Stayed in the dormitory for a while.

At the invitation of Shen Niefeng and the others, they went out to have dinner, and then returned to the dormitory again.

There seems to be nothing else that can exude such a strong magical element.

After observing the growth of magic stars in the body, 52 magic stars were added on the original basis.

"It should be Ye Tian who is cultivating, so let's all leave, don't affect others!"

On the opposite side of the door, Shen Niefeng was also standing at the door, leaning against the door wall, showing his big white teeth towards Ye Tian, ​​and said with a smile.

However, I didn't expect that Ye Tian had just finished the secret world course, and he went to the secret world not long after.

After a little tidying up, when everything was done, the time has come to evening.

"Ye Tian, ​​good morning!"

Without too much hesitation or wasting time, Ye Tian took out a gram of high-quality non-attribute magic spar from the bottle.

Some time ago, Ye Tian also asked her about the secret world course.

Although Mu Lingxi's courses were basically of no use to him now, he still had to take the courses that should be taken.

He still hasn't forgotten that he still owes Ye Tian one million, and he has to save some money for cultivation, and then return it to Ye Tian.

And what happened outside, Ye Tian, ​​who was staying in the dormitory, was naturally unaware.


As a result, other students and teachers like Mu Lingxi couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

As for the understanding of magic cultivation, they must be half-understood, and what they know is not very clear, so this requires the teacher's teaching.

With a few voices of discussion, those students who had just surrounded themselves left again.

In the morning's class, Mu Lingxi glanced at Ye Tian who came, and didn't say much, without Ye Tian speaking, Mu Lingxi generally knew where Ye Tian was going these days.


After washing up, Ye Tian opened the dormitory and was ready to go to class.

While absorbing the magical elements overflowing from Ye Tian's dormitory, Shen Niefeng muttered to himself comfortably.

"What is this guy doing? There is such a strong magical element inside?"

The magic spar, Shen Niefeng naturally knows that he is also an authentic second generation of demons. Although he is a little poor, he still knows what he should know, and he is more knowledgeable than ordinary students in the world.

Take those strange eyes as an expression of envy and jealousy towards yourself.

For the sake of face, as not to see, to ignore?

After all, the things taught in the Uncharted World course are only a few things in general, and not all things are like this.

Without thinking much, Shen Niefeng directly opened the door of the dormitory, found a cushion, sat outside the door of the dormitory, and began to practice.

"Forget it, this guy is rich and self-willed, no matter how he cultivates, it's best if he doesn't even have pants, that's the best!"

It's just the strange look on his face, why does he feel that something is wrong with Shen Niefeng.

After all, after all, he is still a student now, but his progress in cultivation has been somewhat rapid.

Although she also wanted to criticize Ye Tian, ​​she didn't understand anything clearly, so she went to the secret world privately.

To be honest, these passing students looked at Shen Niefeng, who was sitting at the door of the dormitory cultivating, and they were really envious.

"Strange, why didn't this guy take it to the training room to practice, don't you know it's a waste?"

At this time, he was devoting himself to deep-level cultivation.

Thinking of this, Shen Niefeng gritted his teeth unconsciously, and cursed a little unhappily.

The situation like Ye Tian is quite special. Even if there is a question that you don't understand, if you ask Ren Hengyu or Mu Lingxi, they won't necessarily give you an explanation. Some.

"It seems to be from some dormitory, isn't that Ye Tian's dormitory?"

That's what a fool does. Besides, who will look down on you, it's just what you think.

When you come back from class today and practice for an hour or two, you will be able to break through.

I haven't come back for more than a week, and there is still some dust inside.

"Ordinary magic spar, it is impossible to emit such a strong magic element, at least it must be above the eighth-ninth rank. One gram of the eighth-ninth magic spar needs eighty-nine thousand, which is a shameful explosion of wealth!"

"Anyway, Ye Tian, ​​who is staying in the dormitory, can't absorb these overflowing magic elements, and it will be wasted if it overflows. It's better to absorb it by himself. It can also help him waste a lot less, and by the way, it can also increase the speed. , kill two birds with one stone!"

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However, I didn't think much about it, I prepared, and soon, several people walked towards the classroom where Mu Lingxi was in class.

There were even some magic elements that penetrated through the cracks of the door, so that the corridors outside could feel the strong magic elements, which immediately attracted the attention of some students, all of whom showed curiosity.

Time passed quickly, and the next day came in the blink of an eye, Ye Tian woke up from the practice.

It doesn't matter what the people who have passed through it think or look at yourself in a strange way, it's all about cultivating yourself.

In the past, would Shen Niefeng greet him like this?

In fact, even if he doesn't go to class now, he doesn't feel that it has much impact.

At night, Ye Tian didn't go anywhere.

But the specific situation, because the course is less than half a day, the instructor of the secret world course can't explain very detailed, more things actually depends on those magicians who often come and go in and out of the secret world.

Ye Tian nodded and responded.

"Where did the magic element come from, it's so rich"

Who told them they didn't have a good location and an explosively rich neighbor like themselves?

The next undead magic practice began, and the entire dormitory was filled with rich non-attribute magic elements.

But now that she's back safely, she'll be relieved, it'll be fine.

There is Mu Lingxi's class tomorrow morning, so I just stayed in the dormitory to practice.

From the beginning of school to now, he has been doubting every day who is the second generation of demons. Every time this guy says he is poor, he wants to beat this guy, but unfortunately he can't beat him.

If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask the teacher, and the teacher will explain it to you in person.

The total number of magic stars in the undead system has reached 498, which is only a few stars away from the four-star level of 501.

And the teaching time is probably only the first year of the freshman year. After the second year of the sophomore year, most of the students cultivated on their own.

Moreover, with one hand on the door, and the back against the door, why is it a little... In short, something is wrong.

Could it be the magic spar?

Who doesn't want a free practice environment?

The reason why there is a special teacher in the freshman year to guide students in regular classes is mainly because most of the students are from ordinary families.

In the opposite dormitory, Shen Niefeng sniffed and suddenly opened his eyes.

Opened the dormitory door, walked out from inside, glanced suspiciously at Ye Tian's dormitory door, and said suspiciously.

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