it is good!"

Seeing that the patriarch Wang had entered a state, Ye Tian did not dare to relax in the slightest. At this time, he released all of his spiritual power to purify the surrounding demonic energy with all his strength.

"Hmph, you white-eyed wolf, just take care of yourself. Don't take a good look at who repaired your body! These days have been exhausting for me, not only to calm the damage in the compass, but also to take care of yourself. I have to mend this broken body for you. Sigh..."


Wang Moyu was wearing a green dress when she saw that Ye Tian had woken up, and even cried out directly._

"It's alright, don't complain. After I go out, I'll look through it to see if there is any material that can repair your spirit. It will definitely increase your strength by then!"

"Don't say that, I'm not a landlord and I don't have any surplus food anymore."

"Fight! Destroy the King Formation!"

Just as Ye Tian kept calming Qi Ling's emotions, suddenly the door was opened with a creak.

At this moment, he turned his right hand into a fist and swung it out heavily, an invisible space fluctuation instantly rippled around, and a figure in the void in front of him also fell out in embarrassment.

"Okay, I'm not talking nonsense with you. Now take a good look at your own body."

Ye Tian's eyes also glowed at this time, and when he saw those precious materials, he almost shouted out excitedly.

Hearing Ye Zhiqiu's words, Ye Tian was also taken aback for a moment, and then he recovered his spiritual power and began to investigate in his body.

"Boy restrains the demonic energy on his body! Big Fragmented Empty Palm!"

Ye Tian tentatively punched the air, feeling that the non-stop rippling space also smiled with satisfaction.


"You worthless boy seems to have fallen into the eyes of money... Alas, how did I blindly choose you in the first place!"

"You're awake! No wonder my grandfather said you were all right, your resilience is really amazing!"

The royal clan elder roared and flew forward, but at this time he didn't notice that Ye Tian had already turned pale.

I don't know how long it took, but when Ye Tian felt exhausted, the patriarch Wang suddenly let out a loud shout.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Tian once again found that he had returned to the bedroom.

"This group of guys looks like a wolf."

After the loud bang, Ye Tian only felt that the front of him became more and more blurred, and then he fainted.

At this time, he glanced roughly, and there was a list of various supplements and gifts from major families that had accumulated in the room.

After getting Ye Tian's affirmative answer, the last stone in the king's patriarch's heart also landed. At this time, he closed his eyes, and there were some silver-white rays of light surging around, and it seemed that he was searching for Luo position of the day.

I saw that Luo Tian's face was pale at this time, and he lost his prestige and domineering.

It seems that this time I have gained a lot...

At this time, he was surprised to find that the space inscriptions originally engraved on his bones had begun to spread and gradually spread to the blood vessels, and his physical fitness had also been comprehensively improved.

"Got you!"

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