The strongest assassin in the server

Chapter 305 Hero's Tomb

"As expected."

Yechen looked at the pet in front of him that had grown into a lord, his eyes slightly focused. The result was exactly as he imagined.

The bloodline of divine beasts is fundamentally different from the bloodline of lords, like a chasm!

Feeding Xiao Hong with a "crazy cow's bottle" for a long time may have a birth-inducing effect, but the effect is so weak that it can be almost ignored.

But feeding the lord baby with a bottle will directly push the baby to the limit!

"It's amazing, my brother, he actually brought the baby to maturity!!" Big Fried Chicken was overjoyed. At this moment, he had 5 lord pets.

"Really sharp."

Tank smiled at the big fried chicken and said: "I remember that in the demon army, the demon dragon was also a summoner, like a necromancer. He summoned a bunch of garbage, but you summoned 5 lords. A fight like this would be like a father beating his son. …”

"Pfft!" Lan was amused by Tank, and his branches were trembling with joy.

Yechen took the three of them to a cemetery.

The name of this cemetery is Tomb of Heroes!

As the name suggests, various heroes from the light camp are buried in this cemetery.

And those who can be called heroes are naturally those with outstanding military exploits.

Yechen led the three of them through the tombstones.

The order of these tombstones is based on the military ranks of these heroes during their lifetime! The ones at the forefront are all golden tombstones! It is the tombstone of the marshal and general!

Yechen ignored them, looked around, and found that among the many ordinary tombstones in front of him, there was a tombstone inlaid with gold.

Master of All Souls - Tomb of Duduli

This is a very resounding name. Duduli was only 10 years old when she died in battle.

10 years old, with the rank of colonel! That's what the so-called genius is...

Duduli is a beast trainer with an innate affinity. Any monster will involuntarily want to get close to her.

With this ability, she subdued various holy beasts... During the battle, she instigated enemy monsters many times and made outstanding achievements.

She has various titles and auras...the youngest colonel in history, a genius animal trainer, and a magician of all spirits.

Among them, Wanling Mage is the loudest, because she has so many battle pets under her command that they form an army... There are more than ten holy-level pets alone!

Among the entire Tomb of Heroes, Duduli’s tombstone is the most special.

Her tombstone is not only inlaid with gold rim, but also surrounded by more than ten small tombstones, which are very ornately decorated. Combined as a whole, it looks like a small flower bed.

Those dozen small tombstones are the tombstones of her sacred beasts.

"Touch her tombstone."

Ye Chen handed over the leader to Big Fried Chicken and said.

Big Fried Chicken was stunned for a moment, then put his hand on Duduli's tombstone, and heard a system prompt in his ear——

System: It has been detected that you are a beast tamer and have 5 or more lord pets. "Duduli's Heritage Space" is open to you. Do you want to enter?

Big Fried Chicken was stunned and glanced at Ye Chen blankly.

Ye Chen then smiled. He had known this for a long time, so he asked Big Fried Chicken to get all 5 lord pets.

Because this space will only be open if the animal trainer and 5 or more lord pets are satisfied at the same time.

"Is this a copy? Is that holy beast in it?" Big Fried Chicken asked.

Tank and Lan also looked at Yechen.

"You'll know if you go in and take a look." Ye Chen said.

The big fried chicken nodded. He was now the leader and led the small team directly into "Duduli's inheritance space".

System: You discovered Duduli’s inheritance space, and the recognition rate is +60!

As the system prompt sounded, Yechen and others came to a special space. It was surrounded by colorful lights, balloons of various colors were launched into the sky, and there was a rainbow in the sky.

It appears to be a replica, with only two rooms and a very small scope.

Ye Chen and others looked up and could see the door to the second room at the back.

In front of the gate, lying an old white dog.

Loyal Dog - Jim (Holy Beast)

Level 35


Skill? ? ?

Status: old

Jim is also one of Duduli's battle pets.

According to the background information of the game, in the battle where Duduli died, Jim was injured and did not participate, and ultimately escaped.

After that, it loyally guarded the tombstones of its owner Duduli and all its companions, never leaving.

After so many years, Jim has become very old.

It is now a level 35 holy beast, but its total HP is only 100 million. You must know that the 18th level Xuanwu Beast Soul has 180 million HP.

"Young animal trainer, congratulations on coming here."

Seeing someone coming in, Jim stood up. Although he was old, he had an indescribable majesty of a beast king. It looked at the big fried chicken and actually spoke, "I am the Necromancer - Duduli's pet. Maybe you have heard of her name."

"Yeah, I know, she's a great trainer."

Big Fried Chicken replied cautiously, but then he looked anxious and panicked, and asked on the team channel: "Who is Duduli?"

Yechen: "..."


Lan: "..."

I can't finish the information about Duduli in one or two sentences, and it's too late to say it now.

Big Fried Chicken knew that he had entered a certain plot and was very flustered. Fortunately, Jim did not continue to dwell on the topic of Duduli and said directly: "Yes, my master died prematurely. She was a true genius. I am afraid that the person who can inherit her ability will never appear again."

"But her relics and will must be passed on." Jim said: "Young tamer, if you and your companions can defeat me, you can take my master's relics."

After saying the last sentence, Jim's body became bigger, roared, and triggered a strong vibration.

The battle has begun. Big Fried Chicken summoned 5 pets without hesitation, the violent bear king, the rampage snail, and the fire giant as the forward.

Medusa, the banyan tree king, the back row support.

Ye Chen and Tank also rushed up, and the battle started in an instant.

Weapon weakened!

Tank played a skill. Although Jim had no weapon, his attack power was also greatly weakened. Ye Chen and a group of pets bombarded immediately.

In a few seconds, hundreds of thousands of HP were taken down.


Jim roared, swinging his claws to attack Ye Chen, who had the most hatred. However, Ye Chen's dominance made it impossible for him to repel him, and he could only hit a small amount of HP.

"It is already quite old, and its attack power is not as high as everyone imagines. Just hit it hard!"

Ye Chen roared, and under the amplification of the elf dragon, the damage was off the charts. After a few combos, it was hundreds of thousands.

After being hit hard continuously, the blood bar above Jim's head began to slowly decrease.

You know, it is a holy beast!

Generally, the blood bar of a holy beast will only flow slightly after being hit for a long time. All these phenomena show that Jim is really old and his combat power is only one tenth of it.

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