secretly invented a potion-the goblin transformation potion!

This potion can change genes. After taking it, any race will completely become a goblin! This arrogant madman hoped to use this perverted potion to strengthen and revive the goblin clan and eventually defeat the hateful minotaurs.

However, this was just his wild ambition...

What he really made was just a "defective product". Defective products could not change the genes against the will of heaven, but could only temporarily turn the race that took it into goblins.


Xia Bo was very disappointed, but he did not give up. He continued his crazy research and experiments, failed again and again, and inadvertently mass-produced this potion.

Finally, a greedy minotaur drank this potion and temporarily turned into a goblin.

Such a result scared him, and he also realized that this madman did not really submit to them, the minotaurs. When he was about to report to the minotaur king, he ran into Xia Bo unlucky.

"There is a goblin here, and it tried to steal my research results!" The cunning Xia Bo incited the minotaurs with a few words and killed their compatriots as goblins.

After that, Xia Bo became more careful. He didn't need these defective products, and was afraid of being discovered by the minotaur, so he poured all the defective products into a small lake.

Then, his research and experiments continued, and the ideal "Goblin Transformation Potion" was never produced. He finally realized that it was just a legend...

However, for a long time, he kept pouring defective products into the lake, and eventually the water in the entire lake turned into Goblin Transformation Potion! Of course, it was also a so-called defective product, because the genuine product did not exist at all.

Of course, these are the plots of the Hell-level copy. That lake can only be encountered in the Hell-level copy.

In the Hell-level copy, if you can gain Xia Bo's trust, it will even take you to see the body of Goblin King Gaoge, which it specially preserved with ice crystals!

If you happen to be a priest with the resurrection skill, you can definitely resurrect Gaoge!

Gaoge, who has been sleeping for a hundred years, is not as strong as before, but with Xia Bo's series of great inventions, King Gaoge is enough to compete with the Minotaur King! In the end, both sides will suffer...

Next, it's time for you to reap the benefits!

This is the perfect strategy to pass this Hell-level copy. You can easily kill two golden lords at a time! The benefits are off the charts...

"Hey! Humble and insignificant human, let me show you my great invention!" Xia Bo laughed sharply, instantly interrupting Ye Chen's reverie.

Then, the Minotaur guards fired suddenly, and black shells fell towards everyone.

"Hold on! Thieves, follow me in stealth!"

Ye Chen reminded Budongrushan, used stealth to hide, and sneaked up with Xiaoqi and other thieves.

"Attack with all your strength!" Ye Chen said as they came behind the minotaur guards, took out the red flame dagger and pointed it at the back of a minotaur guard, and started to attack.

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