Old man, if you support me wholeheartedly, I can forget what happened today, otherwise..."

Looking at the honest and honest appearances of the two, Ye Tian could also guess a rough idea. It is estimated that this shameless boy caught the two of them again, causing the two of them to help Yun Yi complete this mission.

Do you feel like your body is hot right now and your belly is constantly hurting?

Boy, let me tell you plainly, the poison of this poisonous cockroach will soon kill people!"

It's hard to imagine that such a heartless guy almost brought down such a behemoth.

What tricks is this old guy Yun Tianheng doing?

Alas, Yunxiong Yunhu, why are you two brothers watching this guy fooling around."

"You... what did you do to us?"

If some people are here, they must be aware of it. This is the secret art of the flute sound of the Gu Sect.

I saw Yun Tianheng clapped his hands, and said with a lonely look, even his originally straight back was bent a little.

Outside there are strong enemies feeding around, and inside there are things like Yun Yi that stir up the situation. If it wasn't for the hard support of the old guy Yun Tianheng, I'm afraid the Yun family would have been finished long ago.

Although he had expected something like this to happen today, as a member of the family, he was definitely not feeling well now.

I saw Yun Tianheng turn to look at the two burly sweats in the crowd,

"Hehe, let the Yun family fall into the hands of a rat like you, how can I have the face to meet the ancestors below!

Yun Yi said with a terrified expression on his face.

At this time, the beetle-like Gu worm that Ye Tian took out from his bosom pressed hard, followed by a melodious flute sound from the crowd.

"What did you do? Oh, to deal with scum like you, it is natural to use extraordinary means.

"Ye Tian, ​​whatever benefit that old guy promised you, I can give you whatever he can give you, whether you want a position of power or a woman, I can give you anything!

As the flute continued, Yun Yi's complexion began to darken, and even the faces of the crowd behind him changed one by one, and their bodies couldn't help bending.

The sound seemed to be pervasive, traversing the boundaries of space, reaching people's hearts, and reverberating throughout the entire venue.

Ye Tian couldn't help shaking his head when he saw this scene, the current family is really precarious.

"This is the end, there is no need to say more, Ye Tian call your people out."

Aware of those sharp eyes, the two big men buried their heads deeply as if they had done something wrong.

As soon as I heard the three words poisonous cockroach, the whole venue instantly calmed down.

This kind of poisonous insect is like thunder in this mountain, and almost no one is unaware of its existence. It can be said that if there is no special antidote or if the toxin enters the body in advance, if the toxin is rushed into the body, this toxin will be harmful to any high It's deadly for a magician of the highest order.

Although almost everyone felt that something was amiss, no questions came up for a while, and they could only look at the venue in front of them with puzzled expressions.

Hearing that this kid still wanted to bribe himself at this time, Ye Tian couldn't help but pat his forehead.

As long as you help us get rid of the poison, you will be the big benefactor of the Yun family in the future!"

Oh, how sad._

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