When the battle was heard in front, the five of them were attracted.

Speaking of magic equipment, Ye Tian was a little distressed. Magic equipment, like the magician department, also had different types of magic equipment. Only magic equipment of the same department as the magician could be used by magicians.

But now, he doesn't care about the resources in those people at all, so he just ignores it.

In the team, everyone began to become a little worried. Born in the Kingdom of Finland, they knew nothing about some things. If they didn't come here just now, it would be fine, and nothing would happen.

"Notice, immediately!"

Thunder type, earth type, undead type, storm type, dark type... all five types are separated, this is only temporary, so in the future, wouldn't he say that he wants every type of magic equipment, all Get ready for the last one.

"Then what are we going to do? Do you want to inform the City Lord's Mansion of Lanhuang City?"

Ye Tian turned on the dark magic invisibility technique all the way, sneaked under the shade of the tree, and continued to move in the direction of the magic city.

Prepare to go back to the magic city, sell the resources that you don't need now, such as mixed magic spar, and replace it with a single attribute magic spar that can be cultivated, as well as some extra magic wands, etc. All are sold.

The man in the brown magic robe at the head hesitated for a moment and said through gritted teeth.

Although he seldom used magic equipment, a powerful magic equipment would greatly improve his strength, and the specific increase would depend on the level of the magic equipment.

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"Notice, at that time, will the City Lord's Mansion..."

I saw that the man who shouted at this time looked at the corpse of the young city lord on the ground, his expression was full of solemnity, and his breathing became a little heavier, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

When the other people heard the shouts, they all woke up with a start, and looked over suspiciously.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Tian advanced more than 50 kilometers again, and came to a boundary that was 600 kilometers away from the magic city.

Because the magic wand needs to be inlaid with energy, only when the energy is inlaid, the magician can improve the casting speed of his own magic skills, as well as the power and accuracy of magic by communicating the energy on the magic equipment.

"What's wrong?"

Energy is also a kind of magic crystallization of various departments, such as the beast core of Warcraft, and it is also a kind of magic crystallization, as well as pure natural magic gems, so only other magicians of the corresponding department can use it.

The man in the brown magic robe at the head looked at the magician who had called them over and asked.

So how much do you have to prepare? At least a dozen pieces!

"Oh, my head hurts..."

The man in the brown magic robe headed, with a dignified expression, nodded and said.

But if they are notified, who knows if the City Lord's Mansion will take the matter of Jesse's death and turn their anger on their heads. Although they didn't kill people, they have no choice but to count this matter on their heads. !

Looking at it, it really looks like the Jesse Young City Lord they have seen, and everyone can't help but take a breath.


As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the other four people present also changed, and they hurriedly looked at the corpse on the ground.

The people didn't stay in place for much longer, and walked straight towards the shouting man.

"But if we find out and don't notify us, someone will find out about us, and then it will be really hard to tell!"

Ye Tian is not worried, those magic equipments do not fit his category and cannot be used.

But seeing the scene in front of them now makes their hearts feel a little heavy. Beside a few people, they didn't see any dropped magic equipment or resources. It should be the magician who killed them. Take it away.

Of course, this does not include defensive magic equipment, only offensive magic equipment, like magic wands.

But now they are close to this side, and have come into contact with the bodies of Jesse and others.

The shouting magician took a heavy breath, pointed to the corpse on the ground, and asked.

Instead, he is worried that he has mastered too many departments. How many departments have he mastered so far?

At this time, I can already feel some breaths from the two magicians.

For the first time, Ye Tian felt that there were not many magic elements, and it was also a troublesome thing.

Since he has already done all the things he should do when he came here this time, he has no intention of staying here for a long time.

During the period, even if he met the magician team of the Kingdom of Finland, he did not choose to do it, mainly because he was too lazy to do it. The reason why he chose to do it before was because he lacked resources and could only rob from those people.

"Captain, hurry up and take a look, does this deceased person look a bit like Jesse, the son of the lord of Lanhuang City?"

In the team, someone's face was full of nervousness, and he hesitated.

Don't say it's them, even some poor people or ordinary nobles recognize it, how could they not recognize it.

"It shouldn't be, those of us are only the strength of the fourth rank. Can we still have the ability to destroy a fifth-rank magician team? Thinking about it, it seems impossible, so the City Lord's Mansion should It won't depend on us!"

The man in the brown magic robe nodded, interrupted the words of the person who spoke, and said again.

As for speeding up the release of magic, this has little effect on Ye Tian.

The forest of monsters belongs to the territory of Lanhuang City, managed by the city lord of Lanhuang City, and Jesse is the son of the city lord of Lanhuang City, which is equivalent to his own territory, and now he is dead here, you can imagine things severity.

"Come and see..."

"Look at what?"

And just as they were thinking about these things, a man shouted not far away.

However, what Ye Tian values ​​is only the blessing of magic equipment on the power of magic skills.

"It is indeed the Lord Jesse!"

Jesse's face at this time is not very clear, the whole face is covered with filth, but the five of them have seen Jesse. After all, Jesse can be regarded as the top aristocratic class in Lanhuang City. .

Mainly, he himself will be able to cast magic instantly, no matter what level of magic skills, as long as you buy the magic mastery in the system mall, all of them can be instant cast, and you don't even need to practice.

The other people also thought it was reasonable, so they didn't say anything more, and were going to notify the city lord's mansion to come to collect the corpse.

If this is the case, the City Lord's Mansion will not be notified, and if someone discovers it afterwards, they will be finished.

As for Ye Tian on the other side, when several people arrived, he had already left, and he didn't know what was going on here.

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