I have to say that Ye Tian has been in some ancient families all the way... his brain is really degraded.

That's... Mohai!

"This should be the symptom of blood sacrifice. Even the core disciples of the Mo family have become like this. It seems..."

However, in today's information age, it is really effortless.

Investigating some purchase records was very troublesome for people in the past, and it cost a lot of manpower and material resources.

Now it seems that it is not that they actively colluded with monsters, but they are staring at them!

Since they were transferred here a month ago, it can be said that the two of them have been conscientious in getting a thorough understanding of the surrounding forces.

Slowly, with the continuous replay of the video, Ye Tian also found some clues. According to what he saw Mo Hai before, that guy should be in a bottleneck period. Tiger Step, at first glance, it is very human.

Seeing the manager like this, the three knew there was no other better way, so they sat on the chairs and stared at the screen carefully.

After an hour, Ye Tian yawned and said with some fatigue, but before he could walk out of the door, he was suddenly attracted by a figure on the screen in front of him.

"We belong to the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, which is a chain. Generally, there are many such transactions. Therefore, there is no record of them. Please trouble the police officers to find the suspects."

At this time, Ye Tian could also feel that this Heaven and Earth Alliance was probably much more powerful than he thought, and he almost entered the police station's core database after making a few phone calls.

When the time comes and what it will be capable of..."

Hearing Ye Tian's words, the expressions of the two also became anxious.

After sending the two unlucky thieves to the police station, the three of them have already begun to investigate the matter.

Among them, there is a lot of knowledge about the leading Mo family here. According to past observations, although this family is huge, it is still a duty to do things. Usually, it follows some formal channels, and there is nothing out of the ordinary.

And with the help of the police station, Ye Tian and the others have already retrieved the monitoring data in the store without much effort.

Liu Yu didn't finish his words, but the three of them understood how powerful it was. It could be said that at this time, there was no sleepiness at all, and they rushed back immediately._

So it didn't take long for Ye Tian and the others to finally find a buyer who had recently purchased a large number of beast cores from the transaction data.

Seeing Ye Tian's excited appearance, Liu Yun and Liu Yu were also overjoyed, and his eyes did not dare to leave the screen for half a minute.

Although the guy was anonymous, it didn't bother them in the slightest. After all, items like this with a large amount of transactions were usually carried out in physical stores.

However, the person in the video at this time, except for the shape and face, was very comfortable to observe as a whole, as if he had lost his vitality.

"Stop! Go back!"

"No, we have to speed up the investigation. Now that the young and old of the Mo family have been taken away to sacrifice their ability to sacrifice Dafa with blood, if they really find a hiding place by them, it is estimated that it will not take long for that monster to develop like this. Will regain strength!

"Oh, this thing is so boring, and it's all over now, I'm going to sleep for a while, you two keep an eye on it..."

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