Come are you like a turtle..."

With the force of the tool spirit's arm, the energy output in the compass also increased. After a cracking sound, the wall in front of him seemed to be suddenly touched by some kind of mechanism, and some cobweb-like cracks began to appear.

What Ye Tian didn't expect was that the figure did not bounce back. Instead, it blended with the wall strangely and disappeared from Ye Tian's line of sight.

In this way, Ye Tian managed to accumulate an attack, but he was also empty.

Fortunately, Artifact Spirit was not silent, but continued to use his remaining power to control the compass, constantly removing obstacles for Ye Tian's path forward.

"Boy... keep chasing."

And the originally hard wall disappeared with the forceful push of the tool spirit's arms forward.

With the words of the tool spirit, Ye Tian was relieved a lot, and withdrew his defenses around him. He tightly locked the figure in front with his mental power and started to chase after him.

In the words just now, Ye Tian could feel the exhaustion of the artifact spirit. It seems that using the power of the compass just now is not a small consumption to him, which makes him even more uneasy.

The voice appeared again.

"This is..."

The tool spirit also seemed to be provoked at this time, and rushed directly into Ye Tian's mind, forcibly controlling his body.

The pool was filled with viscous red liquid, bubbling upwards continuously, and looked like blood from a distance.

Ye Tian, ​​who regained control over his body, also nodded.

"Humph! I got you!"

"Lend me your body and I'll see what the hell this guy is up to!"

"The God of Fire is here!"

The paper man's voice seemed to be coquettish, but it was even more creepy in this weird situation.

The huge magical flame quickly took shape in Ye Tian's hands, and quickly turned into a huge fire dragon, rushing towards the strange man in front of him and bombarded it.

At this time, the paper figure seemed to tug at the man's neck more forcefully. In an instant, the figure became even more illusory and directly hit the wall beside him.

"Boy, I will protect your body. You can let go of your speed and chase with all your might.

I saw the tool spirit at this time put its own on the wall and carefully perceive it. The compass also roared slightly, and the pure spiritual energy poured into it.

This thing is like a formation machine made by man, it is estimated that many people in it have been assimilated, if he finds a companion, you will be in even more trouble!"

Ye Tian took a few steps forward again, but this time it wasn't the weird paper figures or the obstructing walls that appeared in front of him.

A strange cold feeling swept across Ye Tian's body instantly, causing him to shiver._

"it is good!"

At this time, Ye Tian's heart also tugged with the clearer and clearer voices.

Instead, a huge pool appeared.

In this way, Ye Tian continued to move forward, and he didn't know how long it took, and the sound of footsteps became more and more dense around.

Seeing that the figure was getting closer and closer to him, Ye Tian also slowly stretched out his right hand, which had violent energy fluctuations.

At this moment, he could only stand blankly in front of the wall, feeling a little overwhelmed by the powerful formation.

"Hehe, I don't play with you anymore..."

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