The machine temperature is normal, the pressure is normal, the depth is 1 km..."

After all, this is just his first time diving into the deep sea.

dong dong dong!


Opening the backup channel that had been prepared on the ship, Ye Tian and Li Wen gritted their teeth, jumped, and passed through the defensive formation directly into the deep sea.

Due to the high pressure under the water and the recent cold current, Ye Tian chose to use modern equipment in order to preserve his combat power as much as possible.

"Activate the electromagnetic gun! There is also a water-based magic defense array!"

Under the navigation like this, Ye Tian and Li Wen continued to dive.

Fortunately, there is an encounter in the ancient battlefield, so Ye Tian has already adjusted in just one breath.

Ye Tian quickly unzipped his clothes, revealing a dark gray shallow sea suit.

"Is it a deep-sea creature like a whale?"

Seeing the huge size of the other party, Ye Tian still felt very incredible and asked in a low voice.

At this time, Ye Tian didn't dare to be careless and walked quickly to the radar. As expected, there was a huge black object on the green dial that kept approaching Ye Tian and the others.

It was at this time that Ye Tian discovered that the behemoth displayed on the radar just now was not a monster, but a group of fish. A group of strange fish covered with spikes!

The huge ball of light sprayed out, directly illuminating the entire seabed in front of him.

"Damn, those things are catching up!"


"It shouldn't be, because of the damage to the ocean over the years, endangered creatures like whales have long been marked, and if they rely on wireless radar, they will show it.

In fact, Ye Tian had already expected this result when he was preparing, after all, none of those monsters were fuel-efficient lamps.

Through the thick windows, Ye Tian carefully observed the surrounding situation.

"There is no other way! Let's go!"

After saying that, Li Wen pressed a few buttons with ease, and the whole submarine began to speed up and dive toward the deep sea.

The group of strange fish at this time also noticed the direction of Ye Tian and the others, and rushed over like a fly.

Apparently it's an unknown creature..."

It would be strange to him if it were all going well!

"Huh? Show me!"

"I can't handle that much anymore, I will push forward with all my strength!"

It's just that the atmosphere didn't last long before it was broken by Li Wen's sudden cry.

"Lord Inspector, the device seems to be malfunctioning..."

Looking back, Li Wen smiled reluctantly, seeing that there should be no serious problem.

Feeling that the visibility around him was very low, Ye Tian immediately used light magic.

Although the deep-sea diving suit has some ability to resist pressure, the strong pressure around it still made Ye Tian's breathing a little difficult for a while.

Hearing the sound outside and the depression on the floor in front of him, Ye Tian also cursed helplessly.

At this time...

"Lord Inspector! An unknown creature is approaching fast!"

As the diving depth deepened, the last ray of light around was also swallowed up. At this time, in the entire underwater world, only Ye Tian and their submarine were still exuding a long white light.

Hearing Li Wen's solemn answer, Ye Tian could only frown and order quickly.

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