When the five members of the Shadow Society watched vigilantly at the three auras that were approaching in front of them.

"Who is your Excellency, and why do you want to attack us?"

And behind the skeleton creature, a young man dressed in Finnish kingdom clothes and holding a magic bow in his hand followed behind.

At this time, several figures slowly entered their line of sight, two giants exuding deathly aura, just like two monsters composed of skeletons, the ground trembled with every step they took.

The other men in black didn't say anything more, their eyes were fixed on the front, their faces were full of solemn expressions.

"Caddy, are you alright!"

Immediately afterwards, the magic arrow flying in the air suddenly turned in a different direction, as if it had the ability to lock, and went straight after one of the five-star flame magicians, and the five-star magician also noticed this scene. , cursed secretly.

"I'm not injured, but the magic power is too much!"

Ye Tian himself didn't watch, the wind element factor formed around him, the whole person rose into the air, approached the direction of the five people on the opposite side, and pulled the bowstring at the same time, with a loud 'boom', the magic arrow was fired again. out.

Especially in this kind of field battle, basically either you die or I die, naturally you have to ensure your peak state.

Not to mention, at this time, the two magicians who have been facing him have not much magic power left in their bodies. Even if they are in their peak state, as long as he is given some time, he will still clean up them clearly.

The voice fell, and the mind communicated with the two undead creatures and issued an order to them. The two undead creatures suddenly let out a roar and rushed towards the direction of the five members of the Shadow Society, rushing with death energy.

"Damn, wind archer..."

Only, will Ye Tian let them hide so easily?

Either way, it's unacceptable to them.

Otherwise, if you fight, if you don't have enough magic power, it will be over.

This is not something that ordinary fifth-order advanced archers can do, and at least sixth-order is required.

This team is none other than Ye Tian and his two fifth-order and sixth-order undead creatures.

The man in black at the head gestured to the other people with his eyes and told them not to do anything. Right now, they are all consuming too much. If they can delay the recovery time for a while, they will have a better chance of winning.

The five members of the Shadow Society are not fools. When they saw the magic bow in Ye Tian's hands, they immediately guessed that the one who had just fired the magic arrow at them would be the young man in front of them if there was no accident.

Ye Tian smiled lightly when he saw the two people who were facing him.

Hearing a 'boom', a magic arrow was fired, hitting one of the five members of the Shadow Society.

"Two people?"

At the same time, the rich fire element factor appeared in front of him, and fire rings condensed out one by one, and flew towards the bow and arrow that was chasing him. , cancel each other out.

The five members of the Shadow Club moved to avoid the surroundings, only to see that the ground where they were originally, collapsed in an instant under the blow of the undead creature, and two cracks dozens of meters long and two or three meters deep were on the ground. form.

The other men in black also nodded when they heard his order, then picked their opponents and rushed forward.


Several of his teammates naturally noticed the situation on the fire magician's side, and their expressions immediately became ugly. They didn't expect that the magic arrow would follow, and burst out with a penetrating power that was not weaker than that of advanced magic.

Several people in the shadow team, when they saw the flame magician's face turned pale, couldn't help but surrounded him and tightly guarded him behind him. One of the men in black, who should be the leader, looked at him and asked.

The black-clothed man at the head looked at Ye Tian with an incomparably cold expression and said icy coldly.

And this fire magician, when dealing with a fifth-order magician in the adventurer team in front, consumed a lot of magic power. The magic arrow that Ye Tian just shot is not weaker than advanced magic. How many.

Seeing these two skeleton creatures, the five members of the Shadow Club looked at each other with solemn expressions.

After all, after the five of them have finished packing up the adventurer team, each of them has less than half of the magic power left in their bodies at this time. When they don't know the details of the opponent, they can still save some magic power.

Obviously, it's not possible!

The headed man in black looked at the two behemoths in front of him, his face was full of solemnity, and he said lightly.


The five members of the Shadow Society joined together and formed a number of defensive magics to block the arrow.

Afterwards, he raised the magic wand inlaid with a fire attribute crystal in his hand, his expression became pious, and his mouth was persuasive.

It even used up the little magic power he had left, making his complexion pale and gasping for breath.

At this time, the two undead creatures also approached the five people, waving the weapons in their hands and slapping them in their direction.

When the magic arrow was about to shoot into the air, the surrounding storm magic elements suddenly rioted.

Even if the strength of this lineup is not weaker than the previous adventurer team, they are not at their peak now. Even if they can kill the opponent, they will definitely be seriously injured, or a few people will die.

The fire magician in the man in black shook his head and frowned.

Then he took out a bottle of recovery potion from his pocket and poured it into his mouth.

The members of the Shadow Society, who were originally calm, felt a strong aura of death, and their expressions suddenly changed. Something is going to happen.

Moreover, the two undead creatures standing in front of the young man on the opposite side are not low-level. The smaller one is only a fifth-order undead, and the larger one is a sixth-order undead, not to mention that he himself is a high-level bow and arrow. hand.

On the opposite side, Ye Tian is also slowly moving his footsteps, two undead creatures are walking in front, and he is following behind him, holding a high-level magic bow in his hand, he took out a magic arrow from the quiver behind him, and put it on the magic arrow. on the bow.

Ye Tian sneered, really pretending that he couldn't see the other party's little tricks, and wanted to delay time and dream.

"We didn't want to provoke Your Excellency. Since Your Excellency is unwilling to let us go, don't blame us!"

"Nonsense, of course, it's the people who killed you, can't I still do something to you?"

After the voice fell, several wind blades appeared in front of him, and then flew towards Ye Tian's direction.

"Two people deal with this sixth-order undead, one will deal with fifth-order undead, and the rest will kill this guy. As long as the undead magician is killed, the undead creatures he summoned will naturally perish and have no effect!"

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