The strongest assassin in the server

Chapter 419 Domineering Iron Warrior

"Catch the leader first."

Ye Chen's eyes turned cold, and he locked onto Jian Wuhen. "Liu Mang, have you found the opponent's Holy Word Mages?"

Liu Mang "Found them, a total of 4."

Ye Chen "Very good, the opponent is just a Holy Word Mages, you are a Silence Mages! Silence them all at once, and then ban [Silence]!"

After speaking, Liu Mang waved his staff, and four holy lights fell, covering the four Holy Word Mages including King Shang, and directly banned the opponent's [Silence]. Then, another holy light fell, covering Jian Wuhen, banning - instant killing.

In this way, Ye Chen completely let go.

He took a big step and rushed directly to Jian Wuhen. Jian Wuhen's eyes were stern, and his face became a little ferocious. This Ye Shen was too presumptuous. He could kill himself in seconds, so couldn't he kill him in seconds?

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Illusion Sword Shadow!!

Jian Wuhen rushed over, even if he didn't kill instantly, his speed was still very fast, not to mention that Ye Chen was rushing towards him?

Soon, the two sides were close, and the big sword in Jian Wuhen's hand rolled like a wave, reflecting hundreds of sword shadows. This sword shadow is not illusory, it actually has attack power--

Thump, thump, thump!

It was as if hundreds of big swords were slashing Ye Chen at the same time. Jian Wuhen's powerful force was launched, and Ye Chen was stiff, his head tilted back slightly, and he stepped back uncontrollably.

This phantom sword shadow is a rare skill of the magic swordsman at level 50. The higher the lv, the more sword shadows are separated. He Jian Wuhen can play hundreds of sword shadows, which shows that his level is not low.





In just one second, hundreds of damage appeared on Ye Chen's head, and his HP dropped to the bottom in an instant, and he couldn't die any more.

"Humph." Jian Wuhen smiled for the first time in a long time, but he didn't relax his vigilance, because he knew that Ye Chen still had a passive resurrection.

Because of this, he simply didn't end the illusion sword shadow, and just kept slashing. Anyway, this skill lasts for several seconds, and when Ye Chen resurrects, he will probably be killed again.

Thinking of this, Jian Wuhen couldn't help but curl his lips.

But at this moment, Jian Wuhen suddenly felt a huge whirlwind coming...

Yes, this is obviously Xiao Hei's blade storm. He Jian Wuhen killed Ye Chen, and Xiao Hei didn't have any problem. He directly released the blade storm. The violent whirlwind directly dispersed all the sword shadows, broke the skill, and then tightly stuck to Jian Wuhen to rotate and strangle.

The powerful adsorption ability was activated, and Jian Wuhen couldn't move.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Xiao Hei is invisible and invisible, and outsiders can't see it at all. So in everyone's opinion, Jian Wuhen was retracting his attack, and he stood there shaking like a spasm...

"Fuck, I don't know what's going on?" Jian Wuhen couldn't help but get furious.

He could feel that he was controlled by the sword storm. But Ye Chen was already dead, and he hadn't been resurrected yet, but he could still release skills? Damn it, monster!


The next moment, Ye Chen stood up, his palm shook subconsciously, and the sharp dagger danced a gorgeous sword flower at his fingertips as if it was alive.

Throat slashing! !


Ye Chen's eyes were stern, and his figure had already rushed out. The sharp dagger cut Jian Wuhen's neck, and blood spurted out like a fountain. Jian Wuhen fell to the ground with a muffled groan.

The title of the source of sin was activated, and a red ball flew out from Jian Wuhen's body and quickly sank into Ye Chen's eyebrows, hp +50!

After resurrection, only 20% of the HP was left. In just a moment, Ye Chen's HP stabilized again.

"Come on! Kill Ye Shen first at all costs!" King Shang trembled all over and roared in anger.

Ye Chen vs Jian Wuhen, this battle lasted only three seconds, but for outsiders, it was exciting.

In the previous second, Jian Wuhen used the phantom sword shadow to suppress Ye Chen for a time and got rid of Ye Chen's passive resurrection.

But in the next two seconds, Jian Wuhen was inexplicably stiff, and Ye Chen killed him directly, easily!

Jian Wuhen is the golden signboard of the Shangmeng. Now that he was easily killed by Ye Chen, King Shang was naturally angry.

"His resurrection has cooled down. Take advantage of this time and come at me!" King Shang roared.


Thousands of troops roared at the same time, gave up the battle, and surrounded Ye Chen. Soon, Ye Chen was surrounded, from inside to outside, with more than ten layers!

"Focus! Blast him to death!"

As soon as the words fell, countless big moves came towards Ye Chen.

Change clothes!

The next moment, the gust of wind that enveloped Ye Chen disappeared, and his whole body became shiny black. Just standing there, there was a sense of indestructible heaviness, the Iron Warrior!

"Bang bang bang..."

Big moves poured down, attacking Ye Chen intensively, but Ye Chen was like nailed there, motionless.

Blowing fire! !

Although he didn't move, Ye Chen was inevitably hit hard, and his HP dropped straight, but he blew fire to kill a straight line in seconds, and replenished his HP in an instant...

Under the opponent's circular focus and Ye Chen's continuous blowing of fire... Ye Chen's HP kept rising and falling, but he just couldn't die.

"Hiss! Damn, it can't be killed in seconds like this? Iron Warrior, too abnormal!"

"Not only that, the Iron Warrior is only one aspect. Ye Shen has the special effect of killing people and restoring blood. If he kills one person, his HP will be +50%. He can blow fire to kill a row of people at once, and his HP will always be restored to full value, so of course he can't kill them in one second!"

The opponent has thousands of people, and they can't kill Ye Chen in one second even if they bombard him at the same time. This horrible thing made them feel half disappointed.

On the other side, Xiao Hei changed into the Beyblade Warrior suit. The original blade storm had a cooldown of more than 20 seconds, but it was shortened to 2 seconds in an instant...

After 2 seconds-

Blade Storm!

The huge blade storm just appeared, and hundreds of people in the innermost circle were strangled in an instant. But Xiao Hei couldn't see it. The people outside saw hundreds of people inside die inexplicably, and they panicked.

Destruction Storm!!

Xiao Hei killed hundreds of people in one second, and instantly accumulated full leveling points, and released them directly. Suddenly, countless dark flame darts were shot in all directions.

"Puff, puff, puff..." The enemy screamed but did not fall, wwzhaoosyanc were pierced by invisible flame darts.


In less than three seconds, the thousands of troops besieging Ye Chen were all killed.


Ye Chen changed into the wind warrior suit again, "Bomb them, blow up their base!"

Bang, bang, bang...

The magic crystal bombs bombarded the intermediate base of the Merchant Alliance without any cost, and it shook more and more violently, and finally exploded with a bang. The wreckage fell to the ground.

"Kill them, don't leave any alive!" Ye Chen ordered coldly.

Destroying an intermediate base is nothing to the wealthy Merchant Alliance. They have plenty of money to build countless intermediate bases.

So at this time, they have to kill their people and kill all of them by 10 levels. See if they dare to be arrogant?


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