The strongest assassin in the server

Chapter 386 Golmo's Dream Shirt

The so-called special effect equipment is equipment that enhances a certain skill.

For example, the Beyblade Warrior - Golmo, the special effect equipment on him has some that increase the range of the Blade Storm, some that increase the power of the Blade Storm, some that increase the duration, and some that reduce the cooling time... and so on.

The overall combination makes him a Beyblade Warrior! !

Ye Chen's Storm Necklace is also a special effect equipment, which increases the range, movement speed, power, and so on of the Blade Storm.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network → method 𝚠𝚔g𝚗.𝚌 situation𝚖]

This one of his is equivalent to several special effect equipment of Golmo. Of course, he only has one, so it must not be as good as others.

There is also the Shadow Bracelet that Ye Chen gave to the Future Thief God, which is also a special effect equipment for Shadow Attack.

"If I remember correctly, the duration of Golmo's Blade Storm is more than 10 seconds! And the cooldown time has been reduced to 6 seconds..."

Ye Chen sighed secretly, what does a 6-second CD Blade Storm mean?

You know, Blade Storm is a level 30 ultimate move of a thief, and the CD is 42 seconds!

Even if Ye Chen has a storm necklace and reduces the CD a little, it will still take more than 30 seconds. But this Golmo has only a 6-second CD.

More importantly, the duration of Golmo's Blade Storm is as high as more than 10 seconds, which is terrible. As long as he doesn't want to end and is not broken, he can always turn into a battle top!

It's not that he only has the Blade Storm skill.

But... he only needs this one skill, and it's powerful enough.


"It's a pity that our team doesn't have a Holy Word Mage, otherwise, as long as the Blade Storm is banned, Golmo will be finished." Lan suddenly said.


Ye Chen nodded, the Holy Word Mage is indeed powerful, this is undeniable.

It's not just Golmo. You should know that there are many special effect warriors in the "Source of Nightmare" dungeon!

Any special effect warrior often has only a few powerful skills. Once they are banned, those special effect warriors will become SB immediately...

However, the Night God team currently has no Holy Word Mage, which is a sad fact.

"Damn it, this gyro has been spinning for a long time, why doesn't it stop?!"

"And the movement speed is so fast! Generally, the Blade Storm is only half the speed of the player itself, and the Blade Storm of the Night God boss exceeds its own speed, but this Golmo is faster!"

"Yes, we ice mages want to control it, but we can't control it..."

At this time, Golmo turned into a gyro warrior, killing all around, and the team had collapsed. More than 100 people died.

Break Wu Jue!

Dou Qi!

Gale Step!

Ye Chen opened the BUFF and rushed over. Now only his speed can catch up with the gyro warrior.

"Now let's try the hidden effect of strength after the revision!"

A smile flashed across Ye Chen's face, and he strode to catch up with the gyro warrior and slashed with a knife - strong attack!

A strong pressure, as Ye Chen's dagger hit the huge gyro, actually shook the gyro away, -8050!

The defense of the gyro warrior can be imagined, so that Ye Chen's strong attack only dealt 8000 damage. But Ye Chen's powerful strength took effect and actually shook the gyro away.

Before the revision, when the damage reached a certain level, the stiffness effect was added.

After the revision, when the strength reached a certain level, the stiffness, knockback, and knockback effects were added! If you use skills, the effect will be stronger!

But no matter stiffness, knockback, knockback, stiffness or dominance, you can withstand it.

Golmer Gyro Warrior, he himself does not have much stiffness, let alone a dominant body, but the gyro cuts the air to generate a whirlwind with strong defense. Ye Chen's powerful strength did not make the opponent stiff, but knocked him away...

Looking at the scene of the huge gyro flying backwards, everyone was stunned.

Everyone has read the content of the revised version on the official website and knows that the "power" of this version is very weird. But they can't play it because they don't have enough power.

"Tsk tsk, the power of the boss Ye Shen, I'm afraid it has exceeded 2000 points!" A Berserker screamed in horror.

He is a level 50 Berserker, with only more than 700 points of strength, but although Ye Chen does not have 2000 points of strength, he has 1960 points!

Various powerful titles, the Chapter of Courage, the Lieutenant Colonel Medal, the Stone of Sin, the feedback power of the Blood Tree...all added together, making Ye Chen's power extremely terrifying.

He is a Berserker with 700 strength, and using wild collision can only make the gyro warrior shake slightly...You know, wild collision itself has a knock-away effect!

Ye Chen, with 1960 points of strength, easily knocked the Beyblade Warrior away with a strong attack... and the strong attack did not have a knock-back effect, it was Ye Chen's strength that took effect!

Of course, in this version, intelligence also has the same hidden effect as strength.

If a fire mage's intelligence is off the charts, a small fireball can stiffen the enemy and knock it away.


Looking at the Beyblade Warrior flying backwards, Ye Chen also smiled complacently.

His attribute explosion is an ironclad fact, not to mention that there is also Xiao Hei superposition?

Then, Ye Chen's eyes condensed and shouted: "Ice Mage, Congeal!"

You know, the movement speed of the Beyblade Warrior is extremely fast, and those who want to control it can't control it, but at this time, the Beyblade Warrior was knocked away by Ye Chen.

Then for a period of time, the Beyblade Warrior cannot move freely.

The ice mages immediately roared and used Condensation to break Golmo's Blade Storm and freeze him.


Ye Chen roared and attacked first, destroying Golmo's HP in a few seconds. The rear focused fire, various arrow rains, fire dragon breaks, and killed him instantly!

No Holy Word Mage?

It doesn't matter, control, take him away in one wave!

"Boss Ye Shen is so awesome. After the update, he is even more powerful!"

"Let's see what equipment the Beyblade Warrior has dropped. It's probably the special effect equipment of Blade Storm!"

"Yeah, it's awesome to let Boss Ye Shen become a Beyblade Warrior?"

Looking at Golmo's body, everyone cheered. Ye Chen's heart moved, and he also lowered his eyes to look down. Sure enough, he found something -

Golmo's Dream Top (purple quality/suit)

Level 50

Equipment type: Leather

Physical defense +510

Strength +60

Agility +30

Special effect: Blade Storm LV+1

Special effect: Blade Storm range +30%!

Special effect: Blade Storm CD-3 seconds.

Note: This item cannot be traded.


This Golmo's Dream Top is a suit, but strangely, they don't have a suit effect...

And the significance of the planner classifying them as suits, in Ye Chen's opinion, is only to explain one point: they cannot be traded!

Whoever picks it up gets it. It cannot be traded, dropped, or stolen.

This is a special effect suit, while Ye Chen's Storm Necklace is just an ordinary special effect equipment, which can be traded.

Many people were a little disappointed after seeing this. After all, if it cannot be traded, how long will it take to grind it? When will it become a powerful special effect warrior?

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