my shadow..."

Moreover, Ye Tian has almost exhausted his means during this period of time, neither magical spiritual attack nor formation can cause any damage to this guy.

"Ye Tian, ​​if you don't give me your body! With the power of the compass, I don't believe that he can't break through this space!"


At this time, Ye Tian was horrified and began to look around the surrounding environment. At this time, he also slowly discovered that although the current space was furnished the same as the previous one, it gave people a completely different feeling.

"Boy, don't bother, no one can escape in my shadow space!"


He was like a loach, although his strength was not strong, Ye Tian had no chance to attack him at all.


Different from usual, Ye Tian at this moment seemed very stubborn, and directly rejected the proposal of the compass. Instead, he stared straight at the space in front of him, as if he was thinking about something.

"I see how long you can last!"

Ye Tian turned slightly sideways and said to Liu Yun, who had been numb to the side, but his spiritual power was pouring out in an instant, and he carefully observed the surrounding plants and trees.

"Who the hell is sneaking around, get out of here!"

However, the opponent would never miss such a good opportunity. In the blink of an eye, he came to Ye Tian's face again, and with a buzzing sound, the pure magic energy shot out directly.

Hearing the reminder from the tool spirit, Ye Tian suddenly realized that his shadow had already disappeared!


The tool spirit who heard this sentence was also stunned, obviously he did not expect Ye Tian to reject it so readily.

With a loud bang, Ye Tian also flew upside down, and the blood smeared a long trace on the ground. It looks like the injury he suffered this time is definitely not light._

Although the attack was not sharp, Fa gave Ye Tian a fatal blow, but the back-and-forth harassment left him with a lot of scars, and he looked very embarrassed for a while.

As if feeling the despair in Ye Tian's heart, the shadow demon just smiled slightly, and continued to circle around, preparing to find a good opportunity to inflict heavy damage on him again.

It's like everything is blurred, and it's definitely not just dust.

"Boy really dares to talk big! Let's survive from my hands first!"

Almost at the moment when the voice just fell, Ye Tian keenly felt that there was something floating in front of him, but what he caught when he stretched out his hand was just a mass of nothingness.

Suddenly Ye Tian only felt a gust of wind coming from his right side, fortunately, he had already prepared and kicked with a whip on his side. Likewise, he didn't mention anything.

"Liu Yun, hold Liu Yu and hide to the side, leave this guy to me to solve it!"

"Hehe, I didn't expect to find me so soon. It seems that you are still a little bit savvy..."

"No! I don't believe it anymore..."

Ye Tian's right hand kept gasping for breath, and the shadow was attacking around him like crazy.

This time Ye Tian was not as tense as before, so the dark beam of light hit his chest straight.

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