Turn back time to 18 years ago.

"The major island owners visit late at night, what is the reason?"

A man who looked like this Solvay in seven or eight points said lightly with a teacup in his hand.

This person is Su Wei's father, Su Tiancheng.

At this moment, Su Tiancheng frowned, and there was a faint murderous aura in his eyes.

This group of people was aggressive and malicious, and Su Tiancheng also guessed their purpose by seven or eight points.

At this time, he was surprised that these people reached a covenant in a short period of time.

Things are a bit difficult.

"Lord Su, why do you pretend to be confused? Why do we come, I'm afraid you can't understand it yourself!"

At this time, an old man under the candle light said gloomily, if Ye Tian was here, he would definitely recognize him, the island owner of the vortex island!

"Bang! No, I absolutely disagree! I can't just watch everyone in the endless sea and be buried on the mainland like this!"

Su Wei angrily patted the table and said angrily, and the old men in the back couldn't help shrinking their heads.

"You really think this endless sea is your Su family's word!

Su Tiancheng, I'm here to advise you! Don't toast, eat or drink fine!"

"Go away! Don't force me to do it here!"

"Lord Su, what a powerful official! Then we'll see you tomorrow, I don't believe you can block the voices of Youyou!"


After taking the group of old men to leave, Su Tiancheng couldn't help but squeeze his temples with both hands.

Just then, a shadowy figure appeared from behind.

"Those people are looking for you for the mine."

The woman said leisurely, the candlelight further brought out the beauty of the beauty, and her eyebrows and nose looked very much like Solvay.

"I'm afraid things will be difficult to handle. Once all the mines are mined, these people will definitely not give up.

With the holy stone and those minerals, the endless sea will fall into a very vicious circle.

At that time, with my own strength, I am afraid that I will not be able to stop the general trend at all.

I absolutely can't watch the endless sea be destroyed by their hands!

No, Leng Hai, you go first, leave this place and never come back!"

"No, I absolutely can't leave you!"

"You have to think about our children..."

As soon as the word "child" was mentioned, the atmosphere instantly fell into silence.

In fact, what Su Tiancheng thought was very simple. After all, once he implemented his plan, he would probably be madly counterattacked by the rest of the islands.

At that time, when he can't take care of himself, how can he allocate his energy to protect the mother and son?

If those unscrupulous people will set their sights on the mother and son at that time, I am afraid they will all be more fortunate.

Once the plan fails and everything falls short, there is absolutely no chance for their mother and son to survive.

Seeing the tears that kept falling on the woman's face, Su Tiancheng's heart seemed to be deeply pierced by a knife, and suddenly softened.

"Hai'er, don't worry, after I have dealt with all the time, I will definitely try my best to find you mother and son on the road.

You have to raise Wei Er well, and then we will stay away from disputes and leave the endless sea completely!"

"I'm waiting for you...you must come back..."_

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