Ah, no!"

Then this woman will be your punishment for wasting your time just now!"

Hearing the meaning of the other party's words, Ye gritted his teeth and shouted.

At this time, Mo Hai also lost his usual calmness and shouted hoarsely.

Seeing the blood that kept sliding down, Mo Hai's expression also seemed a little dull.

Seeing the increasingly critical scene in front of him, Ye Tian's mind began to revolve rapidly.

tick tock...

But at this time, Ye Tian just wanted to stand up, but he affected the pain under his feet.

Ye Tian was unable to dodge and hit the ground. Fortunately, Mo Hai, who was next to him, reacted quickly, kicked him away, and broke his hand.

Just when Ye Tian wondered what trick this guy was going to use, suddenly a woman's howl came from above them.

It can't go on like this anymore!_

Just as the monster finished speaking, a spike that emerged from the ground directly penetrated the second aunt's chest.

"Another one!"

However, as some of them kept on their way, they also found that they were getting closer to the center, and these things became stronger and stronger!

Due to the special environment and the pollution of demonic energy, many mummified corpses here have become such undead monsters.

At this time, Ye Tian looked up and realized that a woman had been suspended above their heads.

Ye Tian waved the Scepter of Four Elephants and smashed the mummified corpse in front of him into a ball of powder, and said with a solemn expression.

Fortunately, the three of them were not strong enough, so even though the incident happened suddenly, they were suppressed.

Although he had already made some preparations for the cruelty of these monsters, Ye Tian's mood couldn't help but shake when he saw such a tragic situation in the world happen in front of him.

He doesn't care if any of the rest of the Mo family die, but there is no second aunt who is his last weakness!

Way! There must be a way!

According to Ye Tian's estimation, under the circumstances of their high speed and the strength of the opponent, I am afraid that they will not be able to hold on for a long time, and they will all be damaged here.

"Trash, now is not the time for you to hesitate, if you don't move..."

"Yoyo, look at your pitiful appearance, human beings are really fragile.

Just when Ye Tian couldn't stop thinking, suddenly a big hand stretched out from the ground and grabbed his ankle.

"Second Aunt!"



At this time, when he lowered his head, he found that a handprint with deep visible bones had appeared on his feet at some point.

In this way, the three of them rushed in towards the unknown in front of them.



The two brothers Liu Yun and Liu Yu quickly slowed down when they saw this scene, and protected Ye Tian behind them.

He casts magic on the monster in front of him that was rising from the sand.


Mo Hai lost both parents since he was a child. It can be said that this second aunt brought him up. Originally, he thought that he became stronger and stronger now, and he also had a certain position in the Mo family. He wanted the second aunt to live a good life, but unexpectedly this kind of thing appeared thing.

Although the number of undead troops outside was huge, the ones who were in the periphery at that time were just some ordinary soldiers, so their strength was not strong.

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