Although everyone on Eddy Island blocked them in every possible way, they still couldn't defeat Ye Tian in the end.

The popular words are very provocative, and immediately aroused the response of the people below.

"I come!"

"It's really a lifeless thing..."

Of course, as for resources, as well as the qualification for the coronation of the knight title, you have to earn it with your true skills!

As for the rules, one person on each island is chosen for everyone to compete in the arena. The winner of the ring competition lies in my competition. Whoever wins will naturally have it all!"


Ye Tian hurriedly released a high-level magic.

Although there is no danger inside, the surrounding walls are very hard due to the mineral deposits below.

But just as Ye Tian was about to get up, the people around stood up suddenly. Following the direction of everyone's eyes, Ye Tian found a man in a blue striped robe standing at the entrance of the mine in front of him.

"Everyone must have been waiting here for a long time!

And his words obviously caused an uproar in the crowd.

The people here are not fools, and they naturally know that under the current circumstances, if Feng Xing insists on dragging time with them, the mines must belong to him.

At this time, Ye Tian didn't have so many thoughts to play with him, and naturally he just came up and exposed all his strength.

"Vortex Island! Ye Tian!"

The people on my Whirlwind Island came one step ahead of everyone, so they went into the hole to explore.

"Fire attack!"

"Those shrimp soldiers and crab generals on the dark island are nothing at all, just because he wants to fight with our boss, go home and practice for two more years!"

Although the people below were not very optimistic about Ye Tian, ​​Ye Tian had just arrived on the stage, and when he saw that Liu Tian, ​​he immediately bowed and saluted.

After the two saluted, Liu Tian immediately took two steps back.

"Guangming Island! Flame Magician! Liu Tian!"

From the magical aura just now, Ye Tian could feel that although this guy's strength was not weak, he was only on the same level as Haier.

This Liu Tian's strength is obviously not weak, and he has a certain reputation in the endless sea, so after calling for a long time, no one dared to challenge.

"Forest of Thorns!"

"Haier on Eddy Island didn't come this time, so this guy should be the second-in-command. With his strength, he wants to kill Liu Tian, ​​who has been famous for a long time. I think it's hanging!"

And he has undoubtedly left a hole for everyone. An opportunity to complete this task, although the strength of risk is strong, it is not invincible.

Listening to this day, I just smiled slightly, and jumped on the stage with a hard kick with my feet.

Although the voices below were chattering, they all reached Ye Tian's ears.


"Okay! Then I, Liu Tian, ​​will come to meet you!"

"That's the powerhouse on Eddy Island?"

If you want to get those precious minerals, you have to break down these walls. Obviously, everyone on the Pioneer Island can't do this work, so I would like to ask everyone to help us here.

Ye Tian couldn't hold back his breath at this time, and shouted loudly.

After all, the most daunting thing on Whirlwind Island is not Feng Xing's personal ability, but the overall quality of the entire team. When they are integrated, it is not as simple as 1+1=2.

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