Ye Tian, ​​who walked out of the city, stopped and took out the animal skin paper map from the resource pack.

Only fools would do these things!

Otherwise, with a target location in two directions, a distance of thousands of kilometers, even at his current speed, it is difficult to reach two places in a short period of time. Of course, if there is still time, naturally you can go and see .

As long as it is not very close, even a high-level magician may not be able to find it.

Ye Tian hid in the shade of a big tree, staring at the magician team that came over.

Without any hesitation, he put away the animal skin paper map and took out another map, Ye Tian moved forward all the way.

"Although it can't be completely shielded, it still reduces the fluctuation of the magic breath as much as possible!"

After hesitating for a moment, Ye Tian glanced at the hilltop and finally sighed helplessly.

"In the animal skin paper, the hilltop recorded is not very close to the magic city. It is about 200 kilometers away from the magic city, and it has to travel hundreds of kilometers to the left, and there is no guarantee. , can find something!"

For such a long time, whether he was breaking into the Mage Tower, dealing with the mission target, or the Mage team he killed last time, he rarely did it himself, and they all depended on the undead summoned by the undead system.

The direction of the small hill recorded on the animal skin paper can be said to be going deep into the inner area of ​​the Forest of Monsters. Among them, you will definitely encounter monsters of a higher level than the outer area. Although the night has penetrated a distance of several hundred kilometers, the danger is still there. Moreover, the most important thing is that the junction line that I went to last time is located in the outer area, one is going straight ahead, the other is driving forward for a certain distance, and then heading all the way to the left.

It might be a resource, or it might be a dangerous place, and I can't say for sure. After thinking about it again and again, he is still ready to give up.


Besides, it's not like others haven't done it, so what if you do it yourself?

Although the undead system is also a part of his strength, this time he wants to try his actual combat power.

However, the undead creatures of the sixth rank are his reliance this time, and he does not intend to expose them, and prepares to do it himself.

Casting dark magic to hide, with the help of the shade of trees, Ye Tian seemed to be integrated into it.

"It's about 300 kilometers ahead!"

Finally, not long after leaving those magician teams, Ye Tian finally met the first magician team this time.

"It seems that I am more and more suitable for the sneak attack business, and it is not easy to expose myself!"

After half a day, the time came to evening, Ye Tian finally came to the border line.

I observed the route and direction marked on the map, and at the same time glanced at the recorded direction, and immediately frowned.

"It's not weak in terms of strength, but if you kill it in an instant, it's still no problem!"

Ye Tian moved forward all the way, with the help of the shade of the tree, he activated the dark-type stealth magic, and moved forward quickly.

However, after thinking about it, Ye Tian didn't have this idea for the time being.

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Sure enough, after possessing the dark-type stealth magic, Ye Tian didn't have to worry about some monsters blocking the way, and the efficiency of his journey was greatly improved. According to the current speed, he could reach the junction in about half a day at most.

The woods ahead are dense, blocking the sky, and except for most of the area, the rest of the place is dark.

In a day and a half, we traveled more than 500 kilometers, which was considered acceptable at this speed.

"There are five people in total, three four-star level magicians, and two three-star level!"

"It caused that team of magicians to face Ye Tian's sudden upheaval, and it was too late to react!"

There is still half of the distance from the Kingdom of Finland. Under this distance, unless you fly high and reach above the sky, it is possible to see what the Kingdom of Finland looks like.

The whole person is as transparent as it is, and it cannot be discovered at all.

Ye Tian roughly calculated the distance from the magic city.

This time, he has a lot more ways to save his life and raid, and if he has a chance to make a fortune, he still doesn't know what the kingdom of Finland looks like.

Anyway, I can't see it now, and I will have a chance to see it in the future, so there is nothing to worry about.

If he suddenly burst into flames, plus instant magic, most magicians would not have time to react at all.

Ye Tian couldn't help showing a tangled look on his face, isn't this a bit shameless, but after thinking about it, he dismissed the idea.

Ye Tian calculated the range, and the range was probably within three to five meters, which could be said to be very close.

If he is in the air, although he can see what the Kingdom of Finland looks like, others can also see him. It's fine for himself, but mainly the magicians from the Kingdom of Finland can also find him, and they must be chasing him. He hit.

After many rounds of attempts, Ye Tian came to a result, which still made him slightly happy.

The Secret Realm World and the Water Blue Star World are originally hostile, as long as they can kill the enemy, it doesn't matter what means he uses!

And darkness is what dark magicians like, they can use the darkness to come and go without a trace, relatively light magicians like sunlight, while dark magicians like darker things.

He had tried invisibility magic several times before, so Ye Tian's expression was relatively calm, and he was not surprised.


"Otherwise, if you cast your own magic sneak attack last time, those people will be able to find out in advance without getting too close, then your own breath shielding will not have much effect, of course, the most important thing is because of instant magic. reason!"

Ye Tian dragged his chin with one hand, pondered for a moment, and then prepared to do it. This time, his strength was much stronger than the last time he arrived. Not to mention the Thunder Element, the Undead Element can even summon the sixth-order rank. of undead creatures.

When he got the animal skin map, the magician team of the Kingdom of Finland had already been killed by him, and it was too late to ask anything.

Ye Tian looked contemplative, immediately turned on the system's breath shielding function, felt it for a while, and then whispered.

The last time he came here, he only went deeper into the distance of more than 500 kilometers, and he also advanced half the distance.

At that moment, his breath, heartbeat, and blood flow seemed to be silent to the extreme.

"I don't know if you can hide the aura emitted by magic when you turn on the shielding function of the system's training position when you use stealth. Other magic doesn't seem to be able to do it, but you can hide some of it!"

It can be said that the directions of the two are not on the same route at all, and he can only choose to go to one place this time.

Anyway, there is time next, to avoid this time in vain, it is better to go to the dividing line between the two parties first.

If you go to a small hill, you have to be prepared for no harvest, after all, he doesn't know where it is.

As for what might be a ore vein or something, it's just his own guess.

During this period, Ye Tian also met several magician teams from the magic city, but because Ye Tian was hidden in the dark, he was not discovered.

The time came to noon the next day, plus half a day yesterday, just a whole day passed.

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