Everything happened between lightning and flint, even the old woman realized it only after realizing it, only when she turned around did she see Ye Tian and the others.

Ye Tian's complexion instantly became bitter after the fight.


As soon as the voice fell, the voice of the tool spirit disappeared in Ye Tian's brain.

"Don't make trouble, kid!"

Hearing the voice of the tool spirit, Ye Tian also felt a chill in his heart.

"Damn! Thunderstorm!"

"Boy, you're not going to use mental piercing, are you?"

At this time, Ye Tian's eyes couldn't help but swept over the three huge bugs behind him, if it really was like what he said about this stop...

Seeing Ye Tian's figure rushing over, the three Gu worms also gave up, there were already a series of Ma Longs in front of them, but instead they pointed their finger at Ye Tian.

At this time, Ye Tian didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly mobilized a part of the Holy Stone's power?

With the order, the surrounding clouds began to thicken slowly, and fierce lightning flashed across the valley, splitting the trees into coke one by one.

good chance!

Just when Ye Tian couldn't help but plan to shoot, a voice in his mind suddenly caught his attention.

"Look at your tone, sigh. I can't help it, how can I show you such a person. Take it, find a way to portray these three formations on the body of the Gu worm. If I guess correctly, the three Gu worms will also It's not a complete body. Although the connection with the noumenon is difficult to cut off, it's not enough to hinder it."

Just when Ye Tian was going to point his finger at the third one, he turned around and found that Xiao Hei had been pressed by a Gu worm._

And the three Gu worms in it are the first among them.

"You're thinking of them too simply, if that's the case, will the Gu Sect still exist?

bang bang bang!

"Everyone keep their distance! Stay away from those three! Xiao Hei and me!"

"Hehe, you bully a little girl, but you have the nerve to say this."

With your simple mental tricks, you can only deal with people like the village chief. When you meet real Gu masters, their mental power is very tenacious, and the connection with Gu insects is even closer. Trick..."

"Don't talk nonsense! Is there any way to say it quickly?"

Ye Tian had already remembered the few arrays given by the tool spirit just now, and now it is even more handy to use. In just a few breaths, the bodies of the two Gu insects have already been painted on by Ye Tian. .

"you wanna die!"

Seeing this scene, the corners of the old woman's mouth twitched upwards.

Since Xiao Hei has just turned on his intelligence and can't use magic, so now he basically relies on his instincts for every move and every move. Although he can still resist their attack for the time being, the decline is already evident.

"Who's here! Gu sect do things, idle people, etc. to avoid!"

The old woman squinted her eyes and almost squeezed these words out of her teeth. It seemed that she had already moved her heart to kill.

It is the voice of the spirit.

These three Gu worms were much more powerful than he imagined. Although their bodies were huge, they didn't hinder their flexibility in the slightest. If it wasn't for Xiao Hei's strong body to resist, I am afraid that Ye Tian would have been seriously injured by now.

There was a trace of scorched black on the huge white body, and the thunder arcs kept wandering on them, and the cycle was not directly killed by virtue of his strong physical fitness, but Ye Tian at this time could clearly feel their speed. It's already half a beat.

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