The next thing became very simple, with the addition of the group of the endless sea, coupled with Yun Tianheng's original strength, the rest of the remnants were quickly cleared.

"Haha, as the saying goes, there is a banquet in the world. I've stayed in Zhou Yun's family city long enough, and it's time to leave."

"Where is this, I would like to thank Brother Yun for giving me the fragments of the holy stone this time. This has helped me a lot."

Ye Tian jumped directly, holding Yun Mei's wheelchair and jumping over.

"You will bully the third brother!"

No matter what problems you encounter in the future, you can always take refuge in my Yun family, and I don't believe that anyone in this world can move you."


It's just that he might not have noticed at this time that it was in front of a gorgeous mansion in the entire Yun Family City.

"It's so, so I won't say more.

Since these days, Yun Mei and Ye Tian have established a deep friendship.

"Why, brother Ye, the old hospitality is not good, why don't you stay here for a few more days, and this one will leave in the middle of the night."

Since Ye Tian regained his ability to move, he took Yun Mei to run wild in this Yun Family City every day.

As soon as the words fell, Ye Tian's figure disappeared into the vast darkness.

"Brother Ye, Brother Ye, slow down! There is a hurdle ahead, don't throw me out!"

During these days, the two of them could be said to be climbing the wall and doing everything. And this period of time has become one of the few leisure times that Ye Tian has had for a few months.

Because despite his displeased appearance, anyone could feel the excitement beneath his blushing face.

"Then I would like to thank Brother Yun for your kindness. I don't want to see such a day. Let's meet again by fate!"

"It's me who wants to thank you, let's not be so polite, since you are determined to leave, I can only wish you a smooth journey.

A thief-minded little head protruded from the crack of the door, staring at Ye Tian's departing back.

I heard that Mr. Yun has made a lot of good things in the mountains, so let's go there and try something new."

Yun Mei looked at Ye Tian's back speech, and there was a little sparkle in her speech. She clenched her fist tightly.

When I saw you for the first time, I knew that brother, you are not something in the pool, and you will always make a breakthrough in the future, and when you become famous, don't blame brother for harassing you so much."

Since Ye Tian's previous formations had already caused great damage to their bodies, this trip didn't take much effort.

And after everyone finished dealing with the matter, they were fortunate to find that Ye Tian was just a little out of strength, plus some strain on the meridians caused him to fall into a coma.

Night fell quietly, and Ye Tian's figure was also at the door of Yunjiacheng.

"You have 180 hearts if Brother Ye is here.

As soon as Ye Tian left, she was the saddest person in the Yun Family City._

With the current medical conditions of the Yun family, it is only a matter of time before they can recover.

Time flies, and a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

"You big bastard, don't you say we are brothers? Don't even tell me when you leave! Humph! When I have the ability to go out in the future, I must open your ass!"

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